The Kremlin has sent a collection of the Putin's main quotes to politicians

New Year's gift from the president's administration for thousands of politicians and officials: the book "Words That Change the World." The collection of Vladimir Putin's quotes was published by Set Movement, which had received large government grants.
Origin source
On the recommendation of the Kremlin's policies all read a collection of quotes Vladimir Putin called "the Word of Changing the World" RBC told several participants, which at the beginning of last week was held in the presidential administration. In it, according to RBC interlocutors, was attended by about 50 people, including the State Duma, the Federation Council and the Public Chamber, and spent his first deputy head of the Kremlin administration Vyacheslav Volodin. "Volodin said about the book. He said that it should be at the table of any politician, "- says the meeting participant, close to the leadership of the State Duma.

New Year's gift

After a policy meeting by Volodin began to receive this book as a gift for the New Year. About RBC told her getting some State Duma deputies, chairman of the State Council of Crimea, Vladimir Konstantinov, and the Secretary of the Public Chamber of the Jewish Autonomous Region Natalia Matienko. According to the latter, she received the book in the mail, it attached a letter from Volodin. Collected in a book and articles provide an understanding of the speech values ​​principles and guidelines thatezhat at the heart of the most important domestic and foreign policy decisions, she recounts an official.

The slave Volodin Kremlin administration RBC internal policy confirmed that presented a book about a thousand politicians and bureaucrats. She was sent to the governors, the speakers of the regional legislative assemblies, some State Duma deputies, representatives of the ONF (the members of the central headquarters, regional co-chairmen and heads of executive committees), members of the Council of the Public Chamber and the Secretaries of the regional chambers. Receive a book as a gift and domestic officials of the Kremlin administration.

Books - annual format congratulations on New Year's Eve, explains the source in the Kremlin. This is part of the educational program of domestic policy, along with educational seminars, which regularly conducts management. According to the source, last year Volodin gave politicians the book Putin's favorite philosophers - Ivan Ilyin, Vladimir Solovyov and Nikolai Berdyaev.