Cherkalin Cyril


Head Kirill Cherkalina lived on a salary


Dmitry Frolov was hundreds of times poorer than his subordinate.

FSB billionaire Kirill Cherkalin surrendered his patrons


Behind the arrested colonel from the K Office was Valery Miroshnikov, deputy head of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), who developed gray schemes for the collapse of banks.

Relatives of Kirill Cherkalin kicked out into the street


The court turned the property of the FSB colonel Kirill Cherkalin and his relatives in the amount of 6.3 billion rubles to the state revenue to the majority of the amount Cherkalin received from illegal sources.

The accomplice of the FSB officer Kirill Cherkalin disappeared abroad


The investigation established ties between senior FSB officers and bankers.

Konstantin Cherkalin will share fraternally with the state


The richest FSB officer agreed to voluntarily give the authorities nearly 6 billion rubles.

FSB replaced state in Russia


Where did the Russian security forces get their suitcases of money on the example of Colonel Kirill Cherkalin.

Kirill Cherkalin was bribed directly to the Lubyanka


Details of cooperation of the security officer with bankers are disclosed.

Kirill Chekalin will pay the ruble with his homeland


Colonel of the FSB and his relatives became defendants in the lawsuit of the Prosecutor General’s Office, from which they want to recover 6.3 billion rubles.