How Yuri and Alexey Khotin do business

Businessmen Yuri and Alexey Khotin, father and son, have so far been known as the kings of the Moscow real estate. Now they are interested in oil.
"This is the first post, and the more I will not say anything to you" - so said the employee-owned structures Hawtin business center Nord House, where the correspondent of "Vedomosti" called in the hope of contact with businessmen or their representatives. Other attempts to find Hawtin - through businesses that rent their property through tenants, realtors, contractors, finally, just through mutual friends - showed that more can not count.

People often do not know with whom they deal. For example, in 2010 the general director of "Prostor" real estate agency, the president of the Guild of Realtors of Moscow Sergey Sayapin on its core forum has posted a warning to colleagues: "Consult Group" owns eight complexes area of ​​500 000 sq. m, refuses to pay for the contracts. During the crisis, complaining Sayapin, he found a tenant on the 4500 sq. m "Technopark synthesis" business center. Under a contract with the "Consult Group" his commission was to be 100% of the monthly rent - 2.8 million rubles. After a year of negotiations realtors received 1.7 million rubles. and the message, "the Pope said - will be enough." managed BalanceRedo only through the courts. Sayapin confirmed "Vedomosti" that all was well, but the owners of the "Consult Group" president of the Guild of Realtors of Moscow does not know, "Hawtin? And who is this "But bankers, lenders Hawtin, say:" Technopark synthesis ", as well as other objects" Consult Group ", controlled by these businessmen.

Forbes ranking in "Kings of the Russian Real Estate - 2013" took Hawtin 6th place, considering their last year's income from the lease of approximately 1.8 million square feet. m of retail and office space at $ 400 million. According to the calculations of "Vedomosti", informed the registration data bases and court decisions, as well as information from banks and brokers have Hawtin in Moscow nearly four dozen houses on 2.1 million square meters. m (see. Table). To keep this situation in incognito, it is necessary to put special effort.

And these efforts are applied. Property, which is considered the property of Hawtin, formally owned by other people. For example, 60% of the company "Anturteh" (to establish, in particular, two independent non-profit organization for which other companies have been issued - inladeltsy buildings Hawtin controlled entities) in 2002 was recorded at Nicholas Logvinenko. Recently, one of the sites classified Logvinenko vacancies appeared: "Wanted aperatory apparatchiks and boiler" (original spelling). The correspondent of "Vedomosti" responded and Logvinenko said that the owner of "Anturteha" he was not, and was employed (to whom - not told).

"They have a lot of legal entities, each engaged in a set of buildings, and everything is very closed. I have some of their sites know, "Filion", "Gorbushkin yard», River Side, Cherry Tower ... and many other Class B and lower, but not undertake to draw up a list, "- says a real estate consultant.

"Long corridors in several places blocked with massive iron doors. They are open, and then carefully battens down a security guard escort visitors. At the end of the road there is a meeting room with no windows, stuffed shoot and recording equipment, mobile phones do not work here "- so described Hawtin office in the business center" Agat "of Forbes magazine. With safety everything is in order, not only in the "AGate "- the businessman Igor Stavroula says that he met with the younger Hawtin in" Technopark synthesis ": there was the same pattern. "To get to the building, sometimes had to wait for 20 minutes", - complains one of the former tenants.

Moscow Medics

The idea to do Moscow real estate Hawtin could push the case. They started the business in Belarus - first engaged in the import of cosmetics and perfumes, then launched its own production - "Belkosmeks" in Fanipol, says the Belarusian edition of "Diary." Went to Moscow, opened a representative office here "Belkosmeks" in 1997, engaged in the production of shampoos, creams and so on. N. In a building rented from the slaughterhouse "Mikoms". In 1998, "Mikoms" went bankrupt and its assets were sold at auction. Part of the property bought the former tenants and suppliers slaughterhouse. Hawtin not miss the opportunity to take ownership of the leased building. "It was their first experience, and, apparently, they appreciated the benefits of buying real estate companies bankrupt: it wthousandths rates ", - says Stavroula (he bought the building next door).

