Chubais Anatoly


Chubais will be sent to the North


The head of Rusnano, Anatoly Chubais, may leave his post and "take up the Arctic," while the state corporation claims that "he does not see himself as a polar explorer."

Deadly batteries Rosnano


A lithium battery that exploded on the Losharik submarine and killed 14 officers was produced by the Liotech company controlled by Anatoly Chubais. Its products are installed on trolley buses throughout Russia.

Anatoly Chubais is feeding the children of Matvienko and Serdyukov


The state corporation Rosnano, a problem for the state budget, has become a source of enrichment for its head and people close to the country's leadership.

Vekselberg and Chubais save solar energy from US sanctions


Beluna Investments Ltd, a member of Renova Group of companies Viktor Vekselberg, on August 15, reduced its stake in the power company Hevel from 51 to 46%.

Anatoly Chubais spent $ 311 million on a non-existent ointment


State Corporation Rusnano has invested millions of dollars in a developer of ointment from arthritis, which differs little from a dummy.

What was the result of RAO UES reform


Ex-chairman of the holding Anatoly Chubais told how the Russian energy industry has changed in 10 years.

Yan Ryazantsev and Mikhail Chuchkevich stole 1.3 billion rubles in venture capital


For the theft of budget funds, former member of the board of the Russian venture company Yan Ryazantsev and former senior adviser Anatoly Chubais in Rusnano and Mikhail Excholzhenko, partner of the former minister for Open Government Mikhail Chuchkevich, were arrested.

Anatoly Chubais and Sergei Chemezov could not start the turbine


An attempt by the consortium Rusnano, Rostekha and Inter RAO to create the first large-capacity gas turbine in the Russian Federation was unsuccessful: the GTD-110M turbine model collapsed on tests.

The court released Leonid Melamed from house arrest


The Moscow City Court did not extend the house arrest to the former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamed, accused of embezzling 220 million rubles.

The Russian budget was attacked by energy vampires


Rosatom and Chubais asked for more than 1 trillion rubles to modernize the energy sector.

The US Treasury recounted Russian officials and businessmen


In the so-called "Kremlin report", in particular, included Medvedev, Peskov, Sechin, Miller, Usmanov and Kerimov. At the same time neither Chubais nor Nabiullina are on the lists.