Leonid Melamed: talent with connections

Leonid Melamed's case as a mirror of manners in the Russian business.
Origin source
President of the holding company "Composite" and former general director of "Rosnano" Leonid Melamed planted by the court under house arrest. He is suspected of embezzlement: Melamed owned company "Alemar" for 220 million rubles. advised "Rosnano" engaged in the analysis and selection of applications from startups applying for funding.

Every high-profile arrests today excites talk about his political background. Melamed matter literally provokes political interpretation, since his entire career, Leonid Melamed was closely associated with the most famous and sometimes odious figures in Russian politics and the economy - from Anatoly Chubais to the convicted minister of atomic energy Evgeny Adamov. That is why immediately appeared and became almost "canonical" version that the prosecution Leonid Melamed - Access to the chapter "RUSNANO" Anatoly Chubais (especially that appeals to send the latter in prison heard as much as he is present in the public field - more than 20 years).

Formally version is quite justified, because "business Melamed & raquo; It arose from the criminal investigations that have emerged in the wake of the famous report of the Accounting Chamber on the activities of "Rosnano". The report was released in 2012, and criminal investigations began at the same time - but the name Melamed as the suspect was to appear in them just now. "The above report was published in 2012. This once again demonstrates the selectivity of the criminal law enforcement system in our country (especially in the Russian Federation Investigative Committee organs). Although it is fair to point out that winning the multi-million dollar competition for the provision of Melamed consulting services (which at that time a few months he left the post of head of the "Nanotechnologies"), looks very suspicious, "- said the chairman of the Bar" Starinskiy, pots and Partners "Eugene pots.

But there is an alternative version, according to which the true purpose of the resonant case is not Anatoly Chubais and Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov. Leonid Melamed was associate Abyzova much longer than Chubais. Economist Nikita Krichevsky et substantiatedin the version as follows: according to the biographies of colleagues Leonid Melamed, appearing in criminal case - the former financial director of "Rosnano" Svyatoslav Ponurova and former deputy director general of "Rosnano" Andrei Malyshev, - they have less to do with Chubais, as with himself Melamed and Abyzov .

"If earlier the people had more claims to Anatoly Borisovich than the state, but now all the more contrary - says lawyer Elisha Pyatin. - Undoubtedly, the report of the Accounting Chamber is more objective than you can imagine, and the subsequent opening of a criminal case against Melamed - is only the first step in the long staircase of high-profile arrests and detentions. "

Earning where directed

Who was Leonid Melamed? To describe it briefly, is an experienced and apparently talented manager in the energy sector, which has repeatedly held senior positions in the most important state-owned energy and technological corporations, and in the intervals created by private companies that provide services to these state corporations. ethicalnym such a business can not be named, but, on the other hand, if the start of this plant, the jail will have half of Russian businessmen. "In our economic reality very often receive orders even operating their own companies, rather than the former leaders, not to mention the company in which they have an implicit interest," - commented the "case Melamed," co-owner of GC "Finematika" Vladimir Gromkovsky. And he Leonid Melamed, when asked why he provides services to the corporation "Rosenergoatom", which he himself had previously directed, no crime in this fact did not see, replied, "In such complex industries like nuclear industry, more confidence if the person of the industry. He understands the degree of responsibility. "

Thus, the main instrument of Leonid Melamed business has always been communication. They can be judged by how many famous people have taken part in his fate after his arrest: for Melamed were prepared to vouch for the founder of the group "Kaskol" Sergei Nedoroslev and CEO of "N-Trans", a former first deputy head of the Board & LAQuo; Rosnano "Konstantin Nikolaev, and the president of the Moscow School of Management" Skolkovo "Andrey Rappoport, a positive response to the court Melamed signed by the head of" Rosatom "Sergey Kiriyenko, Energy Minister Alexander Novak and Minister for Open Government Mikhail Abyzov. "Rosnano" made a real propaganda campaign in favor of the Melamed, so that the representative of the Investigative Committee, Sergei Markin even made an attempt to straighten Anatoly Chubais. "There is a possibility that the dispute of the parties and political weight Chubais will not allow investigation of anything to end" - suggests the director of the Institute of Contemporary Development Dmitry Solonnikov state.

Novosibirsk clan

10-15 years ago, Leonid Melamed, Michael Abyzova and constant companion and a companion called the members "of the Novosibirsk group" Melamed Dmitry Zhurba manual RAO ​​"UES of Russia". And indeed, they came from Novosibirsk - Novosibirsk and of energy.

