Supply of uniforms for security forces is a very profitable business

The garland has been gained by BTK Group owned by Mr. Bolloev.
In Russia, like to wear uniforms and discuss. users of social networks has recently argued violently over the pictures of heads of regional divisions of "Mail of Russia", published by Ukrainian bloggers. Many thought that the dark suit with silver embroidery, which posed managers are like those who once sewed on own factories Hugo Boss for the officers of the German SS divisions.

Press-service of the company called insulting comparison, and declared fake photos, saying that the original color of the uniforms of postal employees is dark blue, not black, like a boss, and there is no similarity. But Discussed photos from the official website of "Mail of Russia" were quickly removed.

Mailer is not alone in his love for his tunic and shiny sewing. Dark blue, black, green and even burgundy uniforms costumes embroidered with gold and silver, orders a majority of Russian officials - from diplomats to the employees of the district municipality in Bashkiria (cm incision.). Such clothing attracts attention, but it does not bring the production of fashion designers and the manufacturers usedbrings more money. Truly they earn, clothing line staff departments and corporations. Market uniforms, workwear and protective of his players is estimated at least 175 billion rubles. annually. When is that, according to Rosstat, only a year in Russia sewn with different clothes and shoes for 290 billion rubles.

At first glance it seems that the chance to make money on uniforms is at all: for example, the Ministry of Defense and commodity contracts of state companies regularly receive small regional companies, have not been seen in major business projects. But if you look, for many lucky newcomers are old partners structures, the order is placed. The really big players in the market a bit: each major government customer service supplier 1-2.

Tailors for military

Former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov was remembered not only loud corruption scandal related to "Oboronservis" now. When it introduced the new field uniform in the army, called "figure". The order for its development got famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin. How aboutn told in an interview to "Izvestia", it was the image project: for the work he was paid 23 million rubles, but the money went to the production of samples.. Participating in the development of forms of the Central Research Institute of the apparel industry and the Defense Ministry Central Clothing management received from the military establishment has 170 million rubles.

The sole supplier of a new form of property, and all the clothing for the Russian Armed Forces in 2012, the government appointed the St. Petersburg "BTK Group" Bolloev. In 2014, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued a decree extended the contract with the "BTK groups" before September 2016 and it has been quite different money. The report for 2013, "BTK Group" reported that during the year entered into contracts with the Ministry of Defense by 58 billion rubles. Its revenue in 2013 reached 21.4 billion rubles. And in 2014, according to one of BTK competitors, it increased to 29 billion. A person close to the company, considers this assessment correct. If so, then Bolloev became not only the largest player in the workwear market, but generally the largest clothing manufacturer in Russia, ahead of the former leader - Rostov "Gloria Jeans" with its 28 billion rubles.

But the businessman showed that the production of clothing can be lucrative, if you find the right customers. In 2006, its factory has won a contract to supply 40,000 sets of new forms for the employees of patrol and inspection service of the Ministry of Interior. The ministry was just reform, providing for the renaming of the police to the police, and a complete change of form. In 2007, "BTK Group" has developed a uniform and even Russian Federal Tax Service, told a board member of "BTX Group" Arina Slynko. This service then headed by Serdyukov. Business began to grow. In 2005, the income of "BTK groups" is not reached, and 100 million rubles., Then in 2007 already amounted to 636 million rubles.

In 2007, Serdyukov was appointed Minister of Defense. In 2008 Bolloev factory started cooperation with the Ministry of Defense, received the order for tailoring forms for participants and military parades Victory Parade, development and production of molds for the guard of honor howlingconstant commandant of Moscow. Become a supplier of military department of the company has helped previous experience with him, he tells Slynko. And in 2011, "BTK Group" commissioned by the Ministry of Defence of the glove-based management works Yudashkin has developed a set of all-season field uniforms, consisting of 23 items. This was her competitive advantage: the one who has developed a uniform and usually wins then tenders for tailoring and competitors had little, because they have to spend money to buy patterns and other intellectual property, says the head of one of the companies producing clothing.

On the "BTK group" other state orders fell: in 2010 she made form to the Ministry of Interior, Railways and "Aeroflot", in 2011 they were joined by the Federal Service and the airline "Russia" in 2012 received orders from the Investigative Committee and the " Gazprom ".

