Anatoly Chubais is feeding the children of Matvienko and Serdyukov

The state corporation Rosnano, a problem for the state budget, has become a source of enrichment for its head and people close to the country's leadership.
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Over the ten years of the existence of Rosnano, headed by Anatoly Chubais, the state corporation has failed to return the money spent on it to the state. At the same time, the projects implemented by her enriched structures associated with the families of Valentina Matvienko and Anatoly Serdyukov, as well as with famous people close to the top leadership of Russia.

Plus without minus

As Anatoly Chubais told Vladimir Putin in March, a decade ago, the state allocated 130 billion rubles to the state corporation he headed. And for the entire period of work, the enterprises built by Rosnano returned 132 billion rubles to the federal budget.

According to Valeriy Gartung, the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, this situation does not mean the corporation’s profitability, but vice versa. “We need to take into account the discount. Even five years ago, a ruble today is a completely different ruble, ”he told the Sobesednik newspaper.

In turn, State Duma deputy Oksana Dmitrieva saw in the financial indicators of Rosnano a reason to appeal to the Prosecutor General’s Office. "Rosnano" is invested already in existing enterprises. Let's say they create some kind of nanoproducts on it. A profit is calculated from the total volume. And the state invested much more. 130 billion only first, then there were loans and subsidies, ”said the parliamentarian.

According to the newspaper, Rosnano debts on loans in 2018 amounted to about 119 billion rubles. The state corporation, in turn, only once paid dividends to the state, which amounted to only 500 million rubles.

State bank guarantees

In addition, revenues from the state go to Rosnano through guarantees on bank loans. So, in 2017, interest and commissions on them were at the level of 13.1 billion rubles, and in previous years - 164.6 billion rubles.

As the Interlocutor found out, the St. Petersburg and Russia banks, which provide the state corporation with loans, earn good money on the Rosnano projects. Both credit organizations are related to people close to the country's leadership. Thus, the shares of St. Petersburg are in the hands of the son of former Defense Minister Sergei Serdyukov and the son of Federation Council Speaker Sergei Matvienko. At the same time, the main shareholders are the Savelyev family: father Alexander and daughter Oksana, who is a longtime partner of the ex-minister of defense.

In turn, the bank “Russia” is controlled by friends of the president Sergey Roldugin, Yuri Kovalchuk and Gennady Timchenko, the great-nephew of the head of state Mikhail Shelomov, Putin’s friend Svetlana Krivonogikh and one of the richest Russians Alexei Mordashov.

“So, Rosnano makes a profit to the financiers close to Putin. In the event that Chubais’s projects turn out to be mostly unprofitable, the whole country will pay for it. Banks, in any case, will not remain in value, ”concludes the publication.

Also, through Rosnano, state money goes to the Kazan Sailing Federation and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. For example, the latter received from the state corporation as a sponsor for 2018 11.4 million rubles.

Project Store

In principle, Rosnano works out of business after a successful launch of the project. After that, the state corporation share is transferred into the hands of businessmen close to it or to the government. Thus, the Rosnano package in the Hevel holding was acquired by the former top manager of companies Viktor Vekselberg Mikhail Sivoldaev. Vekselberg himself, in the recent past, was present on the board of directors of the corporation headed by Chubais.

49.9% of the nuclear medicine centers of PET Technology, owned by Rosnano, were purchased by Pharmstandard group of billionaire Viktor Kharitonin, friend of the former head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Viktor Khristenko, for 2.9 billion rubles.

When the current Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova, the wife of Khristenko, was the head of the Ministry of Health, the son of Viktor Vladimir Khristenko began to control OOO Nanolek, in which Rosnano invested 1.28 billion rubles.

In the new project “Rosnano” “Clean Country” for the construction of five waste incineration plants and energy production from waste, partners are the “junk” businessman Andrei Shipelov and “Rostec” by Sergey Chemezov.

Anatoly Chubais himself, who managed to acquire 1% in the management company Rosnano, did not remain without a personal share in the state corporation. This allows him to classify his income, because the heads of organizations, where 100% of the shares are in the hands of the state, are obliged to disclose them.

Doubtful attachments

According to the Interlocutor, over the ten years of its existence, Rosnano invested 193 billion rubles in its projects, and the total revenues to the corporation from the entire portfolio did not exceed 66 billion rubles.

It was assumed that the net profit of 19.8 billion rubles, it will be released in 2015. However, all these years, Rosnano was unprofitable, and revenues exceeded revenues by only 5.6 billion rubles in 2018. Among the failed projects - Liotech - in the production of lithium-ion batteries for transport, which was invested 7.58 billion rubles. Projects for the production of functional proteins, blood filtration equipment and special steel wire did not bring benefits.

At the same time, the annual income of Anatoly Chubais is more than 41 million rubles. Board members annually receive 8 million rubles. And the curtains with electric control in the offices of the state corporation cost 122 million rubles.

Crime stories

As the newspaper reminds, in 2018, Andrei Gorkov, Rosnano’s investment director, was released from arrest, accused of causing damage to the state corporation worth 700 million rubles and was detained while trying to leave the country.

The investigation believes that he placed the money of the state corporation in Smolensk Bank under the guise of settlement and cash services, and in fact financed the activities of this credit institution. Before the Central Bank decided to withdraw the license from the bank, all of its assets were from the sibling of the state corporation’s top manager.

Andrei Gorkov managed to free himself after the intervention of the Rosnano head himself.

The defendants in corruption cases in Rosnano for 220 million rubles were ex-CEO Leonid Melamed and former financial director of the company Svyatoslav Ponurov. They were also released.