Melamed and Zhurba on Education for Electrical Specialistsnick - both graduated from the Novosibirsk Energy Institute (NETI). Melamed first business started in the institute, where together with his friends he created the society "Vector", to develop and sell electronic measuring instruments and software.

Business success of the young engineer was so obvious that it even became assistant to the rector of NETI on commercial activity. Then, with his teammates on the NETI - including a former employee of the institute Michael Korogodskii - he created the company "Limbrok" ​​trading in exchange-traded commodities, and investment and finance company (IFC) "Alemar" - co-owner of the latter and became a student each Melamed Dmitry Zhurba . When "Alemar" bank "Alemar" was created, serving account of industrial enterprises of Novosibirsk. It is at this stage and there was a serious occurrence of business in the energy sector, "Alemar" had investment banking Novosibirsk region administration to attract investors "Novosibirskenergo". Former CEO of "Novoibirskenergo "Vitaly Tomilov the institute was also another Melamed.

"Alemar" organized the production of additional shares of the regional energy company in the amount of 35% of the capital, and 22% of them in the end and were not sold and remain at the disposal of "Alemar" and Melamed Zhurba and engaged leadership energy company. At this stage for them and joined a young businessman Mikhail Abyzov, who had no higher education (according to Forbes, expelled from the second year Mekhmat), but had time to buy in extensive communications, having worked as an assistant to the famous Novosibirsk Politics Ivan Starikov (while State Duma deputy). Company Abyzova ORTEK lubricants supplied Novosibirsk region and the farm machinery, and as a result in order the settlement of debts received from the regional administration stake "Novosibirskenergo".

Subsequently, the stakes were the subject of litigation and prosecutorial investigations: the package "Alemar" - because it was not fulfilled a promise to sell shares to investors and ORTEKa package - as the shares transferred to the regional administrationth at a lower price. But attempts by the authorities to return the energy assets were unsuccessful.

Meanwhile Melamed Abyzov and managed to stay on as deputy chairman of the board of directors "Novosibirskenergo" Dmitry Zhurba for two years was its chairman. And about. Director General of HC "Composite" Vladimir Khlebnikov told "Co" that Leonid Melamed in "Novosibirskenergo" "led and successfully completed the work on the jointing of non-payment, has launched a bill circulation program resumed cash payments to budgets of all levels and all counterparties energy system."

The arrival of the "big power"

In 1998, Anatoly Chubais, was promoted to head of RAO "UES of Russia" and began to gather around him all the very young and energetic sector managers. In the same year Mikhail Abyzov, then still have not received higher education, became a board member and head of the investment department of the RAO.

Abizov, incidentally, followed the same strategy as the Melamed, - to provide services to the companies, which led: ORTEK once inemya supplied coal for "Novosibirskenergo", and when in 2005 Abizov left "UES of Russia", it was created by a group of "E4", engaged in power construction. Through Abyzova and Melamed with Zhurbey could get acquainted with Anatoly Chubais and his team, all three entered the group of experts to develop a plan of priority actions in the electricity industry.

However, before moving to Chubais corporation Melamed still had one important stage in his career - management concern "Rosenergoatom", the manager of the Russian nuclear power plants. In this post he personally chose the Minister of Atomic Energy Evgeny Adamov - he realized deficit in the industry and competent economists declared that a sort of open competition. According to the memoirs of Adam, interviewing friends of entrepreneurs, he compiled a list of 15 people - possible contenders for the post of the head of the group, met with each of them and chose Melamed.

However, atomic concern Melamed headed just over a year. Among his achievements in office, Vladimir Khlebnikov carries that Melamed managed just Polgaand solve the problem of non-payment and dramatically improve the financial condition of the nuclear power plants, as well as to resume the implementation of major structural projects - in particular, to continue the construction of the Volgodonsk nuclear power plant. The share of electricity payment in cash at Melamed increased from 4 to 40%.

In the nuclear industry Melamed met with the head of the institute "AEP" Andrei Malyshev, who later took a job at "Rosnano", and he later led the company Abyzova "E4". Now Malyshev is a suspect in a criminal case with Melamed and according to unofficial information, hiding abroad.

Melamed also acquired in the nuclear industry ties, which have become a good basis for future business, so today "Composite" cooperates with "Rosatom" in the production of composite materials.

