"Natalie Tours" will not be able to pay off tourists

The company sold tours for the summer season for $ 15 million, but the total amount of insurance it has only 2.5 million dollars. The rest of the payments the tour operator wants to postpone for an indefinite period.
Until the end of the summer season, the tour operator "Natalie Tours" sold 10 000 tours for $ 15 million, told the "Interfax" press secretary of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT) Irina Tyurina, referring to the president of the company Vladimir Vorobyov. According to Rosturizm, "Natalie Tours" is insured for 150.5 million rubles. under contracts of insurance of a civil liability and on 5,9 million rbl. in the funds of personal responsibility. "If you divide the financial guarantee of the tour operator <...> for all tourists, you get 15 600 rubles. per person. Financial guarantees are not enough to pay all the victims, "- summed up Tyurina.

Rosturizmu and association "Turpomoshch", according to their representatives, do not know the total debt of "Natalie Tours" to customers - they redirected the questions of "Vedomosti" to Tyurina. She and Vorobyov did not respond to calls and messages from Friday.

Due to reduced demand, rising fuel costs and volatility of the dollar, Natalie Tours faced liquidity problems - it canceled charter programs in a number of European destinations at the end of June. Against this backdrop, a wave of negative publications led to the fact that travel agents disconnected the company from sales, money stopped coming to the accounts and from July 2, "Natalie Tours" canceled all tours until the end of the summer season, Vorobyov said.

According to the legislation, "Tourist assistance" should export tourists at its own expense, as well as pay for their hotels - the tour operator does not have to be bankrupt, says lawyer Eduard Shalonosov. With those tourists who stayed in Russia, the insurance should be paid, where "Natalie Tours" was insured. Responsibility of the tour operator was insured by Ingosstrakh, confirmed its representative Karen Asoyan, reminding that the insurance event comes after the termination of the tour operator's activities. Such statements from the "Natalie Tours" were not received, said the representative of Rosturizm and the director of "Tourist Information" Alexander Osaulenko.

 Earlier, "Natalie Tours" invited tourists to use tickets and visas, and for the rest of the tour to get a guarantee obligation to perform services from April 1, 2019 to April 1, 2020, "Interfax" reminds. Such tourists will be up to 50% of the total number, Osaulenko is sure. Until Friday evening, the offices of "Natalie Tours" did not give out obligations to customers because of technical interruptions, says a friend of the company's top managers. Without giving out obligations, "Natalie Tours" withdraws from itself short-term promises to tourists and their chance to receive money is greatly reduced, he notes.

Part of the tourists "Natalie Tours" helped other tour operators - Tui and "Biblio Globus", knows Osaulenko. Tui, said her representative, for a fee, but at comparable prices, provided approximately 100 tourists "Natalie Tours" tours to Spain, Italy, Turkey, Cyprus. In turn, tourists and agents will receive reimbursement of spent money from Natalie Tours through insurance, he explained. The representative of the "Biblio Globus" declined to comment.