Right or wrong, real estate has become for Hawtin core business and bankruptcy - the main condition for its acquisition. To carry out the correct bankruptcy, we must first get inside the company. That's how it was done in the case of the already mentioned Khotina neighbor on the street Talalihinskoy Stavrulovym. As a businessman, he says he wanted to withdraw production from Moscow and began the search for a buyer for its building at 19 000 sq m in 2007. m On his left neighbor -. Alex Hawtin. Businessmen agreed Stavrulovu transferred 30% of the advance. Then the deal was delayed by almost six months, and Stavroula decided not to wait - to find a new buyer. But when it came to tax, then I found out that his company "Igelsnab" (the only asset of which was the building) the new owners, and the general director instead of his sister Helen Stavrulovoy appointed an unfamiliar Dmitry Rud'ko.

While Stavroula challenged in the courts of changes in the registration documents, the new owners "Igelsnaba" do its bankruptcym. Several third-party companies have given each other a bill by 1.4 billion rubles., As a guarantor for him did "Igelsnab". After that, the creditors have filed lawsuits for the return of the debt, and had to pay the surety. According to the decision of the Moscow Arbitration company was to be 684 million rubles., And Rud'ko filed for "Igelsnaba" bankruptcy. Liked Hawtin building was put up for auction and bought for 199.7 million rubles. Of these, almost 120 million rubles. thus returned to third-party companies, 79 million rubles. Sberbank received (the building was in pledge).

The only thing that could Stavrulovym - is to achieve the reinstatement of the general director of "Igelsnaba" Elena Stavrulovoy. But following her claims were dismissed - the company had already been eliminated. And the building is now working a food production facility "Fudeks".

By a similar scheme lost its building in Lubyanskiy Travel and veteran MIA Dmitry Mikhailovsky. The building is owned by JSC "NTC" Commonwealth of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ", which was the sole owner of St. Michael. In 2006, Michael suddenly appeared at the partners: a kind of company "Arhell "announced that it had bought shares of STC" Commonwealth of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation "from the former shareholders. A former shareholders, in turn, accused Michael that he 10 years ago they stole these shares. Mikhailovsky quickly able to prove in court that the action he did not steal, but bought. But it did not help him. With the support of the Economic Crimes new shareholders took the building, was appointed general director of his own. And the St. Michael spent two years in custody. While there was a case, the investigator arrested the building as evidence, then transferred for safekeeping to the new shareholders and sentencing allowed to sell it. JSC "NTC" Commonwealth of the Interior Ministry "has also been bankrupt and liquidated, so Mikhailovsky failed to restore its shareholder rights. The litigation started Mikhailovsky, "Arcadia" was replaced by a Cypriot company Dessault Ventures Limited, claimed that she acquired the shares of the former shareholders, which means that the owner of "the Commonwealth of the Interior Ministry." Dessault Ventures Limited is a co-founder of several structures associated with Hawtin, the data show the registration database.
Michael eventually sentenced to three years probation after being convicted of fraud. At once he owned the building is now a business center, "China Town", which is controlled structures Hawtin.

In Moscow soap factory future new owners have come up with a minority stake. The company "MVS-trade", headed at the time by Alexei Hawtin, bought a 15% stake in the plant at the co-owner of the tea house "Grand" Valery Balenko. Another 20% of the plant was in Moscow. Most of the remaining shares before the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting, which was planned to change the board of directors, was arrested the bailiff. As a result, Council chose the representatives of Moscow and "MVS-trades" of the government (35% of rooms), the building was occupied with the support of the police, and the general director of the plant was appointed Sergei Podlisetsky. He opened a credit line of RUR 118,840,000. in the Russian Development Bank, the plant property laid the bank "Yugra" in providing loans to the company. Three months later, in January 2002, Podlisetsky sued a statement on the introduction of the company observing proceduresand I. Now there is "Capital" business center.


