Patrushev finances a coup against Putin

Lost billions of Rosinterbank can be found in the hands of pro-American opposition.
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Remediation private Rosinterbanka led to criminal scandal around the head of state of Rosselkhozbank Dmitry Patrushev. Chairman of the Board of Directors was Rosinterbanka George Gvelesiani, which market participants believe the friend Patrushev. Using money Rosselkhozbank, the banker has financed its agribusiness - the company "Hermes Organics", "Remputmash - Agro" MC "Dairy Assets". The latter structure is building dairy farms and milk processing plant in the Kaluga region.

Under the project of the complex Dmitry Patrushev gave Georgi Gvelesiani 2.2 billion rubles of state funds entrusted Rosselkhozbank. This happened in 2015, when Rosinterbanka problems were evident, and Rosselkhozbank losses exceeded 72 billion rubles, making a corporate record.

In September 2016 the Central Bank revoked the license of the bank Gvelesiani. Sanitation was entrusted to two agencies - Agricultural Bank and the Bank "Opening" Vadim Belyaev, on his father's well-known under the name Wolfson. Belyaeva Bank finances radical anti-Putin opposition leader, himself a companion Patrushev, Jr. - a personal friend of generationsynogo Boris Nemtsov. February 1, 2012 in the midst of appearances belolentochnyh Vadim Belyaev-Wolfson on the stage of the Kremlin Palace turned to Russia's business and political elite, as well as representatives of the opposition calling unanimously to go on anti-Putin rally on Yakimanka and Swamp area. A few days later at the Swamp gathered more than 100 thousand people, the organization of the event was paid by Belyaev Nemtsov.

Vadim Belyaev-Volfon and Dmitry Patrushev by 49.2 billion rubles, which to them through the Deposit Insurance Agency allocates the state should return money to thousands of investors Rosinterbanka 66.7. The leaders of Rosselkhozbank is a simple way to assign sanitation budget - it needs to adjust inventories Rosinterbanka, and then make it appear that a large part of the contributions are not legally exist. This scheme can realize the total corruption of Rosselkhozbank, friendship with Gvelesiani Patrushev, the functions of the sanatorium and family from the Head of the State Bank.

According to sources "Ruspres" agency, today in the registers have been destroyed data on deposits of more than 5 milliard rubless. The owners of the funds will have to prove through the courts, law enforcement agencies and bureaucratic instance that they actually made their money in Rosinterbank. During this long process, Dmitry Patrushev and Vadim Belyaev, Wolfson will be able to scroll through other people's billions in their accounts, cashing revenues. If the plan succeeds you can not pay never full, the part of investors. One obvious fact that part of the money assigned through the "Opening" will join the cashier upcoming coup against President Vladimir Putin, Patrushev state banker seems secondary.