Military expert Vladimir Neelov caught on treason

It is assumed that it is associated with excessive interest in the Russian PMCs operating in Africa and the Middle East.
The Lefortovsky District Court of Moscow arrested, on suspicion of state treason, Vladimir Neelov, allegedly a military expert, a representative of the “Strategic conjuncture Center”. His areas of interest were the work of private military companies and the activities of the United States during military operations. Mr. Neelov has repeatedly given comments to the media about the activities of PMCs in different countries.

It became known today that the Lefortovskiy District Court of Moscow granted the investigators ’request for the arrest of Vladimir Neelov, suspected under Art. 275 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (treason). On the website of the court indicated that the petition was filed on October 26. “It is known that he is in Lefortovo SIZO, we planned to visit him next week,” Yevgeny Enikeev, a member of the Moscow PLC, explained to “Kommersant”.

The data on the Lefortovskiy court card coincide with the data of Vladimir Mikhailovich Neelov, a specialist in private military companies of the world. It’s on his Facebook page that the last time he left a post was on October 22 by posting a photo. A TASS source close to the investigation also confirmed that a state expert suspected military expert of the “Center for Strategic Conjuncture” Vladimir Neelov. In the media, Mr. Neelov spoke last time on October 25 in the online publication of Sevastopol ForPost, where he explained that Crimeans should not be afraid of an attack by the United States.

Ivan Konovalov, director of the Center for Strategic Conjuncture, told Kommersant that Mr. Neelov was not their employee, but acted as an expert. “I don’t know how to find him and where he is now,” said Mr. Konovalov and added that he had not heard of any accusation against his expert.
The interviewed “Kommersant” acquaintances of Mr. Neelov also could not explain where he is now.

It is known that Vladimir Neelov lives in St. Petersburg. He graduated from the Department of Military History of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after Herzen. The website of the university states that he is a co-author of the book on the “Features of guerrilla and anti-guerrilla actions during the Iraq war (2003–2011)”, published in 2015. The second co-author of the book is also an expert of the “Center for Strategic Conjuncture” Oleg Valetsky, a participant in hostilities in Yugoslavia and an employee of “private and state military companies in the former Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan and Africa”.

After the Russian State Pedagogical University, Vladimir Neelov enrolled in graduate school at the Faculty of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University. At this time, he participated in thematic conferences, telling, in particular, about the actions of private military companies in US foreign operations.

In addition to the “Strategic conjuncture Center”, the name of Mr. Neyolov as an expert is indicated on the website of PIR Center, a non-governmental organization specializing in global security issues, headed by Lieutenant-General Yevgeny Buzhinsky. There it is reported that Vladimir Neelov took part in a course on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament of the Central Institute for Advanced Studies "Rosatom".

In the sphere of scientific interests of the expert are, in particular, the privatization of the military sphere and private military companies, military strategies and doctrines, a revolution in military affairs, arms control, the global arms market. The Center for Strategic Conjuncture It also clarifies that in addition to English and German, he speaks Serbian.

Over the past six months, this is the third case of the arrest of specialists interested in military history. Recall that on June 25 of this year, the Lefortovsky District Court of Moscow sanctioned the arrest of a military historian suspected of treason by military historian captain Andrei Zhukov, who retired from military service in 2006. He was a regular at military forums on the Internet. A previously arrested on suspicion of Art. 276 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (espionage) resident of Sevastopol and a citizen of Ukraine Yevgeny Yanko, also a member of military online forums. According to the investigation, he collected information about the deployment of units and formations of Russian troops, types of weapons and sold it, including through the Internet.