Where the Khotin family gets money

Like many other businessmen, they built their empire on credit money.
Despite the crisis, immigrants from Belarus father and son George Hawtin and Alex in the last year rose from 10 th to 8 th place ranking Forbes «Kings of the Russian Real Estate": income from rental of 2 million square meters. m in Moscow, according to the publication estimate, was $ 325 million versus $ 320 million a year earlier. However, cost is not cheap: in 2015 Hawtin added to the building of the former hotel "Moscow" in Okhotny Ryad, including hotel Four Seasons, shopping center "Fashion Gallery" and a business center, bought it, according to experts, the businessman Suleiman Kerimov for . $ 500 million, however Hawtin Jr. first came to the Forbes ranking with a fortune of $ 0.9 billion addition to the real estate businessmen have oil assets -. share Exillon Energy and NC "Dulisma" and "Ugra" banks involved at according to "Interfax-CEA" on April 1, 2016, 33-th place in terms of assets and 30th in terms of capital. This Hawtin one of the most secretive businessmen in Russia. All attempts to "Vedomosti" talk ended the same way. "They are aware of your problems, but do not want to talk," - broadcast "Vedomosti" Hawtin representatives and their friends.

In the past few years, it manages all asset Jr. Hawtin - Alex. As the father, according to their friends and counterparts, he retired. Hawtin of the few businessmen who continue to actively buy up the assets. In 2013, they were interested in the purchase of "BRIC" Kerimov, told people close to the company. The real estate market in 2013-2015 Hawtin. "A look at everything", say two large developer. For example, eyeing the shopping center "Atrium" on the "Kursk", Novinsky Passage, told people close to the owners of these complexes. "It is true that they offered for the" Atrium "the price is much lower than would owners, so the deal did not happen. As a result, they chose the "Moscow" in the same Kerimov, "- says one of the interlocutors" Vedomosti ". Hawtin expensive never pay and pay for purchases on credit, the survey showed their partners and contractors. The crisis in the debt financing market was reflected in them: in 2014 they began perekreditovyvatsya your bank "Yugra". As a result, they have hard to find an asset free of pledge, showed investigatede "Vedomosti".
How to buy «Moscow»

Buy "Moscow" Hawtin helped Sberbank and VTB, according to developers and bankers. A person close to one of the parties, confirmed that VTB Bank has financed the purchase of Hawtin Kerimov Four Seasons hotel room in the restored building of the hotel "Moscow". This property is owned by JSC "Dekmos", 100% of which controls the Cypriot company Lansgrade Holdings. In 2015, she was replaced by the owner, and in early 2016 Lansgrade, according to the data of the Cyprus Registry terminated the contract of pledge of their shares and the shares' DekMos "with the Savings Bank (formerly Bank granted loans structures Kerimov 10.9 billion rubles. And $ 130 million). The company also entered into a pledge agreement with VTB. However, this time, the loan amount was not specified, and the software were no shares of companies owning real estate and pledge right on ruble and dollar bank accounts "DekMos" VTB. Cyprus law allows the use of future business income as collateral for the loan. But in practice, such a pledge is normally used when the borrower is under the control of creditorsora, talks requested anonymity legal advisor. This high-risk transactions, which, as a rule, banks will not approve of any third party agrees to another to ask for a lawyer of anonymity. Lansgrade Holdings ltd has nothing to do with the VTB Group, the bank never owned areas in the building of the former hotel "Moscow", said the press service of VTB.

Hawtin controlled retail and office space in the "Moscow" by LLC "shopping gallery", owned by the Cyprus Iolernico Investments. The company also changed owners in 2015, but they have to renew the contract of pledge of shares of the company with the Savings Bank, committing to him the loan of $ 160 million.
Good friends

This is a common strategy for Hawtin, said one of the contractors. In the real estate and oil markets, there is talk about the power of Hawtin, behind which are supposedly unlimited financial and administrative resources, he adds. In fact, Alexei Khotin not so much money, continues the source "Vedomosti". Hawtin all negotiations is this: I am ready to pay you now 10 or 5% of the cost, further to the racespoint each on credit money, and then, just when will the cash flow, the rest, said another man who worked with the businessman.

Hawtin, like many others, conducts transactions on credit. He works with about 30 banks, but the largest of its creditors - the state banks. Of course, the successful cooperation with state-owned banks, as well as the fact that its oil companies, despite the opposition of the Ministry of Finance, to easily enjoy tax privileges (see. Incision), provide the ground for such talks, admits one of the interlocutors "Vedomosti". But consider that for Hawtin is one person, providing them the most favored mode is no exaggeration, he said.

