

Alexander Mamut got into streaming


The Rambler Group is demanding record compensation from the American Twitch service.

Sberbank, Gazprombank and VTB are looking for a cave of treasures in Internet commerce


Online trading in Russia in five years, lost half of the largest players and slowed down the pace of growth. Sberbank, VTB and Gazprombank offered to give it a new impetus.

Amazon banned Telegram from using its network to bypass locks


Amazon has forbidden developers to use their own domain to bypass locks. Earlier, Google did the same, but then it was not affected by Telegram's ability to bypass the lock.

Sberbank intends to build a Russian analogue of Amazon


Sberbank closed the deal with Yandex.Market.

The Telegram block can cost $ 2 billion


Of these, half will have to Russian companies, another $ 1 billion will account for the losses of Amazon and Google.

Telegram remains elusive for Roskomnadzor's officials


Block the messenger until it was physically impossible.

Who suffered instead of Telegram


Roskomnadzor tries to block Telegram the second day, but instead creates problems for other sites.

Roskomnadzor intends to block Russia's IP addresses Amazon


Only in this way censors can completely drown out Zello's Internet radio, blocked last year.