Perhaps this success played a role due Bolloev. He never hid the fact that "Baltika" could become the largest brewery in Europe and to attract foreign investors is only thanks to the support of the then governor of St. Petersburg ANtoliya Sobchak and his deputy, and now Russian President Vladimir Putin. Bolloev crossed paths with the future president not only to work: in 2000, the head of "Baltika", along with long-time friends of Putin Arkady Rotenberg and Gennady Timchenko became one of the founders of judo club "Yawara-Neva", which was elected honorary president Putin himself. With many other high-ranking officials Bolloev met after his appointment in 2009 the head of the state corporation "Olimpstroy". From it he left at the end of 2011, "BTK Group" participated in tenders on a common basis, retorts Slynko.

Tailors athletes

After the corruption scandal in 2012. Serdyukov became involved in the case, as the new defense minister was appointed the former head of the Emergencies Ministry and the Moscow Region Governor Sergei Shoigu. Behind him in the ministry and related structures, and passed part of his old team. For example, the CEO of the company "Voentorg", responsible for public procurement ware property for the Defense Ministry, in 2012, the Minister appointed his old friend Vladimir Pavlov.The one in the early 2000s. opened in Moscow restaurants "Grossbir" and "Grossbif" with the support of the Interregional Public Foundation Party "Unity", headed by then a family friend Shoigu, the current governor of the Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov. Shoigu at the time was the leader of "Unity", later turned into the "United Russia". The press service of "Voentorg", "Vedomosti" reported that Pavlov was appointed "in full compliance with established procedures, the decision of the Board of Directors." And in 2014 "Voentorg" on the orders of Medvedev became the sole supplier of the Ministry of Defence property glove service. In the contract with the "BTK groups" it has not yet affected: group Bolloev until 2016 delivers the form, and the "Voentorg" - a panel battle flags, banners, detergents, bath fixtures, tools for footwear and different equipment, said the Defense Ministry representative . In most "BTK groups' claim that the emergence of new suppliers to the Ministry of Defense does not conflict with the status of" BTK groups "as the sole supplier of the field form, if the new orders made to other groups of products nomenclature. "The market we have no one to share, and are the only ones with other suppliers in the partnership," - says a representative of "Voentorg".

Nevertheless, among the things that is going to supply the Ministry of Defense "Voentorg", according to the concluded between them in the 2014-2015 biennium. Contracts have clothes: shirts, jackets, shoes, etc. - only 7 bln... "Voentorg" chose the manufacturers of these products without competition - for the procurement procedure with a single supplier, "BTK groups" among the companies receiving orders there. The selection is made solely on the basis of production capacity and work experience providers, told "Vedomosti" representative "Voentorg". Three of the major contracts went to companies, shareholders or managers who have won competitions in the MOE at the time when it was headed by Shoigu.

Thus, the state order of almost 4.9 billion rubles. for delivery in 2015 hundreds of thousands of sets of shirts, caps, jackets, flight suits and t-shirts got company "Tekstilsnabprom". This firm has been regisHovhan in September 2012 to address mass registration (ibid, according to SPARK, the number of 265 other company). General Director of "Tekstilsnabproma" from May 2014 worked as a trainer in swimming and aqua club Les Trois Santes Strastnoy Maria Simashova. As stated on the site, it has been coaching since 1993 Simashova refused to communicate with the "Vedomosti", referring to employment. Contact the sole founder and former CEO of "Tekstilsnabproma" Gennady Kornakova failed. He, according to SPARK, had experience working with state orders: in 2011 the company "Promsnab" and "Orion", in which he was a director and co-owner, won the MOE tenders for the supply of caps and suits for 1 billion rubles. Both companies are eliminated.

Kornakova partners in these two companies were Alex Alaba and Ilya Gagarin - the former founders and managers of nearly 200 companies throughout Russia.

Order 1 billion rubles. Supply "Voentorg" 80,000 winter jackets from the Ministry of Defence received a St. Petersburg company "PC" Red Fox ", created in December 2013 by professional athletes-alpinistami Glushkovsky Alexander and Vladislav Moroz. Their main company "Red Fox" for over 25 years produces clothing for extreme sports at Red Fox brand, and since 2007, according to data of public procurement, cooperates with the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Total "Red Fox" from 2009 to 2013, won the competition for the Ministry of Emergency Situations 2.9 billion rubles., Which is equal to the total annual revenue of the company during the same period. Glushkovsky is a member of the supreme council of the Russian Union of rescuers, initiated by the former Deputy Minister of Emergencies Ministry, Senator Yuri Vorobyov, father Andrei Vorobyov.

