Putin created Russia Today agency on the basis of RIA Novosti

The new state mass media entity will be headed by Dmitry Kiselyov, whose comments at Vesti Nedeli have repeatedly been the cause of scandals.
Origin source
Vladimir Putin signed a decree on liquidation of RIA Novosti and the creation on its base of international information agency "Russia Today" reported on Monday, the Kremlin press service. Decisions of the President of Russia set out in the document "On some measures to improve the efficiency of public media activity".

At the site of RIA Novosti creates a new Federal State Unitary Enterprise. The status of the general director of the company according to Putin's decision to head a well-known media manager and journalist Dmitry Kiselyov. Since 2008 he holds the post of deputy head of VGTRK holding, and since August 2012, the leading information-analytical program "Vesti Nedeli" on the air of "Russia-1". During this time, Kiselev remembered by a number of provocative statements. In August, the LGBT community has caused outrage proposal journalist "they (gays) heart buried in the ground or incinerated as unusable for the continuation of life." And last week the Ukrainian opposition has criticized the biased, in her opinion, Kiselyov "euromaidan" analysis.

How will line up a working relationship between Gendirektorom "Russia Today", and chief editor of RIA Novosti Svetlana Mironyuk, in the decree of the President did not specify. The very Myronyuk restructuring the agency has not yet commented.

The Kremlin has made it clear that the main focus of the new Federal State Unitary Enterprise will be "lighting abroad state policy of Russia and public life in the country." "Russia Today" inherit from RIA Novosti property, including foreign. Within a month, the Government will carry out all necessary to create a new agency activities and enable the company to the list of strategic state.
State media regroups

In addition to RIA Novosti, in the "Russia Today" will enter the state broadcasting company "Voice of Russia" together with all its assets and the Federal State Budget Institution (FGBU) "State fund of television and radio programs."

Another FGBI "Russian Book Chamber" is transmitted to the economic management of ITAR-TASS.

The magazine "Rodina" Putin issued a decree attachedyl amended to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta".

Reorganization of RIA Novosti and other public media is aimed at "achieving the two main objectives," said a presidential decree the head of administration Sergei Ivanov, the Kremlin.

"The first - a more rational use of budgetary funds allocated to the state information resources, and we are talking about reducing and not increasing their size" - quoted by the official RIA Novosti news agency. already reduced, Ivanov said the next year budget spending on this activity. According to the "Novaya Gazeta", in 2013 the state allocated RIA Novosti 2.7 billion rubles - 26.5% less than requested by the agency itself.

The second problem, according to Ivanov, - "improving the efficiency of state-owned media." "Russia is pursuing an independent policy, firmly defends the national interests; it is not easy to explain the world, but it can be done and it is necessary ", - he concluded.