Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev was offered to develop measures to support companies affected by IP address locks during Telegram's restriction. According to the software developer Flexbby, the continuation of the current methods of dealing with the messenger in the coming months could cost Russian companies $ 1 billion, almost the same amount for the year can be lost to American Amazon and Google. Roskomnadzor, since the beginning of the blocking, Telegram has already received more than 46 thousand complaints, has begun consultations with representatives of the industry.
The general director of the software developer Flexbby (resident of Skolkovo), Andrei Prokofiev, suggested that Internet ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev form an operational headquarters of representatives of government and business to solve the problems of companies affected by the blockages, it follows from a letter dated April 24 (available from Kommersant). According to Mr. Prokofiev, legislative amendments are needed that would exclude situations in which "vital services of Russian business will be blocked unilaterally."
Restriction of access to Telegram, according to the court decision, began in Russia on April 16. Telegram evaded the blockage using the services of Amazon, Google, etc. As of Wednesday evening, Roskomnadzor blacklisted about 18 million IP-addresses. This leads to difficulties in the work of Internet services of Google itself, as well as third-party companies. Some 400 Russian organizations using Google and Amazon have suffered, evaluating Flexbby: they have failures in data warehousing, business applications, artificial intelligence systems, geolocation, payments, interaction with banks, customer service, etc. Potential financial losses of the Russian business in the case of continued blockages in the coming months, the company estimates at $ 1 billion.
Suspending the performance of cloud services Amazon and Google, as well as Google's advertising platform can lead to the loss of two corporations $ 940 million at the end of 2018, predicts Flexbby.
"This is the most pessimistic scenario," emphasizes Andrei Prokofiev. The beneficiaries of the redistribution of the market, in his opinion, could be Rostelecom, Group, Yandex and Microsoft, whose cloud services will be in high demand.
Internet Ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev told Kommersant that he has not yet received the letter, but expects a "snowball" of complaints from companies affected by the lock. "Service inefficiency is a reputational blow to the company, but Russian business, which does not like to confront state authorities, has an inherent caution. These factors restrain in the assessment of damage and in the handling of complaints, "Mr. Marinichev believes.
Roskomnadzor made a "wild amount of mistakes" with the blocking of Telegram, the business was damaged, agrees LETA Capital managing partner Alexander Chachava. But if you look wider, then much more complications for business create sanctions of the US, EU and Russian counter-forces, he believes. "It's absolutely worth extra billions of dollars, primarily to American companies," Mr. Chachava is sure.
Evaluation of the damage to companies due to IP address locks is outside the competence of Roskomnadzor, Kommersant was informed at the department, expressing readiness to consider the official proposal to create an operational headquarters on the issue of locks. They stressed that consultations were already underway with the business, in particular, a meeting with representatives of the industry was held in Roskomnadzor to "work out joint solutions to ensure the smooth operation of the infrastructure." "Measures are being taken to avoid blocking good resources. All appeals and complaints submitted to the hot lines of Roskomnadzor and ROCIT are considered. With those who are locked out, work is under way to clarify the situation, search for mutually acceptable solutions, "say Roskomnadzor. According to the agency, 46 thousand appeals have already been received on its hot line, 2.9 thousand on the ROCIT line.