The third volume of contracts obtained by a partner "Voentorg" became another medium-sized supplier of Emergency Situations Ministry: 350 000 Army necessaires (they include razors, toothpaste and toothbrush, shampoo, shower gel and a comb) to RUB 713.8 million, as well. of 15 000 officers set to RUB 46.6 million. Company "Miralayn" put up in December 2013. The company "Avial" director general "Miralayna" Nikita Astakhov in 2010 won the tender for the supply of EMERCOM of about 200 hours of Pilot Time stamp and "Russian time" worth 999,175 rubles. In 2013, "Avial" was liquidationesc.

With the security forces are very difficult to work with: the delay of payment - 60 days supply of the regions - from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka, strict certification requirements and mandatory presence of own production, says a former top manager of the "East-service" Yevgeny Shuvalov. But until last year, the supply of uniforms for the state order were profitable - the average margin was 30%. But now the fabric costs increased by 80% - cotton and polyester all imported, state clients also revised the prices only at 4-7%, warns Shuvalov.

Who puts police and gas industry

During the time of the Minister of Ministry of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev form supplied by the company controlled by two large intermediaries, according to a State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein. Contracts are almost 7 billion rubles. in 2011-2012. company received related to an importer of Chinese wool blend fabrics Dmitry Markov and its partners, and about 3 billion rubles. - With the entrepreneur Mikhail Pedany.

Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who headed the Ministry of Interior in 2012, has dismissed five generals responsible for the materialie supply. Tenders started winning new suppliers. More than 2 billion rubles. divided between Ivanovo company "Clothing and fashion" and Rostov PSHO "Yuzhanka". "Clothing and fashion" - old garment supplier for power structures, but the contracts companies rarely exceeded 200 million rubles. in year. "Yuzhanka" - recently opened in Novoshakhtinsk production. According to SPARC, the founder of "southerners" is Timothy Semenov.

The leader in terms of contracts has become established in March 2013 the company "Overstil", received in the same year contract MIA on 1,8 billion rubles. The only founder and CEO of "Overstilya" a certain Alexander Baklanov whose information could not be found. Since 2014 the Ministry of Interior gives contracts for small lots of 200 million rubles. For the new winners of the competitions are old players, says the source, "BTK groups." For example, he said, "Yuzhanka" refers to the companies of the pedal.

"Gazprom" buys clothing and personal protective equipment for more than 3 billion rubles. in year. In the past four years, the contracts often receive two companies foundedvnoy whose business - delivery of gas monopoly of electrical equipment. By 2011, they were called - Production Company "Electroavtomatika" (now - PC "special protection") and trading house "Gazkomplektstroymontazh" (now - United Industrial Company, DIC). Now they are the only owners - Nikita Popov and Natalia Belova, respectively. Before you do supply "Gazprom" clothes, "special protection" was part of the St. Petersburg group "Energy Center" President Neva "Mikhail Antipov supplied electrical equipment for" Alrosa "structures of" Gazprom "and" Transneft ".

Co-owner of the DIC, before she moved to Belova, was Sergei Kazakov, partner Avsholuma Yunaev whose structure includes, according to Forbes, the ten largest suppliers of electrical equipment for the gas pipeline "South Stream".

What for beginners are often long-term partners departments and state-owned companies or their managers, it is not surprising: the delivery of uniforms to large customers - a profitable but riskybusiness, says one of its producers. Each new leader changes not only the form, but also its suppliers and not the fact that it will be possible to find an approach.

Clothing in figures

2.67 trillion rubles. - Retail sales of apparel sales in Russia and shoes in 2014, according to company Euromonitor. This is 10% higher than in 2013 then led the way in terms of turnover Adidas group (60,8 bln.), "Tsentrobuv" (41 bln.) And of Inditex (37 billion rubles.).
290 billion rubles. - The volume of production of clothing and footwear in Russia in 2014, according to Rosstat. 175 billion rubles. - The minimum volume of the market of uniforms and workwear in Russia, it is estimated participants. Of this amount, about 70 billion rubles. It falls on the clothing and protective equipment, and the rest - on the uniforms.