Roskomnadzor found victims of their actions

From blocking Telegram in Russia, 400 Internet resources were affected.
The actions of Roskomnadzor, which tried to block the Telegram messenger, violated the work of 400 Internet resources, Vedomosti reported to the service, and now Roskomnadzor together with ROCIT (Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies) works with companies that suffered from the blockage. Roskomnadzor believes that the reason is that Telegram and foreign hosting providers are resisting the execution of the court decision, and they say they are making local decisions that allow the Internet resources of these companies to continue working.

Roskomnadzor began blocking Telegam on April 16 by a Tagansky court order - the messenger did not fulfill the FSB's demands to give her encryption keys. Lock Telegram failed: the messenger began to use the resources of cloud hosting providers Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Roskomnadzor responded by blocking entire subnets of IP-addresses, each with several hundred thousand addresses, and innocent services that were also used by hosting companies were blocked. The Viber messenger Viber, online school of the English language SkyEng, complained about failures in work in Russia, because of the locks the search engine and some Google services, "In contact" and "Yandex" were temporarily unavailable for Russian users.

Numerous reports of failures in the work of Internet services forced Roskomnadzor to open a hotline - from April 20, the victims could complain about the lock. How many complaints there were, Roskomnadzor keeps silent, but reports that only 1300 calls indicate specific Internet resources or IP-addresses that were blocked. The remaining several tens of thousands - either outright spam, or letters without any specifics, assures the service. Verification of addresses showed that abnormal work of 400 resources was associated with attempts to block Telegram.

Head of Roskomnadzor Alexander Zharov in an interview with Izvestia on April 17 denied the violation of the work of other resources: "This information is not true. She from a series "to me have called and have told or said - means, it is the truth". I can confidently say that in 99.9% of cases, nothing, speaking in technical terms, did not lie, in addition to just Telegram. "

April 27, businessman Alexander Vikharev filed against Roskomnadzor the first lawsuit with claims to recover damages from illegal blocking. He claimed that part of the servers of his company "Investorie", which attracted investment in commercial real estate, was blocked due to the blocking of Telegram and its customers could not make transactions in private offices. The amount of damage he estimated at 5 million rubles.