Dvorkovich Arkady


In the case of the Magomedov brothers, a trace of Medvedev surfaced


The court hearing in the case of co-owners of the Summa group Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov will be held on December 30.

How Arkady Dvorkovich became a chess king


The Financial Times published an investigation in which it claims that Russia at the state level was trying to push the election of Arkady Dvorkovich as president of FIDE. We have gathered the main facts from this investigation.

Dmitry Patrushev blessed the redistribution of the Russian grain market


Grain exports bring billions of dollars. Searches in the largest agroholdings of the country mean the start of the redistribution of the industry.

Dagestan transit: how the Magomedov brothers built their business and how it ended


The court found out that Ziyavudin and Magomed Magomedov, accused of fraud for 2.5 billion rubles, have not spoken to each other for several years.

Who entered and who left the government of Russia


In the new government, ten vice-premiers and twenty-one ministers, and five vice-premiers and nine ministers left.

Arkady Dvorkovich invited to head the fund "Skolkovo"


The current president of the fund Viktor Vekselberg is hampered by sanctions.

Oleg Deripaska's debts will be paid by Russian taxpayers


The government of the Russian Federation has already expressed its readiness to help companies of oligarchs who fall under American sanctions. In financial terms, this could cost $ 13 billion.

Day of laughter was prolonged for a month


The delivery of the stadium "Samara Arena" was moved from the first to the 25th of April.

How the Magomedov brothers created their own business


The activities of Magomed and Ziyavudin Magomedov were chaotic: brothers engaged in trade, received orders through acquaintances, accumulated a heap of disparate assets, in which, as a rule, they had no control.

Igor Sechin asked 145 billion rubles from Vladimir Putin


Having received 100 billion rubles of "compensation" from AFK Sistema, in the future, Rosneft did not become modest.

The Russian budget was attacked by energy vampires


Rosatom and Chubais asked for more than 1 trillion rubles to modernize the energy sector.