Finally, at the head of the group Melamed has gained credibility, which allowed him to get a high appointment in RAO "UES". In 2000, Leonid Melamed went to waste as the Deputy Chairman of the Board.


RAO "UES of Russia" Leonid Melamed worked finances, and its companion "Alemar" and deputy in "Rosenergoatom" Dmitry Zhurba and here, too, began to direct subordinate Melamed and Chief Financial Officer of RAO "UES".

On the merits, Leonid Melamed at this post, Vladimir Khlebnikov says this: "For four years, the entire Russian energy sector has implemented a system of budgeting and treasury execution of the budget in the subsidiaries and dependent companies of RAO" UES of Russia ", without this step it would be impossible to go to investment and reform energy. " "Pointing to the financial order of RAO" UES "- is largely due to Melamed," - agrees the president of the Institute of Energy Policy Vladimir Milov.

However, even in this position Leonid Melamed and Dmitry Zhurba spent a relatively short time - about four years, and then returned to private business. And "Alemar", of course, opened up great opportunities for cooperation with RAO "UES". In particular, RAO "UES" became a minority shareholder in the bank & laquo; Alemar ". Even when Melamed worked in the energy monopoly, "Alemar" engaged in attracting debt financing for its "daughter" - "Altai Energo", and two years after the departure of RAO Melamed on consulting for energy accounts for about a third of all "Alemar" portfolio. Company Melamed, for example, has created a power monopoly for SIF "Reform", designed to buy up shares in regional energy companies, and received 3 billion rubles. The volume of transactions "Alemar" with energy companies in 2005-2007. It is approaching $ 2 billion.


Definitive care in private business Leonid Melamed did not happen: in his way got another corporation, due to which it is today and is under house arrest. In 2007, entrepreneur and head of the investment and financial company "Alemar" was appointed head of the "Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies" ( "Nanotechnologies", now - "Rosnano".)

The share of Leonid Melamed fell the hardest part - the organization of the public venture capital fund(What, in fact, was "Rosnano") from the ground. Actually, it organized Melamed start collecting applications for state co-financing. In the course of its work, Leonid Melamed made a statement which proved fatal for him - he said of "Rosnano", that "no private venture structure is not able to carry out such a deep analysis of the project, as we are, because this procedure is very expensive" . Should I remind you that it was for embezzlement of 220 million rubles., Dedicated "Alemar" for examination filed in "Rosnano" applications, Melamed is now under arrest. "Either of these 220 million rubles. It was absolutely incredible profit share "Alemar", or orders and requirements for elaboration of "Nanotechnologies" projects increases the cost of overhead for the preparation of capital investments ", - commented the expert in project finance, the chairman of SC" Finematika Board of Directors' Vladimir Gromkovsky. According to him, the company "Finematika" makes a similar examination in 5-7 times cheaper.

A year later, Anatoly Chubais was replaced by LeoIda Melamed at the post "Nanotechnologies" general director, while praising the merits of its predecessor, saying that he has done a "great job in just one year" and that "the company has been a difficult start, it created a unique in their collective capacities, which is capable of achieve their goals. " Among the members of this "unique team" were the CEO of "Alemar" downcast Svyatoslav, who became treasurer "Rosnano", and a former deputy head of "Rosatom" Andrei Malyshev, who in "Rosnano" Deputy Director General. Both are now under investigation, drooping already been arrested.

Outstanding "composer"

After Leonid Melamed, resigned as head of "RUSNANO", his business got a new customer - "Rosnano". By 2009, already about a third of the portfolio investment of financial and consulting projects "Alemar" accounted for "Rosnano" system. In addition, in 2008-2009. project companies "Rosnano" opened special accounts to receive funds of the state corporation bank "Alemar ". According to the Accounting Chamber, through the "Alemar" Bank held 9.4 billion rubles. and 4.3 million euros of public funds.

In 2009, Leonid Melamed established its own nanotechnology company - Holding Company "Composite", eventually became his main business (IFK "Alemar" liquidated this year). Reasons for entering into a new industry had a few. In 2008, the government began to discuss the possibility of adopting a special state program of development of the country's production of composite materials - the original, that is, before the financial crisis, for this purpose planned to allocate 63 billion rubles. "In 2009, when at the state level, it was decided to give a new breath to the composites industry in Russia, Leonid Melamed actually took the call," - said Vladimir Khlebnikov. However, in the end, "composite" program was adopted only in 2013, its funding was from 1 to 1.6 billion rubles. per year - but still have government funding. Besides Melamed met with the "core" companion - Head of the Department of Chemical Technology and the Moscow State University of new materials, the owner of an innovative company "unihtech "Viktor Avdeev. He knew how to approach to the production of composites, and Melamed could provide the commercial side of the issue and support from the state. Avdeev today controls 25% "Composite".

