Colonel Dmitry Punt took a Croatian bath

The wanted person in the case of Voentelecom committed suicide in Croatia, vainly trying to get political asylum there.
The police of Croatia found the dead former colonel of the Russian army Dmitry Funtov, since 2015 wanted by Interpol. He left a suicide note, so the main version of the death of a Russian is suicide. At home, Mr. Funtov is accused of organizing fraudulent theft of 211 million rubles. from Voentelecom: according to the version of the TFR, Mr. Funt imitated the examination, and appropriated the funds received for them together with his accomplices. The colonel tried to obtain political asylum in Croatia, meanwhile at the end of last year the local court authorized his extradition to Russia. Another alleged organizer of fraud, Sergei Luchaninov, is still on the international wanted list.

The press attache of the Russian embassy in Croatia, Dmitry Maltsev, citing local authorities told Kommersant that Dmitry Funtov's body was found in a rented apartment in the town of Baska Voda, located near the city of Makarska. The police were summoned by the landlady, who was renting Mr. Pound, - she found the guest in full blood bath with veins cut on both hands. Croatian security forces believe that the Russian committed suicide: he left a suicide note, the contents of which were not disclosed. "They informed us that they contacted Funtov's wife. And without our participation she solves issues related to the deceased's body, "Mr. Maltsev told Kommersant.

Dmitry Funtov since November 2015 is wanted by Interpol at the request of Russia. Employees of the Main Military Investigation Department (GVSU) of the TFR accuse him of particularly large fraud (Part 4, Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The Colonel investigates as one of the organizers of the scheme for the theft of the money of Voentelecom at the examinations of electromagnetic compatibility of frequencies. It guarantees that their civilian use will not interfere with the military, and it is necessary, for example, for mobile operators to install new communication towers. As stated in the case, in 2005 Dmitry Funtov together with another former army colonel Sergei Luchaninov created the Center for the Analysis of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) with Voentelecom, while simultaneously registering on the basis of one of the core state institutions "Center for Applied Information Problems in Radioelectronics, Informatics, Automation "(CIPI RIA). The documents indicated that the CPIS had conducted frequency studies on the orders of the EMC Center, but in fact, the investigation believes that the executor of the works did not have the required specialists or the necessary admission to secret documents. All the same information about the frequencies, according to the TFR, Dmitry Funtov received through former colleagues in the service in the armed forces - he himself was in the service of this subject. The money that came to Voentelecom from civilian customers, according to the case, came through the EMC Center to the RIA Center for Information Technology, and from there went to the accounts of one-day firms and individual entrepreneurs in one of the Bashkir banks, after which they were cashed and transferred to Mr. Funtov and his accomplices. According to the GVSU, thus 211 million rubles were stolen.

In October 2011, RIA Zygmund Fedukovich, head of the Centralized Testing and Inspection Center of RIA, co-owner and chief accountant of the organization Yury Velichko and their colleague, former Colonel Valery Smolnikov, were sentenced to various terms by the Moscow garrison military court. Dmitry Funtov and Sergei Luchaninov disappeared from the investigation shortly before the case was brought to court.

In Croatia, according to the local publication Slobodna Dalmacija, Mr. Pounds through Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria arrived in 2016 on the passport of the Romanian citizen Marius Cibotaru. In July 2016, the Croatian authorities arrested the colonel, and the court authorized his extradition to Russia. However, the Russian, with the help of local lawyer Yadran Francesca, succeeded in repealing this decision in the Supreme Court of Croatia. According to Mr. Francesca, his client filed a request to the local authorities for political asylum, claiming that his trial in Russia would not be fair. Among the arguments that the lawyer cited was the refusal of the Russian authorities to pass Dmitri Funtov's examination on the polygraph, as well as the alleged discrepancies in the investigation materials. Thus, the lawyer pointed out, Mr. Funtov was charged with the fraud committed in 2005-2009, and he started working in the EMC Center for securities only on February 1, 2006. The arguments of the local prosecutor's office that from 2005 to 2009 the retired colonel and his family bought $ 2 million worth of real estate for themselves, lawyer Francesca called insolvent, arguing that these were Dmitry Funtov's savings in his entire life. Be that as it may, in late 2017 the court of Split again authorized the extradition of the colonel. "I received a copy of this decision on January 12. Due to the fact that the period for appeal is small, I immediately tried to contact Funtov, but he did not answer my calls. Nevertheless, on January 15, I appealed the decision on extradition to the Supreme Court of Croatia, "Mr. Francesca told Kommersant. He added that the extradition of Dmitry Funtov in itself is impossible, because the local Justice Ministry has not yet considered the Colonel's application for political asylum.

Meanwhile, the search for the 59-year-old Sergei Luchaninov continues. Earlier, the siloviki assumed that he, being a native of Kharkov, might be hiding in Ukraine.