Bashkir werewolves policemen raped the wrong victim

For the crime against the daughter of General Rosguards Irek Sagitov, three law enforcement officers were promptly sent to prison.
Three former high-ranking police officers from Bashkiria on Friday were arrested by the court until December 31. They are suspected of raping a 23-year-old colleague - an investigator of the police department in the Ufa district. According to unofficial data, the victim is the daughter of the deputy head of the republican administration of the Rosguards, Irek Sagitov. The investigation does not officially comment on the progress of the investigation.

The judge of the Kirov regional court of Ufa, Zulfiya Ramazanova, on Friday issued a decision to arrest three former high-ranking police officers suspected of cruel rape of a 23-year-old interrogator of the police department in the Ufimsky district. Thus, 51-year-old ex-head of the Russian Interior Ministry’s Ufa district Eduard Matveev, 34-year-old ex-head of the migration department of the same police department Pavel Yaromuk, and 50-year-old ex-head of the Russian Interior Ministry’s Karmaskalinsky district (bordering Ufa) Salavat Galiev at least two months (until December 31) will spend in jail.

Each of the suspects was taken to the judge’s office under the protection of bailiffs separately. Each petition of the investigation about the arrest, the judge considered on average an hour. The meetings were held behind closed doors, without the participation of numerous representatives of the press who were awaiting decisions in the corridor. The suspects did not answer the journalists' questions, they hid their faces under the hoods.

Recall, high-ranking police officers are suspected of rape and sexual assault committed by a group of persons (Section “a” part 2 of article 131, paragraph “a” part 2 of article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The criminal case against them was instituted by the Kirovsky district investigation department of the TFR in Bashkiria on Wednesday, October 31. On the same day, a commission of the Main Directorate of Internal Security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia flew to Ufa. The next day, all three suspects were dismissed "for committing acts defaming the honor and dignity of the police officer."

According to investigators, on the night of October 30, "a 23-year-old girl was attacked by three of her colleagues in the building on migration issues of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Ufa District". The investigation does not disseminate any other information.

Unofficially, sources of “Kommersant”, familiar with the investigation, reported that police commanders drank alcohol in the office of Pavel Yaromchuk. According to one interlocutor, in this way they noted the recent appointment to the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of Bashkiria Artur Akhmetkhanov, with whom Eduard Matveyev allegedly had friendly relations. Mr. Ahmetkhanov - former Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic. According to another interlocutor of “Kommersant”, “covered the glade” is not Eduard Matveyev, but Pavel Yaromchuk. In the office where the feast took place, a 23-year-old investigator turned out to be the daughter of the deputy head of the regional department of the Rosguards, Irek Sagitov. This year she graduated from the Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. According to unofficial data, the girl who was delayed at work was summoned by one of the senior officers to the office, and then raped. The source told Kommersant that there were two girls in the office that night — the second, named Tatyana, “having understood what was going on, ran away from the police station under the pretext of a smoke break.

In the criminal case, she appears as a witness, said the source "b".

According to media reports, Pavel Yaromchuk’s biomaterials were found on the victim’s body. Meanwhile, his wife said on the air of the Bashkortostan State TV and Radio Company that on the night of October 30 her husband “spent the night at home”. It was not possible to clarify the position of the defense of the suspects. The lawyers of the ex-police did not communicate with the journalists.