The general contractor of reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre proved bankrupt

CJSC SUIproekt, which received 12 billion rubles for the "project of the century" in Moscow, has not yet paid off its subcontractors.
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Several construction companies have filed in the Moscow Arbitration Court proceedings to recognize the bankrupt JSC "SUIproekt" - the general contractor of reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre. The company "SUIproekt", mastered at the Moscow "construction of the century" more than 12 billion, still has not paid off with their subcontractors. Counterparties "SUIproekt" believe that the financing of the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre conducted by gray schemes, using firm-many "pads".

Moscow OOO "lines of force", engaged in equipment engineering systems at the Bolshoi Theatre, was one of the first who has filed a lawsuit on the recognition of "SUIproekt" bankrupt. The occasion was a debt of 4.8 million rubles, which is the general contractor of reconstruction Bolshoi could not pay. Against invested in the reconstruction of 35.4 billion rubles (as many, according to the Accounting Chamber, BT repair cost), it seems a mere trifle. But watch out for the "lines of force" in the Moscow Arbitration Court claims filed another 24 firms that need to recover from the "SUIproekt" a total of more than 200 million rubles. reallye entered bankruptcy proceedings and appointed bankruptcy trustee. However, the financial claims may appear at other firms working with "SUIproekt".

- In fact defrauded subcontractors much more - says CEO JSC "Gorpozhzaschita" Valery belly. - But not all have decided to sue, because in this scheme probably involved is very large people.

According Bryukhova "SUIproekt" enter into contracts with subcontractors through firm-some "pads".

- At the Bolshoi, we mounted the fire safety system, - he explains. - But we have attracted to this work not directly, but through the Nizhny Novgorod company "Style-T", founded by the company "Stroynovatsiya".

"Stroynovatsiya" was a subcontractor JSC "SUIproekt". Meanwhile, the company "Stroynovatsiya", owned by the Cyprus offshore, is a group of "Sum", which is owned by Ziyavudin Magomedov. In summer 2009, the controlling interest of "SUIproekt" acquired investment company "Summa Capital" Magomedov brothersx. Then the Audit Chamber said that the design work in the Great from the beginning of construction rose in 16 times.

As Bryukhov says problems with payments from CJSC "Gorpozhzaschity" began when the company met all of the work by 90%.

- Suddenly, the customer refused to pay for work on the initial estimates and counted all at a reduced ratio, as a result, we have lost 16 million rubles, - says the belly. - After that, the final calculation we did not pay another 1.7 million rubles. Such brazen kidalovo I've never met.

One and a half years of litigation with "Style-T" and "Stroynovatsiya" it became clear that the final customer of the works was "SUIproekt", in which the bankruptcy procedure has been declared.

However, the belly does not believe that "SUIproekt" will be bankrupt.

- In the company are the guarantee for the restoration and reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre, which will operate even a single year - he explains. - Therefore, most likely, will remain firm, and we again throw.

Reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre was discussed with aontsa 1980, but only started in 2005. General Contractor ZAO "SUIproekt" was chosen for the construction works of the second stage of reconstruction. The decision immediately provoked a lot of questions. At this time the company has not yet completed construction of a residential home for the members of the Union of Cinematographers of Russia in Moscow, the Audit Commission has revealed then about 300 serious deficiencies.

- Build it they simply ugly, and the builders who worked in the house, do tell me, that the application for tender in the Bolshoi Theatre has been falsified, since the company initially had no production capacity to cope with such volumes, - says the chairman of the Audit Commission HBC "Movie -5 "Alexander Ostrovsky.

However, this scandalous situation no one is confused, and with the company signed a state contract DG-308 is 11.9 billion rubles. Reconstruction planned to be completed by 2008. But in 2006 it became clear that in fact the work has not yet begun. Two years later the timing of the completion of restoration of the Bolshoi Theater were again adjusted and moved object delivery in 2010-2011. In May 2009, in the situation aroundTheater intervened Dmitry Medvedev. He instructed the then mayor Yuri Luzhkov weekly holds a meeting with the builders.

- Off-site meetings were held on Saturdays, - says one of the former officials of the Moscow City Hall, who took part in these events. - Since the great creative mess, and Luzhkov is responsible for BT personally to Medvedev, each visit ended with a scandal because of the constant disruption of terms.

