British Prime Minister Cameron has called for tougher sanctions against Russia

The EU will have to introduce tougher sanctions against Russia if Moscow does not change its attitude to the situation in Ukraine with the downed Boeing-777 Malaysia Airlines airline passenger liner.
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Such an opinion was expressed by British Prime Minister David Cameron in a column for the newspaper The Sunday Times.

British Prime Minister stressed that in a situation where supported yet Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine are trying to disown the incident, the EU "must stand up for its principles."
Cameron said that Britain "does not seek confrontation with President Putin, and not calling to any military action." According to him, Russia is now a chance "to use this dangerous moment, to find a way out of the burgeoning crisis." "And I hope it does, otherwise our answer will be decisive," - concluded the British prime minister.

At the same time the prime minister with an even more dramatic statement, and British Defense Secretary Michael Fallon, recently appointed to this post. Fallon said that "cautioned" Putin that Russia must "get away from the east of Ukraine" and "stop sponsoring terrorism." "If Russia continues to interfere - are hard consequences", - said the head of the military vedomsTwa in his commentary The Sunday Times.

Earlier, Cameron, Prime Minister of the Netherlands Mark Rutte and the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott agreed to increase pressure on the UN Security Council that it has provided safe and unhindered access by investigators and experts to the crash an airliner.

Passenger Boeing 777 flying flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur, July 17, crashed in the east of Ukraine in Donetsk region, near the village of Torez city, under the control of "militias" self-proclaimed "Donetsk People's Republic" (DNR). "The fact that the aircraft was destroyed, there is no doubt, because it was some kind of projectile," - said on Saturday the former Air Force Commander Vladimir Mikhailov, Russia. On board were 298 people, all of them were killed.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on the night of July 18, has accused Kiev disaster liner. As the Russian leader said at a meeting on economic issues, the responsibility for this terrible tragedy, carries "certainly the State over which it happened."