The most important raw material for the composite material is carbon fiber, and 90% of its produce to the Russian enterprises of "Rosatom", that Melamed was very handy. Thanks to his connections in the leadership of "Rosatom" under control "Composite" passed the state company "Khimpromengineering" - Russia's largest producer of carbon fiber and composite materials.

In the "Composite" Melamed has invested about 1 billion rubles. Among created at different times with the holding "daughters" of the two were joint with "Rosnano", the three - together with "Rosatom". The loudest project "Composite" was opened in Tatarstan in May of this year the company "Alabuga-fiber" - a plant for the production of carbon fiber, established by the order of "Rosatom". This project worth 3 billion rubles. Russia must cover all requirements for carbonm fibers used in the energy, aviation, and construction. "Composite" plans to supply composite pipe for "Gazprom". For 6 years the company has managed to create a complete composite production cycle: raw materials - carbon fiber, semi-finished products - fabrics and prepregs (composite semi-finished products), as well as finished products made of composites.

Where is the criminal's subordinates and colleagues Leonid Melamed did not spare words to emphasize his talent and honesty. "He's very decent person and a professional high level," - says Michael Melamed Abizov. "Leonid - man unusually open, intelligent, charismatic, talented, experienced, active and progressive. He is a true strategist and leader who can inspire ideas and creative energy to charge all around "- echoes Vladimir Khlebnikov.

But lawyers say that the course of the criminal case will depend solely on the goodwill of the law enforcement agencies.

Managing partner of the group of legal and accounting firms, "SBP" Cyrus Gin-Barisyavichene indicates that the concept of "misappropriation of funds", which are accused Melamed, can be used if the action takes place against the will of the owner, and the owner - in this case, the government - did not mind, and even approve of the activity of "Rosnanoneha" for the transaction.

"If you consider that a decision on the conclusion of the contract with" Alemar "in SC" RUSNANO "received not one, Leonid Melamed, but a whole group of people, which delegated to the Government of Russia, the Federation Council and State Duma, it turns out that the dock should not only be much longer, but the representativeness "- ironically the expert notes.

But legal technicalities often not particularly interested in our investigators and judges.

"In practice, law enforcement officers when they need to, like embezzlement regard any expenditure of property. For example, I signed a contract, paid the money for it - there is a waste. The logic is this: the money, you spend it, it means a waste, "- said the expert of" Legal service 48Prav.ru »Mikhail Krasilnikov.

By the way, in addition to high-profile case & laquo; Alemar ", investigated and less high-profile case of" kara "which also had a contract for the provision of" Rosnano "consulting services. There is a suspicion that the "Qur'an" controls the deputy chairman of "Rosnano" Yuri Udaltsov, in the past as a top manager of RAO "UES of Russia".

Case Leonid Melamed made all the congregation once again draw attention to the fact that such "Chubais clan" - is a unique community of top managers, had and still have a huge impact on the development of the Russian economy. It remains only to wait, have not decided whether to push the Kremlin clan of the remains in his possession, "bread of places."

Summary Leonid Melamed

year and place of birth: 1961, Leningrad

Education: Novosibirsk Electrotechnical Institute (NETI), specialty "radio engineering", and later - the Moscow Institute for Advanced Studies of Minatom of Russia. Candidate of Economic Sciences

Professional experience:
in 1991 - the assistant to the rector of NETI commercial matters
in 1992 he participated in the creation of investment and financial toorporatsii "Alemar"
in 1993-1998. - Director of the Novosibirsk CJSC "Limbrok"
in 1995-1998. - Executive Director of "Soyuzenergoservis" association of enterprises and deputy chairman of the board of directors "Novosibirskenergo"
In October 1998 he was appointed general director of FSUE "Concern" Rosenergoatom "
2004 - Director General of IFC "Alemar"
7 September 2007 - 22 September 2008 - CEO and board member of the State Corporation "Russian Corporation of Nanotechnologies" (SC "RUSNANO")
since 2009 - General Director of Holding Company "Composite"

Marital status: Married, three children.