Kerimov pushed Potanin off the pedestal

Thanks to the rise in gold prices, the Kerimov family for the first time was at the top of the Russian list in the Forbes Real-Time rating. With a net worth of $ 24.7 billion, she is ahead of former leader Vladimir Potanin.
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According to the Forbes Real-Time rating, as of 13:00 Moscow time, the family fortune of the senator from Dagestan Suleiman Kerimov was estimated at $ 24.7 billion, since the beginning of the day it has increased by $ 1.7 billion. The former leader of the rating, Vladimir Potanin, moved to second place from an estimate of the state of $ 24.6 billion. Vladimir Lisin F 2 closes the three richest businessmen in Russia, his fortune is $ 21.9 billion.

This is the first time in the history of the Forbes rating that the name of Kerimov is at the top.

The basis of the state of the Kerimov family is made up of the shares of the largest gold mining company in Russia, Polyus. According to the documents, which were recently at the disposal of the Russian Forbes, the entire package (76.84% of shares) belongs to Senator's son Said Kerimov, a 2016 MGIMO graduate. He is the sole shareholder of the Cypriot company Wandle Holdings Limited, which owns 100% of the shares of Polyus Gold International Limited (Jersey), which owns the shares of Polyus.

The entire stake of Said Kerimov in Polyus is now estimated at $ 25.6 billion, but in the general condition of the Kerimovs, besides him, there are other assets and debts. Therefore, the overall valuation of the state is $ 24.7 billion.

In addition to Said (born in 1995), Suleiman Kerimov has two more daughters - Gulnara (1990) and Amina (2003).

The Kerimov family owes its rise to the top of the Forbes ranking due to the growth of Polyus quotes. Since the beginning of trading on August 5, securities have risen in price by almost 4% and at 13:00 Moscow time are traded at 18 130 rubles per share. And since the beginning of the year, the company has risen in price by almost two and a half times. Gold during the same time has risen in price by 34% - from $ 1521 per ounce to $ 2043.

In mid-July, Forbes noted that of all the participants in the Russian Forbes, the Kerimov family got richer than others during the pandemic - almost twice, from $ 10 billion to $ 18.5 billion. Now Forbes Real-Time data indicate that from March 18 (on this day , marked by the largest collapse in the stock markets, Forbes took quotes and exchange rates to calculate the states of the participants in the annual rating of billionaires) the fortune grew by $ 14.7 billion.