Relatives of Kirill Cherkalin kicked out into the street

The court turned the property of the FSB colonel Kirill Cherkalin and his relatives in the amount of 6.3 billion rubles to the state revenue to the majority of the amount Cherkalin received from illegal sources.
Origin source
The Golovinsky court of Moscow turned 6.3 billion rubles into the state’s income, which belonged to Kirill Cherkalin and his relatives, the head of the banking department of the “K” department of the FSB of Russia. This decision was made by judge Oksana Mrykhina, reports RBC.

“Of course I will appeal. I believe this decision is unlawful and unreasonable, ”said Cherkalina’s lawyer Vladimir Mikhailov.

The lawsuit filed by the Prosecutor General filed a lawsuit to seize property against a colonel arrested in a bribe and fraud case. During searches of the Cherkalin family, as well as in his office on Bolshaya Lubyanka, 12 found $ 72.75 million, € 8.5 million, £ 4 thousand and 810 million rubles. In addition to cash, the origin of which the investigation has not yet fully explained, the Prosecutor General's Office demanded that five apartments, two country houses, six plots with a total area of ​​7 thousand square meters be converted into state revenue. m (including in Barvikha), 14 non-residential premises and two cars.

“The total legal income of Cherkalin, his relatives and friends from 2005 to 2019 amounted to not more than 55 million rubles.”, - said the supervisory authority.

In court, the prosecutor Ilya Malofeev also suggested taking more than 40 watches from the Cherkalin family, including Rolex, Patek Philippe, Breguet, numerous jewelry and branded bags - the total price of all these luxury goods is about 50 million rubles. Already at the end of the hearing, Malofeev said that the prosecutor’s office no longer claims housing for the sister of Colonel Anastasia: it turned out that the apartment on Michurinsky Prospekt was privatized municipal housing.

Defendants in the lawsuit besides Cherkalin himself were his parents, sister, two ex-wives and the mother of one of them. The colonel himself refused to participate in the process. But his lawyer, Vladimir Mikhailov, said that Cherkalin was ready to voluntarily reimburse the state for almost all of the withdrawn cash: he agreed that it was received from sources not prescribed by law. Also, the former FSB officer is ready to seize Mercedes Benz, Porsche Cayenne cars, watches and cufflinks, said the lawyer. The former wife of Colonel Daria Pervova, who, after marriage, got another Porsche, partially agreed with the claims.

“Oddly enough, the only person who recognized illegal proceeds during the trial is Cherkalin himself,” the prosecutor said in a debate. Former and current members of his family called a variety of sources of origin of apartments and luxury watches for a total of about 200 million rubles.

Father's gifts and orders from Prokhorov

The relatives of the ex-FSB officer characterized him as a modest and ascetic man. Mother Cherkalina Natalia said that the family could afford not to use the financial assistance of a colonel son. And when one day his son brought home bags with significant amounts in currency and deposited them with his parents for storage, he explained this by official necessity.

The father of Colonel Vladimir (also a retired FSB officer - served in the border troops) and Uncle Alexander said that they received 45 million in cash from their father, Ivan Cherkalin, several years ago. The money was intended for his youngest son, Vladimir, so that he "improved his living conditions." “My father left the army in 1974, worked in civil defense in Belgorod. In the 1990s, he worked in three to four jobs. He has worked for more than 60 years, and our mother has more than 40 years. I think they earned this money, ”Alexander Cherkalin told the court.

The brothers recalled that the five-thousandth bills donated by his father were stacked in three cardboard boxes. The prosecutor Ilya Malofeev doubted this statement: “Have you ever seen 45 million rubles. in cash? Do you know how they look and how much they weigh? ”He specified with Alexander Cherkalin. “No, I haven’t seen such money before or after,” answered the colonel’s uncle.

Former Cherkalin's father-in-law (father of his first wife) Petr Orlovsky is a highly paid architect, one of the respondent's representatives indicated at the meeting. Among his works are the business terminal of Vnukovo Airport, the office of ONEXIM Bank Mikhail Prokhorov, the interiors of apartments of deputies of the Moscow City Duma and many private cottages in the suburbs. So the fees completely allowed him to purchase expensive apartments and cars without the help of his son-in-law.

In response to these arguments, the prosecutor noted that, despite the considerable orders that Orlovsky received, his family began to acquire elite housing only after his daughter met Cherkalin in 2010.

The defendants also pointed to an overvaluation of the value of apartments, plots, watches and decorations: for example, in relation to real estate, the prosecutor referred to its current cadastral value, and not to the price at which it was bought.

The Case of Three Colonels

The former head of the 2nd (banking) department of the K department of the FSB economic security service, Kirill Cherkalin, was detained in April this year, along with him, security services of their own security detained former employees of the same department, Andrei Vasiliev and Dmitry Frolov.

Colonels were charged with especially large-scale fraud. In 2012, the department was involved in supporting the case of the former vice mayor of Moscow, Alexander Ryabinin, who was accused of extorting businessman Sergei Glyadelkin. FSB officers also began to threaten the victim Glyadelkin, it follows from the version of the investigation: they demanded a businessman’s stake in the company Yurpromkonsalting worth 490 million rubles. under pain of initiating proceedings against himself. Assets taken from Glyadelkin subsequently went to the offshore Darth Vader Enterprises, RBC learned.

Cherkalin was also charged with taking bribes of $ 850 thousand for action or inaction and general patronage in relation to a certain commercial structure in 2013-2015. One of the bribe takers was Alexander Mazanov, the former owner of Transportny Bank, and FSB ex-Colonel Mikhail Gorbatov and the founder of European Moscow Region LLC Arno Khojoyan were intermediaries in the transfer of money, Kommersant reported.

In August, the colonels began to check for a bribe of 1 billion rubles. during the reorganization of the Baltic Bank in 2014, Open Media reported.

In the same case, they checked the former deputy head of the DIA Valery Miroshnikov, who went abroad.