Away from the Kremlin: Suleiman Kerimov has sold the Fashion Season Gallery

Alexey and Yuri Khotins were the buyers. Karimov continues to dispose of assets in Russia and wants to sell 40% stake in Polyus Gold.
Origin source
Forbes was able to find out who bought the gallery "Fashion Season" in the former hotel "Moscow" (now - Four Seasons Hotel Moscow) at the Forbes list of the member and the owner of "Nafta Moscow" Suleiman Kerimov. As told Forbes two sources on the real estate market, buyers were father and son Yuri and Alexei Hawtin. The office of Suleiman Kerimov did not give comments. could not be reached Hawtin. Earlier gallery Kerimov estimated at $ 350 million.

In the early summer of FAS permitted Cyprus Sulena Holdings to acquire 93.35% of the other offshore - Iolernico Investments, which owns the company "Trading Gallery." This company belongs to the gallery "Fashion Season" between the Kremlin and the building of the State Duma on Okhotny Ryad. Visitors gallery is about 6 million people a year, the total area - 41 000 sq. m, of which leased - 28 500 square meters. M. Part of the gallery rented boutiques - Chanel, Escada, Canali. According to Forbes, the annual income from the rental of the gallery "Fashion Season" is about $ 80 million.

Hawtin, according to unofficial information, speak the TC "Gorbushkin Yard" shopping center "Filion" and many other sites in the capital. Also, according to hACOM business Hawtin own 2 million square meters. meters of real estate in Moscow, but the objects are not consolidated. "Their income is about $ 300 million interest-free loan in the year", - says one of the players in the real estate market. Another person said that Hawtin - rare in these times people who have free money.

Suleyman Kerimov was in a hurry with the transaction. "He sells everything in Russia", - said a source close to Kerimov.
In addition to the hotel Kerimov has sold 4% of VTB package, still in 2013 it was sold 21.75% of "BRIC" and 47% of PIK. As explained by the source, negotiations are continuing for the sale of 40% stake "Polyus Gold". In the "Nafta Moscow" is not commenting. A significant part of the assets bought with borrowed money, and on the basis of payments to creditors (in particular with VTB) may turn out that the cost of Kerimov's assets will not be so far from the volume of loans. "If we talk about the net asset value (NAV -. Approx Forbes), that Kerimov may cease to be a billionaire," - said the source of Forbes.

Sale of assets Kerimov source comprehendedsnyaet two reasons: the weakening of the influence of businessmen close to the government, Dmitry Medvedev, as well as a court with the former State Duma deputy Ashot Yeghiazaryan, who tried to impose provisional measures on Kerimov's assets. The verdict of the London Court of International Arbitration ordered Kerimov in 2014 to pay $ 250 million Yeghiazaryan. These funds Kerimov previously invested in the construction of the hotel "Moscow".

Built in 1930 the hotel "Moscow" was demolished in 2004. New hotel built in its place the company "Dekmos": 51% of its shares belong to JSC "Decorum", 49% - the City Hall. It was believed that "Decorum" controlled Yeghiazaryan. Yeghiazaryan himself denied this, stating that the only charge of the construction of the hotel as a deputy elected from Moscow.

In 2010, it was reported that 50% of "decorum" (equivalent to 25.5% of the hotel "Moscow") are owned by Arkady Rotenberg and his partner Konstantin Goloshapova. Information about this is revealed in lawsuits, which have begun to share shareholders' DekMos ". In late 2010 Yeghiazaryan and his representativesfiled lawsuits in London international arbitration on Cyprus, by which the defendants were Kerimov, Rothenberg and Goloshchapov and then Mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov and his wife Yelena Baturina. Yeghiazaryan accused Kerimov and Rotenberg to capture its share of the "Moscow" and estimated the damage at approximately $ 2 billion. In Russia Yeghiazaryan is a defendant in a criminal case under article "Fraud" on the fact of appropriation of budget $ 87.5 million. The State Duma has deprived the suspected fraud deputy immunity he was declared first in the federal and then the international wanted list.