Vladimir Baikov drowned with a submarine

The former chief engineer of the Admiralty Shipyards has been placed under arrest.
The Kirovsky District Court of St. Petersburg sent Vladimir Baikov, the former chief engineer of the Admiralty Shipyards JSC, into custody for two months. He is accused of fraudulent theft of 33.8 million rubles. in the construction of a submarine commissioned by the Ministry of Defense. Together with Vladimir Baikov, his deputy, Gleb Emelchenkov, who was sent under house arrest in January, is in the case.

The criminal case, which on February 27 was indicted against Vladimir Baykov, was initiated by the Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on a large scale) still on January 15. The basis for it was the materials isolated from the previous criminal case, initiated in December last year on the same grounds. Currently, there are four defendants in the second case: former chief engineer Vladimir Baikov, deputy chief engineer Gleb Emelchenkov, former general director of NovIT PRO JSC, Andrei Petrov and shareholder Valery Pshenichny, who, according to the investigators, “equally distributed criminal roles ".

According to the investigation, the company Novit PRO was to produce for the Admiralty Shipyards JSC a three-dimensional model of the submarine of Project 677 (“Lada”) as part of the execution of a state contract from the Ministry of Defense of Russia. The cost of such works was estimated at 766.9 million rubles. The investigation believes that the amount was deliberately overstated, and the absence of a clear specification in the terms of reference allowed for such a fraud. After receiving the money, NovIT PRO JSC entered into an agreement with Seid PRO LLC, controlled by Valery Pshenichny. 78.9 million rubles were transferred to the company’s account, of which 33.8 million, according to the investigation, were stolen by the organizers of the frauds.

The court granted the investigation's request to detain the former chief engineer in custody, referring to the fact that there are still “unidentified persons” in the case, and also because the person involved in the commission of similar crimes is considered as a consequence.

The defense at the meeting asked the investigator to refuse the request, and otherwise - to choose a measure not related to detention. Vladimir Baikov himself does not recognize his guilt. It should be noted that he was fired from the Admiralty Shipyards on the basis of his resignation on February 7. The defendant was charged on February 27, a day after his arrest. A lawyer, Vladimir Baikov, told Kommersant that, in his opinion, the crime event itself is missing in this case. “The results of the work are not formalized, and their price is not approved,” he said, adding that he could not yet give more detailed comments.

“Admiralty Shipyards” is the largest shipbuilding plant in the North-West, part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, the head of the board of directors of which in October was the former governor of St. Petersburg Georgy Poltavchenko. The main products of JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" are non-nuclear submarines. In 2016, the plant transferred to the Black Sea Fleet the last, the sixth in the Varshavyanka series, after which it received an order for six similar submarines for the Pacific Fleet. In parallel, the plant builds ice-class ships and vessels. The company's annual revenue exceeds 40 billion rubles, profits do not fall below 5 billion rubles.

The previous criminal case concerned the construction of a submarine of Project 636 ("Varshavyanka"), also commissioned by the Ministry of Defense. Then the total value of the contract amounted to almost 1 billion rubles. The investigation believes that from an advance of 400 million rubles. to the account of JSC "Novit PRO" 100 million rubles. was abducted. According to him, Vladimir Baikov was not charged. According to some reports, both criminal cases are based on the testimony of Andrei Petrov.

In February of last year, a month after the arrest, Valery Pshennichny, a shareholder of NovIT PRO JSC, was found hanged in his cell in SIZO-4 of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. On this fact a criminal case was initiated under Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (incitement to suicide), which is still under investigation. The cause of the entrepreneur's death was called “a blunt neck injury and asphyxia” - some media wrote that Valery Pshenichny was tortured in the SIZO.