Natalie Tours


"Natalie Tours" finished poisoning Russians on vacation


In the 26-year history of "Natalie Tours", one of the most famous domestic tourist brands, the point is put. Natalia and Vladimir Vorobyov lost the last company, which can still send customers abroad.

"Natalie Tours" was kicked out of the list of Russian tour operators


But the affected tourists will not help much: at the best, they will receive scanty compensation for the money stolen from them. Responsibility for this guide and management of the tour operator is not going to be borne.

"Natalie Tours" is not going to return money for canceled tours


The tour operator threw its customers at $ 15 million, and the total amount of claims to it reaches more than $ 20 million. This is almost 8 times higher than the sum insured.

Russian tour operators overestimated the demand for permits


Because of the crisis, the demand for tours in Russia began to fall in July. Operators are forced to dump, and the most burdened with debts - to leave the market.

"Natalie Tours" deceived tourists for $ 15 million


The operator sold to the end of the summer season tours of 15 million dollars. Almost all of them are canceled, and money evaporated in an unknown direction. Affected tourists are threatened to receive back no more than $ 2.5 million from the sum insured.

"Natalie Tours" will not be able to pay off tourists


The company sold tours for the summer season for $ 15 million, but the total amount of insurance it has only 2.5 million dollars. The rest of the payments the tour operator wants to postpone for an indefinite period.

"Natalie Tours" has nothing to pay tourists


Tour operator has nothing to pay off with customers. Insurance company covers only 2.5 million dollars.

"Natalie Tours" cancels all tours


The company cancels even paid vouchers.

From the market of tour operators leave the oldest companies


The tourist business is stormy because of the spring surges of exchange rates, the rising cost of aviation kerosene and the high prices for hotels. DSBW Tours and "Natalie Tours" have already recognized their financial problems.

DSBW Tours leaves the market of tour operators


One of the oldest tour operators in Russia leaves the market because of financial problems.

Problems of the tour operator "Natalie Tours" caught travelers in Spain, Turkey and Thailand


The oldest Russian tour operator started financial problems. Hundreds of Russians have faced the inability to settle in hotels in Turkey, Spain and Thailand.