Yuri Luzhkov said, "Izvestia", that "engaged in a common organization of the process" at the Bolshoi Theater.

- For me the main thing was that the objects handed over on time and in detail, I do not immersed: the contractor who was there, who is a subcontractor, was not interested in me, just as it should be done and meet deadlines, - said Luzhkov.

After the change of ownership "SUIproekt" received new contracts for the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater. In 2010, the company won a tender for 40 million rubles. In the next - he took part in the three competitions. Resist the company of "Tech-Energo". As a result, "SUIproekt" won only one tender for 23 million rubles. The other two - 17 mln and 18 million - went to the very "Tech-Energo". At rival firms were other details, but the phone matches the phone 'SUIproekt ".

There are other signs of affiliation, for example, on the site of public procurements in the tender documents of one of the contracts, which won the "Tech-Energo", recorded on "SUIproekt". In 2012, the director of "Tech-Energo" Nikolai Prokopov and chief accountant Alexander Gordienko got a four-year suspended sentence for tax evasion and fraud in the payment of VAT. Witnesses in the case were employees of the Bolshoi. From their testimony followed that Prokopova in the construction of the theater they had never seen, the facility worked no more than 10 employees "Tech-Energo", but regularly communicated with his deputy - Dmitry Solomenko.

According to SPARK data base, Dmitry Solomenko - founder and director of the company "Salmaks", "StroyAvenyu" and "Golden Taler". They are all from 2011 to this day regularly Bolshoi win tenders worth a total of more than 150 million rubles. "Izvestia" failed Contact Solomenko.

In the summer of 2009, after the purchase "SUIproKTA "Group" Amount ", David Caplan, chairman of the" Inteks company's board of directors "(" Summa Capital ") told the media that the reconstruction of the Bolshoi being undocumented. Kaplan also explained that the "Amount" bought the company with a negative balance, and therefore for further work, they created a separate division "SUIproekt" with their own account. However, according to the register, there is only one CJSC "SUIproekt", whose founder advocates holding company "SUIholding". His head Azari Lapidus questions "News" did not answer.

Meanwhile, the debts that require subcontractors in court, appeared under the new host - "Amount".

- There's the devil's head will break and you will not find all, - complains the lawyer of one of the research institutes, which is also suing "SUIproekt". - We have not worked with them in the Bolshoi Theatre, but they and other contracts are not paid, although we are quite small and its obligations has long been performed compared with other contractors.

Most of the subcontractors working at the Bolshoi, get over itdiplomas and state awards, but they no longer believe that they will be paid for work done.

The company "Amount", completing the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, with ZAO "SUIproekt" already parted.

- The structure of the "Amount" completely out of the capital of JSC "SUIproekt" sold 50% plus one share of the company, in February 2012, - told "Izvestia", the press service of the "Amounts". - In 2009, the share of "SUIproekt" bought for the main project of the company - the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theatre. Accordingly, we can not comment on the events in the company, which took place after our exit from its capital.

Report the amount of the transaction and call the new owner "SUIproekt" in the "Summa" refused.

- The fault of the builders in our house already had a couple of serious accidents, with the breakthrough of the riser, but claim to this office has not presented, the timing came, - says Ostrovsky from HBC "Cinema 5". - I am afraid that with the Bolshoi Theatre will be the same story. A bankruptcy they started to hide the ends in water.

Artists BallShogo theater have repeatedly complained about the lack of thought and the inconvenience of re-planning, which prevents them from performing usefulness. Ballet Star Tsiskaridze indignant low ceilings and cramped in the dressing room, which can not breathe.

Ex-mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov said that "if there were machinations with tenders for the reconstruction of the Bolshoi Theater, then they should be engaged in law enforcement."

In the meantime, a criminal case has only one episode of reconstruction of the Bolshoi - the theft of 90 million rubles.

According to investigators, in 2005, between the company "Directorate for Construction, Reconstruction and Restoration," and the direction of the commercial organization "ON" Heat "was awarded a state contract to perform works on major repair of power Bolshoi. company has not complied with and the money received Terms of contract.

Head of "Heat", a member of the Public Council for Cooperation with Religious Associations under the President, Bishop and President of the Russian Union of Evangelical Christian Churches Alexander Semchenko under housem arrest.