Bloomberg spoke about the relations of Kaspersky with the Russian secret services

Former and current employees of Kaspersky Lab told Bloomberg about the cooperation of the company with the Russian special services. Yevgeny Kaspersky himself denies that these relations go beyond the legal field.
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Since 2012, "Kaspersky Lab" left senior managers, in place of which in many cases have come people who have close ties with the Russian military or intelligence agencies, Bloomberg writes. Some of them are actively involved in helping the FSB in criminal investigations, using information about the company's 400 million customers, the agency told the six current and former employees of the company who refuse to discuss the subject publicly, for fear of reprisals.

According to Bloomberg, the founder of the company Evgeny Kaspersky, himself a former KGB agent, weekly, she goes to the bath in a group of 5-10 people, among which are usually employees of the Russian special services. The businessman said in an interview that the group hiking in the bath are purely social function uw: "When I go to the bath, they become friends."

Four former insiders told the agency that the company's connection with the secret services have increased dramatically after two waves of care of top managers. The first wave, they say, happened in 2012, when Kaspersky refused Partnership IPO with the US investment firm General Atlantic. Thereafter, commercial director Garry Kondakov distributed for internal use an e-mail stating that senior posts will occupy only the Russians, Bloomberg said two people who claimed to have seen this list. In "LaboratoriiKasperskogo" deny the existence of such a letter.

In 2014, Kaspersky, writes Bloomberg, he fired a group of senior managers, including technical director Nikolay Grebennikov, and the president of the North American destinations Orenberga Steve, who asked the founder of the company to retain only the post of Chairman of the Board and step down as general director.

The deputy head of Committee on Legal Affairs Igor Chekunov regularly joins Kaspersky hikes in the bath and is a key person for cooperation with the Russian government, told Bloomberg three sources in the company. The agency says that since 2013 Chekunov leads a team of ten experts who study the information from clients, hacked, and provide tehncal support to the FSB and other Russian state structures. The group has access to data from all the systems of the company, says Bloomberg. According to the "Kaspersky Lab" Sarah Kitsos, Chekunov worked in the border department of the KGB, and later served in the police.

Managing Director of the North American branch of "Kaspersky Lab" in Boston, Chris Doggett insists that all information is anonymous. Two people familiar with the technology, told Bloomberg, that these data can provide information on the identification of individual computers, and this method has been used to help the FSB in investigations.

Evgeny Kaspersky said government representatives can not tie the information gathered by his company, to individual customers. According to him, he did not have to worry about the growing pressure to demonstrate his loyalty to Putin. "I'm not the kind of person with whom you can talk about Russian realities, because I live in cyberspace", - he said.

"Kaspersky Lab" occupies the sixth place among the world's Developer ofIkov computer security systems, earned in 2013 $ 667 million, Bloomberg writes. The newspaper reminds that in February 2015, the company said it has found a unique cyber espionage program, with which you can access information on the majority of computers in the world. "Kaspersky Lab" then clarified that the program is closely related to Stuxnet virus, which was developed by the NSA order to penetrate the objects of the Iranian nuclear program, but has refrained from direct accusations.