If the building owner or tenant does not give up, you can find unexpected means of persuasion - to block his entry to the territory, to shut down or set high fees for the passage of visitors. For example, after the company Hawtin purchased several buildings of the former plant "Synthesis", the remaining owners are having problems. One of the buildings owned company "Ghent-2000." the company filed a complaint against the "Synthesis" in 2006. The new owner of the building has restricted access of visitors stopped to let transport, has introduced a paid entry. The court ordered the release of the passage, the bailiff demanded to implement the decision. But it was not there. On the territory of the plant could call three checkpoints. Their "Synthesis" together with roads and sidewalks sold OOO "Supervisory Agency" Valdi trance. " Walking distance to the plant could also get through the checkpoint in a building - it sold the company "M-Service". For owners of buildings of others all the way to the plant was cut off again - newowners bailiffs were not owe anything. Again sue? But migratory owners can change again. Now, by the way, asphalt roads belong to the Cyprus Royceston.

Where is the money

Whatever may have been determined the methods by which acted Hawtin, to assets necessary money. Only "Gorbushkin yard" and "Filion" could do it at $ 400-500 million. Where the money?

There are conspiracy theories - it "Vedomosti" presented a major Belarusian businessman, "senior comrades say that Hawtin moved to Moscow in the late 1990s, when there are so many people moved from the Belarusian authorities. Including the former managing director of President of the Republic Ivan Titenkov. They all had good relations with the Russian state structures, which helped to conduct business. And they began to pull with a familiar and trusted persons. So, perhaps, Hawtin were able to build a business on the money that is stuck was from Belarus. "

Titenkov was in Belarus, which is called the "gray cardinal", he has not yet resigned on his own wElan. This desire arose in 1999, when against his friend, Konto Holdings owner Victor Lagvintsa opened a criminal case. Partners left for Russia, where he created several companies. Titenkovskaya Khotyn version of the origin of capital is updated so that the CEO of the oil company "Dulisma", which recently bought Hawtin Sberbank, was appointed Lagvinets. Discuss this version with none of her characters did not work, so that it still remains the version.

There is an obvious source - bank loans. Commercial real estate - highly liquid collateral and tenants - good cash flow generator. According Rosreestra pledged almost all buildings are group controlled by Hawtin. The complex "Aurora" - the bank "Globex", "Ochakovo" - the bank "Opening", "Smirnovsky" - the bank "Moscow Credit". Sberbank were pledged Villa Riva business centers and "Meadowsweet" from Alfa-Bank - Cherry Tower and "Agate". And so on.

The crisis of 2008 with a number of loans have problems. Structures Hawtin managed to restructuredebts of 17 billion rubles. to Sberbank, told Forbes the president of the bank, German Gref. "Absolut Bank" after the trials concluded a settlement agreement and agreed to defer the payment of $ 100 million until 2017 (in the pledge - the former building of taxis and "Technopark synthesis"). VTB is unsuccessfully trying to return about $ 200 million by participating as one of the creditors in the bankruptcy of the owner of the building on the Dmitrov highway.

In the eyes of bankers secrecy which surround themselves with Hawtin, they do not decorate. "They are always hiding. The market in general is believed that the assets do not belong to them - they are just fronts someone from law enforcement agencies, "- says an employee of one of the creditor banks. "They were still trailed the trail always hostile takeovers - says an employee of another bank. - Personally with them, few people know, and this situation is perfect secrecy and inaccessibility of the unpleasant impression produced. I came to the bank after the issuance of the loan, and there was a feeling of total despair after contact with these structures. "

