The court released Leonid Melamed from house arrest

The Moscow City Court did not extend the house arrest to the former head of Rusnano Leonid Melamed, accused of embezzling 220 million rubles.
The Moscow City Court on February 21 reviewed the appeal of the prosecutor's office against the decision of the Moscow district court to return the criminal case about embezzlement in Rosnanotech to the Prosecutor General's Office. The court did not satisfy the petition of the prosecutor's office. Earlier, the chosen measure of restraint to Leonid Melamed and former financial director of Rosnano Svyatoslav Ponurov expires today. As the criminal proceedings did not begin, the case was spent on additional investigation.

Recall that according to the investigation, Melamed together with the former financial director of Rosnano Svyatoslav Ponurov and deputy director Andrei Malyshev organized a waste of more than 220 million rubles. All three were charged under part 4 of Art. 160 CC (embezzlement in a large amount, committed by an organized group of individuals). Melamed and Ponurov do not admit blame. Malyshev was put on the wanted list and arrested in absentia. But in early December Cheremushkinsky district court of Moscow found errors in the indictment. According to the court, the evidence in it does not reveal the essence of the crime.

Meanwhile, at today's meeting, Melamed asked the court to allow him to vote in the presidential election, RIA Novosti reports from the Moscow City Hall.

"The FSIN informed me that I must bring this matter to the court, so I ask the court to allow me to participate in the elections [on March 18]," Melamed said. The request is justified by the fact that Melamed is under house arrest not at the address of his registration.

Another person involved in the case, the former CFO of Rusnano, Vyacheslav Ponurov, appealed to the court with a similar petition.

In response, the judge explained that the issue does not require the issuance of a separate resolution.