Roskomnadzor will expand the range of punitive measures against the Runet

The Office proposes to introduce a new basis for blocking - a court decision in the case of an administrative offense.
It entered into a new version of the by-law that would allow blocking, including VPN and anonymizers. The document is needed to legalize the blocking of millions of IP-addresses in the fight against the Telegram messenger, experts are sure.

Roskomnadzor published a new version of the draft order on "the procedure for identifying information resources in order to take measures to restrict access to information resources" at Such a by-law is supposed to come into effect in November 2017, but since then and never used the law on prohibiting the use of circumvention means, including VPN and anonymizers, for access to prohibited sites. The Roskomnadzor project introduces a new basis for entering into the register of prohibited resources - a court decision in the case of an administrative offense. The department did not respond to the inquiry with Kommersant.

The experts interviewed by Kommersant believe that the document should enter into the legal field the actions of Roskomnadzor to block the messenger Telegram.

What the supervisory service undertook over the past week, introducing into the register more and more new IP addresses used by Telegram, was ambiguous from a legal point of view, they say. "After a series of blocking of the subnets, many industry lawyers drew attention to the fact that there is no legal basis for such actions of Roskomnadzor," says Irina Levova, director of strategic projects at the Institute for Internet Research. "Probably the supervisory agency realized that all IP addresses are blocked very doubtful grounds, and decided to quickly and non-publicly remove this gap and, thus, to bring the legal framework to bear in mind. "

This "shows the mess in which the whole block of legislation devoted to restricting access has turned", the head of the analytical department of the Russian Association of Electronic Communications Karen Ghazaryan is categorical.

Operators of communications began to receive instructions of Roskomnadzor about blocking of IP-addresses of Telegram, refusing to transfer keys of enciphering of FSB, since April, 16th. According to, which tracks the number of IP-addresses blocked, on Monday at 19:30 Moscow had about 18 million IP-addresses in the registry. Under the restriction of access were included, including services Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Hetzner, Digital Ocean. Because of this, many Internet resources have already experienced difficulties in accessing and restricting work. Among them - messengers Viber and Slack, the manufacturer of computer games Nintendo Switch and online platform Xbox, also, for example, the online sale of tickets on the site of the Moscow Kremlin Museum temporarily ceased to work.

Last weekend and Monday, Russian users in various regions of the country could not access Google resources: the problems were with Google Docs, Google Drive, Gmail, YouTube, Google Translate. On Monday, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers reported on the difficulties in the operation of the anti-spam protection service Google reCAPTCHA due to the blocking of Google's IP addresses by the Roscommodiadzor, as a result of which sales of electronic OSAGO ceased. At the same time on Sunday Roskomnadzor confirmed that the IP-addresses of Google are entered in the registry for blocking by Internet providers. According to, in the unloading there were about 118 IP-addresses of from 1002 well-known and another 146 IP-addresses of various Google services. According to the head of the international human rights organization "Agora" Pavel Chikov, lawyers of "Agora" have already received 150 applications of Internet services affected by locks of Roskomnadzor.

Sam Roskomnadzor on Monday said that with complaints about violations in the work of Internet services, you can contact the Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies (ROCIT), which should act as an intermediary between the agency and the Internet community. For this purpose, a "hot line" is opened on the basis of ROCIT.