FSB replaced state in Russia

Where did the Russian security forces get their suitcases of money on the example of Colonel Kirill Cherkalin.
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The investigation of the FSB colonel Kirill Cherkalin shows that the Federal Security Service not only oversaw the credit institutions, but created its own control structure for them, replacing the official regulators, law enforcement agencies and the judicial system.

The consideration of the case of the FSB colonel Kirill Cherkalin in the Golovinsky court of Moscow began with the news that the Prosecutor General's Office intends to recover 6.3 billion rubles from the fraudster and his family. This is half of what was found during a search in the three apartments of Cyril Cherkalin.

Thus, another six billion rubles found at the colonel, apparently should be considered legal. In any case, this assumption can be made from the logic of the requirements of the supervisor. The origin of this fantastic amount remains equally obscure. Kirill Cherkalin is accused by the Main Directorate of Investigation of Particularly Important Cases of the Investigative Committee of accepting bribes on an especially large scale and especially large fraud (part 6 of article 290 and part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code). However, the specific episodes cited in the case relate to monthly payments of $ 50 thousand for "general protection" to Transport Bank. Payments were made from November 2013 to February 2015. During this time, the colonel received a total of $ 750 thousand. And when "Transport" really needed the services of the head of the FSB department, he demanded a bonus and received another $ 100 thousand.

Colonels for the cover of generals

And although the current charges are an order of magnitude higher than the original (fraud by 490 million rubles and a bribe by 52 million), they do not explain the billions of rubles found during the arrest. How all these figures will “beat” in court is not yet clear. But on the other hand, it became even more obvious that the “business of the colonels” (besides Cherkalin, two more colonels — Dmitry Frolov and Andrey Vasiliev — were likened to it) was started in order to ignore the investigation of the real generals. As Our Version already wrote, the story of the billions from the FSB began when the apparatus of the Security Council of Russia prepared a statement for the president about two FSB generals, Sergei Smirnov, who holds the post of first deputy director of the FSB, and Viktor Voronin, the ex-head of the K department . It is to them that traces of 12 billion rubles are found that were discovered during searches of Colonel Cherkalin.

There, somewhere above (along with the generals), FSB ties with high-flying bankers remained - Vladimir Stolyarenko and Alexander Bondarenko from the Eurofinance Mosnarbank Joint-Stock Commercial Bank.

In the case of the colonels, there are washing offices of an average casualty like Transport Bank, which actually ceased to exist as a regular lending institution during the 2008 crisis. The operations of the bank were then taken under control by Binbank President Mikail Shishkhanov. In the language of professional insiders, the arrival of Binbank in those years meant “market restructuring” - not just the bank itself, but those assets that ended up in its collateral portfolios. After the completion of the latter, the credit institution changed its shareholders, and it turned into a classic zombie - a technical tool for the transit of cash flows.
In full accordance with this strategy, the credit institution was in the sphere of influence of Alexander Grigoriev, who specialized in the management of squads of zombie banks. All of these squads of Alexander Grigoriev were the victims of a banking sweep launched by the Central Bank in 2014-2015.

At this stage, according to the investigation, the Transportny Bank appeared to have curators from the FSB controlled by Kirill Cherkalin.

Supervision turned out to be not very effective: on May 20, 2015, the license of Transportny was revoked. Like hundreds of other banks. The era of conceptual regulation was ending, and the colonels were convenient characters for closing the whole story.

Borders of concepts

The conceptual regulation of the financial system, organized by security officers in the early 2000s, looked quite successful. First of all, this corresponded to the very profile of the domestic banking system, most of which consisted of washing offices of various levels. All these “banks” were sitting on cash flows generated as a result of favorable economic conditions. Oil prices were rising, contributing to the influx of foreign currency into the country, and shadow incomes were also rising. In the end, both flows intersected, and the banks could only properly manage them - laundering for some and cash out for others. At this point, most business participants were not at all interested in banking regulation as such - due to the lack of a banking system as an element of the credit market. The task was to ensure the security of shadow transactions, and operational services could handle this function best of all.

According to the former oligarch, businessman and media magnate Alexander Lebedev, who was injured on the fronts of the struggle against the “K” management, the then chairman of the Central Bank Sergei Ignatyev “himself simply was the vice chairman - he generally did not look in that direction (banking regulation). There the Chekists said to him: "We all know, everything is under our control."

The fact that the “king is naked” became clear in 2009, after the banking system collapsed under the pressure of the global financial crisis. But, like ten years before, the Russian authorities decided to save the national banking system, entrusting the resolution of problems to representatives of the DIA and FSB operatives. This led to the fact that conceptual regulation extended to the elimination of consequences. Those who "resolved" issues with banks had no idea what was essentially dealing with macroeconomic problems. This is the fundamental difference between the approaches of the special services, initially oriented towards destruction and manipulation in the camp of the enemy. True, in this case, the victims were their own.

The investigation appears to end on the colonels. No one will seriously look for real regulators and architects of transit schemes. Too dangerous.