Konstantin Cherkalin will share fraternally with the state

The richest FSB officer agreed to voluntarily give the authorities nearly 6 billion rubles.
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FSB Colonel Kirill Cherkalin, who is accused of corruption, agreed to voluntarily part with the part of the property that the Prosecutor General wants to sue him. With the total amount of the lawsuit filed by the prosecutor's office for 6.3 billion rubles, the security officer agrees to part with cash and other property for a little less than 6 billion rubles.

Today, the Golovinsky court in Moscow is considering a lawsuit by the Prosecutor General’s Office against the head of the department in the “K” department of the FSB’s economic security service, Kirill Cherkalin. The plaintiff is the Prosecutor General’s Office, which demands that Cherkalin’s money and other property, the origin of which he couldn’t explain, be turned into state revenue.

The defendant's defense said that he partially recognized the lawfulness of the claim. Cherkalin's lawyer listed the property that Cherkalin is ready to turn into state revenue.

“The defendant fully acknowledges the collection of the following property in state revenue: money in the amount of $ 200.5 thousand, 900 thousand rubles, $ 50.49 million, € 1.978 million, 16.145 million rubles, $ 22.056 million, € 6.522 million, £ 4 thousand, 793 million rubles, a Porsche Cayenne car, as well as watches, cufflinks, ”TASS reports from the courtroom. The remaining requirements the defendant does not recognize.

Recall that the lawsuit also featured five apartments, two country houses, six land plots with a total area of ​​7116 square meters. meters, 14 non-residential premises, two cars. The amount of cash that was originally planned to be withdrawn from the accused by the state enterprise is 800 million rubles, 72 million dollars and 8 million euros. The money was discovered during investigative actions in Cherkalin’s home, car and office.

The total value of property subject to circulation to state revenue exceeds 6.3 billion rubles. At the same time, the total legal income of Cherkalin and his family members from 2005 to 2019 amounted to no more than 55 million rubles. The FSB colonel skillfully hid from all inspection bodies the presence of extra billions, not indicating the amount available anywhere, and also registering the acquired property with relatives and friends.

Recall that the former head of the 2nd department of the “K” department of the FSB Economic Security Service, Kirill Cherkalin, was accused of fraud for 500 million rubles, as well as receiving large bribes worth $ 850 thousand. According to investigators, the security officer received money from large players in the banking sector who paid for the “roof” and the solution of their problems with the law. Together with Cherkalin, his former boss Dmitry Frolov and former colleague Andrei Vasiliev, who were also accused of fraud, were under investigation. During the searches, Vasiliev and Frolov found approximately comparable amounts - the total amount seized, together with Cherkalin's “treasure”, amounted to about 12 billion rubles.

Earlier, the prosecutor's office in the Krasnodar Territory filed a lawsuit against the former director of the local sanatorium of the Federal Service of Court Bailiffs “Green Valley” - the head of the institution bought more than 40 apartments and commercial premises, as well as seven luxury cars, stealing budget money. The amount of the claim against him amounted to 280 million rubles.