Who suffered instead of Telegram

Roskomnadzor tries to block Telegram the second day, but instead creates problems for other sites.
In the evening on Monday, April 16, in pursuit of the Telegram messenger, Roskomnadzor began blocking more than 1 million IP addresses of Amazon and Google. But on the morning of April 17, Telegram continued to work with clients of most Russian operators without additional ways to bypass the blocking (VPN or proxy servers), users in social networks write with surprise. But online stores, delivery services and even the messenger-competitor Viber from blocking suffered.

Online stores

Serious impact of the blocking of cloud servers Amazon at Russian e-commerce stores. According to the president of the National Association of Distance Trade (NADT), Alexander Ivanov, nine online shops have addressed NADT, whose work was violated by the blocking of Roskomnadzor. Not everyone used Amazon hosting, someone had other IP-addresses, Ivanov says. To assess the material damage is now quite difficult: small business fears that a public statement of failures in work can cause them additional damage. "But the rampant Roskomnadzor, of course, is impressive," Ivanov sums up. Judging with the service because of losses, he said, entrepreneurs fear: no matter how financial damages are not blamed for extremism.

Sites of online stores that used Amazon as a hosting service, as of 10.00 Moscow time, do not open, says the businesswoman Victoria Gross-Dniprova. The lock has violated the work of its online store GiveMe.ru and wedding agencies Gross.Wedding. In the morning on Tuesday, April 17, many sites opened in Moscow, but most likely they are loaded from the cache and payment does not pass, says Gross-Dneprov. The exact size of the loss is now impossible to determine, but the average order of flowers was 13 000-19 000 rubles. Therefore, the loss of even 2-3 orders is significant, says the entrepreneur. Now she plans to move the online store to German hosting, but it will take time: from a week, including site migration and configuration, to two - to fix all problems.


On the evening of April 16, representatives of the online school for learning the English language SkyEng also complained about failures because of the large-scale blocking of IP-addresses. Locking by the Roscommodecenter of the messenger accidentally touched part of the platform servers, as a result, some users could not begin the lesson, the company said on its Facebook page. By the morning of Tuesday, April 17, it was not possible to fix everything, but the main problems were removed, says managing partner SkyEng Alexander Laryanovsky. SkyEng on Amazon hosted almost half of the platform, it was necessary to deploy the entire infrastructure again - this is an additional cost.

Direct damage from the failed lessons amounted to about 2 million rubles. But it is still unclear whether the school lost because of the failure of students. Judge with Roskomnadzor SkyEng does not plan - why waste time getting to know everything that we already know today, sums up Laryanovsky.

Courier service "Birdy"

In the course of mass blocking of Amazon's IP-addresses, the site of the courier service "Birdie" was blocked, the general director of the company Vladimir Kobzev said on April 16. The entrepreneur's complaint quickly responded to the Amazon Web Services support service (they confirmed the blocking of four subnets by Roskomnadzor) and changed the IP addresses used by the site. The architecture of the service is such that it was impossible to do this alone, Kobzev explains. Moving from Amazon servers would be highly undesirable: AWS has many features that competitors do not have.

By the morning of April 17, the site "Birds" again earned in Moscow, but still working with interruptions in St. Petersburg, said the entrepreneur. The loss from the lock is small: "Birdie" earns on commission with the order of each courier, in total there were lost about 80 orders, explains Kobzev. But the couriers suffered much more serious financial damage, he adds. Now Kobzev consults with lawyers and hopes to assemble the group to "systematically press Roskomnadzor", but it is still unclear what will come of it, he adds.


Massed lock Telegram touched another messenger - Viber. Some users from Russia could have difficulty with calls to Viber, reported on Monday evening, April 16, representatives of the messenger. They tied up communication problems on Amazon servers. Engineers are working to resolve the issue in order to quickly return access to the service.


In the afternoon on Tuesday, April 17, users of the social network Odnoklassniki also complained about malfunctions. "The entire tape has disappeared from the official page of our site (more than 5,500 publications) and from the group too", - write users on the site Downdetector (collects information about failures in Internet resources). Some users have linked crashes in "Classmates" with the blocking of Amazon's IP addresses.

The press service of the social network confirmed that they recorded a failure. But it is not connected with the blocking of IP-addresses Amazon, assures the representative of the social network. The technical service will restore the service in the near future, he assured. After 15 minutes a representative of the social network told Vedomosti that the problem had been solved, everything was working.

"Open science"

A representative of the Association of Scientists and Scientific Organizations to promote the openness of scientific knowledge "Open Science" confirmed to "Vedomosti" that their service was blocked, as it is on the Amazon servers. In the near future, the site is likely to be transferred to another server, he said.


The lock also affected the work of the publication "Lifehacker". As Aleksei Ponomari, the publisher of Lifkhaker, told Vedomosti, the resource used the DNS service from Amazon Route53, and on Monday evening it was also blocked. As a result, for some users, lifehacker.ru has ceased to be accessible. According to internal analytics systems, access problems were observed in about 20% of the site's audience and mobile applications, Ponomar said. To eliminate the problem, the company has replaced the DNS service, but since such changes are rolled out to the entire audience for 1.5 days, some users still have problems accessing the site, Ponomar says.