

"Natalie Tours" will not be able to pay off tourists


The company sold tours for the summer season for $ 15 million, but the total amount of insurance it has only 2.5 million dollars. The rest of the payments the tour operator wants to postpone for an indefinite period.

"Natalie Tours" has nothing to pay tourists


Tour operator has nothing to pay off with customers. Insurance company covers only 2.5 million dollars.

From the market of tour operators leave the oldest companies


The tourist business is stormy because of the spring surges of exchange rates, the rising cost of aviation kerosene and the high prices for hotels. DSBW Tours and "Natalie Tours" have already recognized their financial problems.

Russian authorities want to strengthen control over trips of Russians abroad through permits


However, until this failed to do because of the developer's bankruptcy. Now the "Electronic ticket" will be developed by the corporation "Rostekh" and there are all chances that the company of Chemezov, to the great joy of Russian tourists, will fail this project.

Russian tourists choose Turkey


In 2017-2018, most of the Russian tourists in search of a beach holiday chose Turkey.

Ministry of Culture thinks about the expediency of in Russia


Rosturizm on behalf of the Ministry of Culture should give an answer before June 4, whether it is expedient to limit the activity of the service in Russia. Such a response measure on US sanctions in April was offered by one of the domestic tour operators.

Travel itineraries


Russia missed a chance to become a center of tourism.

Oleg Safonov: "Our tourists transferred abroad about $50 billion a year"


The head of the Federal Tourism Agency explains why Russia needs a brand and why the domestic market grew by 20%.

Rospotrebnadzor revealed the scheme of sending tourists to Turkey, bypassing sanctions


Rospotrebnadzor inspections revealed the scheme of sending Russian tourists on holidays to Turkey through the territory of neighboring countries.

Tour operators under recession


The companies did not survive the crisis.