Tour operators under recession

The companies did not survive the crisis.
As a result of the unprecedented challenges for the tourism industry, the most affected operators of outbound and inbound tourism. Their number, according to the Federal Tourism Agency data, decreased by one third. But against the background of ruble devaluation made inaccessible to travel abroad for the majority of Russians, almost 10% increase in the number of tour operators who specialize in the domestic market.

At the end of 2014 4.3 thousand. Tour operators working in Russia, which is 7.2% less than in 2013, said Rosturizm. This is the lowest since 2010 (sectoral department collects statistics from that time). The maximum drop in inbound tourism has shown: the number of tour operators in this segment declined by 29%, to 161 companies. This situation is expected by: the second half of 2014 recorded the fall tour operators tourist arrivals by 80%. However, according to vice-president of the Association of Tour Operators of Russia (ATOR) Vladimir Kantorovich, the big players are not left with this market. "Inbound tourism has been traditionally smaller companies than visiting: it is a complex business, it is necessary to establishrelations with foreign partners, "- he explains Also, exit the flow of tourists from Russia traditionally exceeds the entry according to the Federal Tourism Agency, for the first nine months of 2014 14.7 million people in the country had a holiday abroad, while 2.24 million foreigners.. We traveled to Russia.

Among the tour operators working in the field of outbound and inbound tourism, the annual decline was 24.6% - up to 1.7 thousand companies..

The massive collapse of tour operators in this sector began in mid-2014, as a result of its activities ceased about 30 prominent players, including "Neva", "Solveks-tour", "Labyrinth", "Southern Cross", "Rosa world winds" and other company. At the same time due to a sharp drop in the ruble exchange rate tour operators recorded a decrease in demand for tours by 30-50%. According to Mr. Kantorovich, this year, many players leave the market following the approval of the amendments to the tourism legislation, aiming to the State Duma. "They increase the financial burden on companies operating in this segment, many will simply unprofitable," - he explains, It is possible that many companies will reorient to market tourism.

The fact that the reduction in the number of tour operators will continue, indirectly confirmed by the first results of 2015. According to the orders of the Federal Tourism Agency, from the beginning of this year from the federal register of tour operators 266 companies were excluded. As previously explains Representative Office Irina Schegolkova, many of these companies do not wait too long to provide Office data on the availability of the required financial guarantees and may soon return to the roster. ATOR representatives previously associated with the optimization of the reduction of the companies: Many tour operators have decided to close its regional branches. The union also predicted a reduction on the basis of this year by a third the number of market participants.

The only segment of the industry, which in the past year, the situation is encouraging, - domestic tourism. During the year, the number of players in this market increased by 8.5%, to 2.6 thousand. The main factor could be a growth market due to tourists, holidays abroad which became unavailable. For example, the head of the Federal Tourism Agency Oleg FromAfonov previously talked about increasing domestic tourist traffic by 40%. Similar data leads and market participants. In January 2015, the number of customers, "Dolphin" (engaged in domestic tourism), according to Sergei Romashkina general director of the company increased by 30% compared to the same period last year. But, he adds, the domestic market is already quite saturated. "In the domestic market - explains the expert -. Traditionally been more independent travelers The reason is that many customers are sure to go on holiday to Turkey is more profitable through a travel agency, and in Sochi - the most."