The Sverdlov plant was blown up on old mines

Several people were killed at the defense enterprise in the Nizhny Novgorod region.
As a result of the explosion at the Sverdlov defense plant on August 31, three employees were killed, two are missing, four are in the Dzerzhinsk hospital, and one with a large area of ​​burns was transported to Nizhny Novgorod. The explosion occurred at the plant during the transfer of high explosive fragmentation mines, which were delivered to the Sverdlov plant for disposal from Samara. OOO NPO Samaravzryvtehnologiya won the tender of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and put them at the Dzerzhinsky plant.

At 9:55 on August 31 in the EMERCOM of the Nizhny Novgorod region received a message that the FKP "Plant them. Ya. M. Sverdlov ", which deals with the production of chemical, explosive substances and aviation bombs, there was a clap. The Dzerzhinsk garrison of the Ministry of Emergency Situations left the factory territory. At the enterprise employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures found the collapsed shop and a fire. A group of forces from Nizhny Novgorod came to their aid. Valery Sinkov, chief of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Nizhny Novgorod region, said that his employees managed to liquidate the fire on the outer and inner contours, localize the fire on an area of ​​100 square meters. m and not let it develop. The area of ​​destruction, taking into account the rubble and damage, was 120 square meters. 200 people were involved in the incident elimination, including the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Rosgvardia, the plant itself and the Dzerzhinsk link of the RSES, and 70 units of equipment.

According to, the Federal State Enterprise "Zavod im. Ya. M. Sverdlov "was registered in Dzerzhinsk in 1991 and re-registered in 2002 with an authorized capital of 369 thousand rubles. The enterprise was founded in 1916 and is considered the base in the Russian ammunition industry. Produces industrial explosives, checkers, cumulative and perforating charges, as well as the component of rocket fuel, octogen, hexogen and TNT. The founders of the plant are the Federal Agency for Industry and the Federal Property Management Agency. General Director Vadim Rybin.

And about. general director of the plant's chief engineer Mikhail Lebedev told reporters that an explosion occurred at the plant. "To us from the Ministry of Defense received antipersonnel high-explosive mines such as MSM-2. This is not our position, we at the plant are engaged only in the liquidation of these mines. Obsolete ammunition is transferred from us into whole boxes to be sent safely to the test site, since they come from the Ministry of Defense in broken boxes. Then they are sent for the perimeter of the plant for detonation and disposal. In total, there were 27 thousand mines in the last batch. Today was to be the last day of this operation. There was some kind of abnormal situation. Explosives are always dangerous, but you need a certain strong impact to make an explosion, and if the effect has occurred, then in one box, because one box is brought into the booth. It's hard to say what caused this: it might have happened to us, although mines came to us with certificates that they are safe to operate and do not pose a danger during transportation for destruction, "Mr. Lebedev said. According to preliminary information, the mines were delivered to the plant from LLC NPO Samaravzryvtehnologiya, which won a tender for their disposal.

According to, LLC "Scientific and Production Enterprise" Samaravzryvtehnologiya "(OOO NPP SNT) was registered in Samara in 1996 with an authorized capital of 15 thousand rubles. A share of 70% owned by a Moscow businessman Sergei Kostromin, the remaining 30% owned by a businessman from Pervouralsk, Sergei Titov. Director Alexander Kharitonov. The main activity of the company is the production of explosives. Revenue for the year 2015 slightly exceeded 70 million rubles., Net profit amounted to 356 thousand rubles. The reporting of 2016-2017 is not published.

According to Mikhail Lebedev, there were 43 people in the building where the explosion occurred: plant employees and contractors who were engaged in construction work in other premises. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, three people were killed, their identity has not yet been identified. Four were taken to hospitals in Dzerzhinsk, two of them, according to preliminary information, were slightly injured, and two had serious injuries. One person was sent to the burn center in Nizhny Novgorod. Two people are reported missing.

At the site of the explosion are working engineers of Rosgvardia, because after the explosion several mines scattered. According to Valery Sinkov, during the extinguishment of the fire two employees of the Ministry of Emergency Measures received a heat stroke. "This is not due to emergencies, but to the fact that they tried to eliminate the consequences in the shortest possible time. They are in the hospital, their condition is satisfactory. There are no consequences for them, "Mr. Sinkov explained.

The Investigative Committee of Russia (SCR) opened a criminal case on violation of safety rules on the death of workers. The investigation department of the TFR in the Nizhny Novgorod region organized a pre-investigation investigation into the incident at the plant. According to the chief engineer Lebedev, the plant is working, but some of the employees from the danger zone were sent home.