Hawtin - quite independent businessmen proved that the expression "do not have a hundred rubles, and a hundred friends" - is not just a saying, but a string of business plan, says one of their creditors: "You could say it's a real Russian success story, where people possessed as start-up capital links with the security forces and skillfully taken advantage of them. "

Family Hawtin ingood relations with the former Minister of Internal Affairs of Belarus Vladimir Naumov, who introduced them to the former head of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and ex-speaker of the State Duma Boris Gryzlov, is now providing them its support, wrote "Kommersant" and Forbes.

Interests Hawtin government lobbying Gryzlov either at the request of the former head of the FSB, Nikolai Patrushev, confirmed a senior official. For example, Gryzlov personally sought extension of tax benefits for NC "Dulisma", assured a prominent businessman, is also interested in the benefits. The relevant departments is not commenting.

Yuri Hawtin never hid the fact that Gryzlov solve them questions, and generally always behaved like a man who is afraid of nothing and very sure of himself, says a former senior official involved in the business right now. "But I do not feel that this is one man show, a certain sense of security officials support at various levels," - adds the source "Vedomosti".

Several years ago, in front of one of the first major deals in the Moscow real estate - buying MTZ "Rubin &raquo ;, which owns "Gorbushkin yard" - in the "Rubin" the board of directors for the benefit of customers entered Ural Latypov. Last From 1998 to 2000 headed the Foreign Ministry of Belarus, and later became a member of the republic's Security Council. Belarusian media include Latypova in the inner circle of the country's president Alexander Lukashenko. We also know that Latypov was the chief of the department at the higher rates KGB in Minsk, which was terminated at the time Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Sergey Ivanov and Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev.

Solve issues Hawtin helped high-ranking officials, various security forces, agrees the man, a few years ago lost property as a result of the conflict with the business structures, "They have an excellent relationship. My lawyer found himself a classmate of the man who held at that time deputy minister of the Ministry of Interior. So, I was told that the deputy minister called on the fact that his classmate makes the wrong person, "- he recalled. Here, for example, with the mayor of Moscow, Sergei Sobyanin Hawtin not familiar, assures fellow Hall. They do and nowhere: all the right questions, hesuccessfully addressed at the level of the prefects, the official adds. And recalls that the structures Hawtin has been a lot of claims by former owners of the property was taken over by Hawtin. "But as far as I know, to show that Hawtin purchased something illegal, failed, collapsed criminal cases," - he adds.

The companies felt Hawtin army discipline and habit of secrecy, agree their counterparties. On the business work for the most part former members of agencies, offices have as bunkers, units are closed on themselves, people do not know what their neighbor is doing, and in general they all captive - up to the ISPs in the shopping center, says one of the partners Hawtin.
Good customer

Now all of the assets pledged Hawtin banks converge interlocutors "Vedomosti".

Judging by the history of the Pledge in the 2000s. Hawtin structures acquired property loans to Sberbank, VTB and the Bank "Globex", who pledged hundreds of thousands of square meters of space owned by businessmen (see more about the pledge. The table on p. 21).

"Already in 2008, my knowledgeomy of VTB Hawtin represented as a class, rich customers, but they have something and nahimichili the loan agreement with the bank "- says a former top manager of one of the state banks. The word "nahimichili" hidden history, in which VTB tried to court to repay the loan at 6 billion rubles. The bank in 2008 gave the company "Equipment and machinery" 6.25 billion rubles. the security of the business center and the land on the Dmitrov highway. Guarantor of the loan was the managing company "Mega-group", which this building was in the long-term lease. She laid the bank lease. In 2009, it ceased to serve the loan, and the two companies went bankrupt. Managing bankruptcy "mega-groups" has terminated the rental agreement and returned the building "Equipment and machinery". A manager of "Equipment and machinery" passed building long-term lease of a new company - "Edelweiss". VTB tried to challenge the decision, but was unsuccessful. Nevertheless in the end the parties agreed on the world, the details of which are not revealed. "The debt of" machinery and equipment "to VTB resolved peacefully in aNCU 2013, and is now VTB has no claims in connection with this debt, "- said the bank's press service.

Sberbank President German Gref familiar with Alexei Hawtin, says the man from the environment businessman. Sberbank Hawtin credited with the 2000s. But their story was flawed, some legal entities, the bank had a claim, they do not want to renew credit lines - and then called Gref, Sergei Mironov, then-Speaker of the Federation Council, and asked for Hawtin, says businessman familiar. Mironov is categorically denied. Gref said in an interview with "Vedomosti" confirmed only that he knew "a" Hawtin. In 2010, their structure for $ 95 million purchased by Sberbank assets of the company Urals Energy, which was created on the basis of NC "Dulisma". In June 2014 the owner of the "Dulisma" - the company "Kraunsiti" laid in the Savings Bank until 2017, the bill "Dulisma".

