Former owner of Antipinsky Oil Refinery Dmitry Mazurov was arrested

The criminal case against Mazurov may be related to a loan from Sberbank.
On Saturday, July 13, at the Moscow Sheremetyevo airport upon arrival from a foreign business trip, Dmitry Mazurov, chairman of the board of directors of the New Stream (New Stream), was detained, a company representative told Vedomosti. According to him, Mazurov was forcibly taken to the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and presented him with a resolution recognizing him as a suspect in a criminal case.

According to sources of Kommersant, Mazurov was detained for 48 hours, and on Monday the investigative department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will petition to arrest the businessman. Operatives learned that the businessman, who was checked for involvement in large-scale frauds with credit funds, plans to fly to Nice - he has real estate in the south of France, Kommersant reports. The siloviki decided to stop this attempt and detained the oil owner while passing through passport control.

The interlocutors of the publication say that in a criminal case in which law enforcement agencies had questions to Mazurov, there could be talk of fraud with a loan taken by New Stream from Sberbank in the amount of $ 1.75 billion for the construction of the enterprise (it was built, as sources say B), at a cost below the market).

Until April 2019, New Stream owned the largest in Russia independent Antipinsky oil refinery, which processed up to 9 million tons of oil per year. At the end of last year, the refinery was mired in debt: the net loss was 35.7 billion rubles, the debt load was 21.4 EBITDA, and the company spent all the proceeds on servicing loans and paying suppliers, the report says. “At the beginning of this year, buyers refused to prepay for the Antipinsky Oil Refinery’s products, namely, these prepayments should have replenished working capital for the purchase of oil,” said the plant’s general director Maxim Andriasov.

The total debt of the plant is about $ 5 billion, of which $ 3 billion comes from Sberbank, said sources close to the lenders. According to the report on RAS (does not consolidate the debts of subsidiaries), the total debt at the end of the year was 171.3 billion rubles. ($ 2.5 billion at the Central Bank rate), Sberbank accounts for 123.7 billion ($ 1.8 billion) of debt. In 2018, the plant violated the covenants to Sberbank, as indicated in the report, in connection with which the bank received the right to demand early repayment of all debts. April 17, the plant was under the control of Sberbank. In early June, Azerbaijan’s state oil company Socar became the majority beneficiary of the enterprise.

A New Stream spokesperson says that the company views the actions against Mazurov as unlawful, and argues that Mazurov never hid from the investigation and showed full readiness to give all the necessary explanations. “On July 11, 2019, the suspect now voluntarily arrived at the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, where he gave detailed explanations and provided an extensive package of documents on all the circumstances of the investigating authorities. And a few days before that - on July 5, 2019 - the investigator of the Investigation Department issued a decision not to initiate a criminal case, ”the company said in a statement. New Stream suggests the possibility of exerting pressure on the investigative bodies from detractors Mazurov, said a company representative.