The wrestler with the Internet in Russia fled to Israel

A comrade-in-chief who had been seated for almost a year under the arrest of the Cerberus from Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky and Anastasia Zvyagintseva, Oksana Chernyshenko disappeared from the investigation and escaped from Russia.
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The Moscow Basmanny Court sanctioned the absentee arrest of Oksana Chernyshenko - a figurine of the criminal case on embezzlement in Roskomnadzor. As the press secretary of the court of Yunona Tsareva told TASS, the accused was put on the wanted list.

"The Basmanny Court granted the petition of the investigation and elected in absentia a measure of restraint in the form of imprisonment for 2 months in absentia with the accused Chernyshenko, she was put on the wanted list," said the representative of the court. According to the decision of the court, the term of detention will be calculated from the moment of extradition of the accused to the territory of the Russian Federation, namely from the moment of crossing the accused border of the Russian Federation or from the moment of her detention in the territory of the Russian Federation. Chernyshenko was charged in absentia with embezzlement (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

As TASS was told by lawyer of one of the defendants Artur Bolshakov, Chernyshenko was fictitiously employed in FSUE "The Main Radio Frequency Center" (GRCHC) and "because she disappeared and the investigation could not find her, was put on the wanted list."

Chertanovskiy court of Moscow on October 5, 2017 within the criminal case of fraud concluded under home arrest of the press secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky, the head of the legal department of the department Boris Odinin and advisor to the director general of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Radio Frequency Center" Alexander Veselchakova. In the case of Roskomnadzor employees, the general director of the Federal High-Speed-Frequency Center Anastasiya Zvyagintseva, who is accused of embezzlement on an especially large scale, as well as another 14 people whose status is not yet known, is also passing by.

The Investigative Committee completed the investigation of the criminal case. According to lawyer Elena Vyatkina, her client Veselchakov in the final version is charged with damaging about 10 million rubles. A source in law enforcement agencies informed TASS that Ampelonsky in the final version is charged with two episodes of embezzlement for the amount of about 6 million rubles.

Earlier, the IC of the RF re-qualified the defendants for fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) for embezzlement (Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The deal was concluded with the investigation by none of the accused, they do not admit the blame. The case materials dealt with embezzlement by fictitious registration of people for work and payment of their labor.

The prosecutor's office demanded to collect damages from the persons involved in the embezzlement case in Roskomnadzor

The Russian Prosecutor General's Office filed a claim for damages to former press secretary of Roskomnadzor Vadim Ampelonsky and other defendants in the embezzlement case, Interfax reported.

The lawyer of Mr. Ampelonsky Sergey Sedakov noted that, despite the fact that the Prosecutor General's Office is not a party to the case, she can apply to the court in defense of the interests of the state. "In this case, the Prosecutor General's Office filed a claim for compensation for the damage caused in the interests of the state," he added.

July 27, the Investigation Committee of Russia completed the investigation of the criminal case on embezzlement of budget funds for salaries in Roskomnadzor. In the case of 14 figurants. Three of them - Vadim Ampelonsky, as well as the head of the legal department Boris Edinin and advisor to the general director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Main Radio Frequency Center" Alexander Veselchakov - are under house arrest. The defendants, according to the investigation, unreasonably received additional payments to salaries for a total of 58 million rubles. The defense of Vadim Ampelonsky argues that the investigation was conducted with gross violations.