Under the credit line from Sberbank's 2010, 2011 and 2014. It laid the premises of the shopping center "Gorbushkin yard" in Bagrationovskom travel, office and warehouse centers in electrolyte transportation, at the Nizhny Novgorod stItza and complex "Krasny Bogatyr" - only about 200 000 sq. m (for details about deposits - see table on page 21.).

Sberbank does not comment on cooperation with Hawtin, as a policy of confidentiality in relations with customers, said a bank representative.

Now the largest creditor Hawtin is the Agricultural Bank (Rosselkhozbank), say a few bankers and one of Khotina counterparties.

In 2010, the Chairman of the Board was Dmitry Patrushev, son of Nikolai Patrushev. In 2013, NC "Dulisma" Hawtin received a line of credit Rosselkhozbank including Sberbank to refinance the loans, under which the business property laid MTZ "Rubin" in Bagrationovskom Travel - the main part of the premises "Gorbushkin Yard" shopping center, as well as in several areas of business center. In this bank in 2014 and incorporated equipment "Dulisma". Rosselkhozbank representative did not respond to questions about the collaboration with Hawtin.

Bank "Saint-Petersburg", which Hawtin bought the oil company "Petersburg Development," Hawtin mortgaged property in 2014, and in 2016 laid down 33000 sq. m in the business center Paveletskaya.

Hawtin have established good business relationship with Alfa Bank, said one of their creditors. According to him, at the end of 2014 they had been there a limit of $ 1 billion, all the issues dealt with by the bank at the shareholder level. Co-owner Bank Mikhail Fridman confirmed "Vedomosti" information on credit lines, but other questions about Hawtin has not responded. It is the money of Alfa Bank, apparently, Hawtin bought the shopping center "Filion" in Bagrationovskom Travel. The Bank as a year of the transaction - in 2011 - "Filion" line of credit in foreign currency, in which it opened in January 2014, the current owners had to lay the land for the shopping center and its facilities, and more than 100 000 sq. m in other objects.

On loan to Credit Suisse for $ 100 million pledged 100% of the shares of the mining subsidiaries Exillon Energy ( «Yukateks Oil", "Qayum oil", "Nam Oil", "Komi resorses", "Yukateks-Yugra") and Cypriot companies - owners these companies, except for "Aslador Oil".
Himself lender

"Ugra" The bank came under the control of structures Hawtinin 2014, and at the end of 2015 Alex became Hawtin directly control it 52.5%.

The new shareholders support the bank "Yugra" indicated in the statements that in 2014 received from them under contracts of donation of 7.2 billion rubles. But the bank has started to actively lend their own: businessmen in the 2015-2016 biennium. laid down in the provision for loans issued two major business center - East Gate on Shchelkovo highway and "Tehnosintez" on Ugreshskaya. At the end of 2015 Exillon Energy acquired promissory notes of the bank "Yugra" worth $ 26.32 million with a rate of 2.5% per annum.

The growth of lending, "Ugra" related business the shareholders may be due to industry-wide difficulties related to the search for new borrowers who moved en masse to the state banks against the backdrop of stripping sector the new leadership of the Central Bank, suggests the main expert of the "Interfax-CEA" Alex Buzdalin. This may be due to the problems of real estate development business owners, who became a riskier borrower in the eyes of other banks because of the economic recession, which has led to a drop in rental income, the expert continues. According Buzdalin now none of the private banksto can not do without the help of shareholders.

Lending to related companies - one of the main claims of the Central Bank to the bank. Since April 1, the regulator limited the "Ugra" to attract deposits from the public - in the last year they rose by 136%. In March, the bank formed a record reserves of 22 billion rubles. In addition, the bank's loan portfolio decreased by 23 billion rubles. These loans could be related to the bank's owners and can be redeemed at the request of the Central Bank, told "Vedomosti" a counterparty bank. The controller, according to him, sought from the "Ugra" reduce related lending companies. Such a requirement from the Central Bank to the bank there, said former Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev.

The bank claimed by 9.9 billion rubles. OFZ government program recapitalization of banks. But on the last day when it could start, on March 31, he announced the refusal to participate in the program, deeming it inappropriate. The source of "Vedomosti" said at the time that part of the bank did not approve of the Central Bank. In early April, the bank came to check the Central Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency. Last inspection has been completed. But Central Bank examiners remained in « Ugra "indicates one of its counterparties.

In April, people close to the Central Bank and counterparties "Ugra", said that the bank's board of directors may enter Gryzlov. Representatives of the bank is not commenting, for comment Gryzlov failed.