Russia yanked a hitman out of the English justice

A professional killer, the citizen of Moldova Vitaly Proca, was extradited from Russia to Romania.
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He is charged with attempted murder in Bucharest, and is also suspected in the attack in London on Russian banker German Gorbuntsov. According to "Rosbalt", one of the conditions for extradition it was that with procs will not be carried out investigative actions in the case of English.

Vitaly Proca was arrested in Moscow in February 2013, and in the summer of Prosecutor General's Office granted the request of Romania for his extradition to this country for criminal prosecution. killer's lawyers unsuccessfully appealed against this decision in the courts of different instances, and over the weekend procs on a plane sent to Bucharest.

Source "Rosbalt" familiar with the situation, said that one of the main conditions for the extradition of a citizen of Moldova was the fact that in Romania since it would not be carried out investigative actions in the case of the attempt on Gorbuntsov in London. Earlier, Moscow has transferred to Bucharest DNA samples procs, but they were almost immediately in London. This caused a serious dissatisfaction with Russian law enforcement agencies, which did not cooperate with Britain on "business Gorbuntsov". as a resultie Romania demanded assurances that Prokom will be tried in this country only for an attempt on a local resident, he would not be handed over to London with him will not carry out investigative actions the British investigators. Only after receiving these acknowledgments killer extradited to Bucharest.

According to the interlocutor, "Rosbalt", learning of this, the British law enforcement authorities suspended the investigation of the assassination attempt on Gorbuntsov. They believe that at the moment come all the possible volume of work, and without questioning Prokom move up on impossible.

London police managed, in particular, up almost to a minute to install, as the attacker acted. March 20, 2012 Gorbuntsov was in the London office of his friend, businessman Vladimir Antonov. In the evening he went home by taxi. Apparently, for the banker he was under surveillance: the killer knew that Gorbuntsov pulls up to the house about five minutes before. According to CCTV footage, it was during this time the attacker walked out of the subway and headed to the building in which he livedGorbuntsov. When he came to the house, Gorbuntsov already opened the door to the staircase. A criminal on the move opened fire with a pistol. Despite several injuries Gorbuntsov was able to come into the room and shut the door. The attacker broke into her glass, put his arm with the weapon and continued firing. He hurt his hand, was left at the scene of his blood.

Deciding that it's done, the killer went back to the subway, throwing the jacket and the gun on the way. On his robe and was discovered material allowed to take samples of his DNA (in particular - the hair). Examination showed that the blood and hair belong to Prokom.

And in November 2012, the killer has "lit up" in Romania. According to local police, Proca got an "order" to eliminate criminal "authority" Ioana Dumitru Mironescu. However confused him with another man, who looked like a gangster outside and enjoyed the same car. The killer opened by 26-year-old inhabitant of Bucharest fire with a pistol and rifle, he was seriously wounded, but survived.

After the assassination attempt on Gorbuntsov, representatives of the British law enforcementnyh officials said they planned to go to Moscow for the purpose of investigation and sent the appropriate request to Russia. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation also expressed his desire to interrogate Gorbuntsov since before the attack, he sent written testimony by high-profile murder case of former State Duma deputy Ruslan Yamadayev and attempted banker Alexander Antonov. However, no visit to Russian investigators in London, or the arrival of British detectives in Moscow did not take place. After the detention of Prokom Russia it has refused to give the English side of the DNA samples of a citizen of Moldova, as well as interrogate the suspect. Samples were sent only to the representative of Romania, who "share" them with the British.

Vitaly Proca was born in 1979 in Moldova, in 16 years, he won his first term for theft. In 1997, a young man was arrested for murder. According to investigators, during a robbery Proca beat to death two women. The court sentenced him to life imprisonment. But thanks to the efforts of influential relatives Prokom lawyers have to cut it up to 25a. Then to him the amnesty act was applied, reduced the length of stay in prison to 17 years. But as there is no Proca spent. In 2010, he was released on parole.

Recall the spring of 2012 the Russian banker German Gorbuntsov wrote in RF IC appearance of guilt. In it, he said, as if witnessed how some of his business partners have been negotiating about the organization of the attack on the co-owner of Converse Group Alexander Antonov. This was preceded by a business conflict with Antonov because the amount of $ 106 million. When the parties have not been able to agree, was assassinated on Antonov. According to investigators, he carried three Chechen residents, who also shot the Hero of Russia Ruslan Yamadayev.

Shortly after the surrender Gorbuntsov himself became a victim of the killer - March 20, 2012 in London, unknown released him eight bullets. Finance survived.

However, according to a source "Rosbalt" in the Russian law enforcement agencies are likely to attack on Gorbuntsov is not associated with this, but with a different story. Before settling in London, the banker has bought a stake in MoldovaUniversalbank and it flared up a conflict with another shareholder. All this led to filing a case series - both on the application Gorbuntsov, and in relation to himself. In particular, the Prosecutor General of Moldova in absentia Gorbuntsov accused of plotting the assassination shareholder Universalbank Renata Mustached and now requires extradition from England Herman.

German Gorbuntsov filed an application to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation with a request to start investigation into the assassination attempt in Moscow in London (Russian legislation allows it). However, according to lawyer Vadim Gorbuntsov Vedenina, he was denied the prosecutor's office. The motivation was as follows: since the crime was committed in England, the supervisory authority sees no reason to "respond" to the statement by the banker. RF IC, in turn, said that the statement by Herman accustomed to the murder of former State Duma deputy Ruslan Yamadayev and attempted co-owner of "Converse Group" Alexander Antonov, in which Gorbuntsov held as a witness. Investigation of the case is suspended.