Moscow acquaintance Alexei Khotin believes etc.about this family Belarusian past should be forgotten already - they are a long time in Moscow. In Russia they were "rushed" to the crisis, after failing to attract sufficient bank financing. And keep in a crisis due to a competent model - rigidity, pyramidal business structure, dispersal of assets. He believes the business model Hawtin "very competent", "They are not kept in words like" Tverskaya "and" Novy Arbat "; wherever there is a building if it meets their standards in terms of profitability, they take it. The concept they have is simple: they do not build and do not sell - buy, renovate and rent out. "

Closely real estate

"If the results of your research or your invention can be implemented in practice, we are ready to invest," - he wrote last year at the University of Oil and Gas forum Gubkin Podlisetsky. Accumulated capital lease Moscow real estate, Hawtin began to search for new sites for investment.

In December 2012, the first Hawtin made a loud buying Sberbank sold close his company "Kraunsiti "100% of the oil company" Dulisma ". The deal, according to the bank amounted to 2 billion rubles. and $ 27 million and the Belarusian businessmen nearly bought far more active in three months -. "Samara-Nafta". On it claimed close to Hawtin investment company "Jupiter". But the seller chose profile "Lukoil".

"When they [Hawtin] spoke [with the representatives of Sberbank] of oil, it sounded very professional, despite the fact that they did not have oil backgrounds. I see that they are actively interested in the oil and strategically configured to go into this industry. I think they will grow ", - says businessman familiar.

Along with "Dulisma" management-related companies Hawtin 6 billion rubles. (Additional issue was held) also bought a small bank "Yugra". "I can say that these" physicists "[pay an additional issue] are certain structures, financial and industrial, which helps the bank. They are quite a lot, so exactly someone would not want to call. These people have interests in those regions where the bank is already working. They have there withwarriors projects ", - said resource former owner of the bank, a former Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy Anatoly Fomin. According to him, the new owners want to withdraw from the third bank in the first hundred. The new owners of "Ugra" has already opened a bank office in the territory of "Gorbushkin yard."

economical owners

Structures associated with Hawtin, are able to save. The basis of ships have dozens of lawsuits that prove it. Tenants complain that they do not return the deposit. At the conclusion of the contract the tenant is usually required to make a provision in the amount of the monthly fee. It is assumed that the deposit is returned upon termination of the contract, but, judging by the claims companies have to recover it through the courts. In 2010, on the site an open letter complaining of the company "Complete Investment" and its director Alexei Khotin.

The leaders of eight small construction companies accused Khotina that its structure is not paid repairs made, suggesting limited to 20%. Debts to each company ranged from 1.8 million to 45 million rubles. In the courts of oneof the signatories - the company "Omega" demanded "Comprehensive Investments" 45 million rubles, but in the end turned out to be the very structures Khotina: in 2011, they sued the "omega" 25,450,000. rub. of the cash advance. A company "Vneshstroyalyans", also signed the letter, demanding 1.8 million rubles. for repairs in the business center "Smirnovsky", but in the end he was forced to return 2.8 million rubles. advance. Most of the remaining signatories went to the settlement agreement - the parties withdrew counterclaims. There are disgruntled creditors. Thus, the NGO "Red hero", while already controlled Hawtin, placed in 2007, a bond issue for 2 billion rubles. Guarantor on it became IR "North Star."

In the crisis year of 2009, when many issuers defaulted, "Red warrior" has replaced the legal address and the name - to "DEKA", after which the company was liquidated. . When one of the bondholders - UK "Navigator" - tried through the courts to return 240 million rubles, it became clear that this is not possible: the debtor is eliminated, and thus terminated the contract and guarantee. VTB in 2008 gave the company "Equipment and machinery" loan of 6.25 billion rubles. the security of the business center and the land on the Dmitrov highway. Guarantor loan became managing "mega-groups", in which the building was in a long-term lease. She laid the bank lease. In 2009, it ceased to serve the loan, and the two companies went bankrupt. Managing bankruptcy "mega-groups" has terminated the rental agreement and returned the building "Equipment and machinery". A manager of "Equipment and machinery" passed building long-term lease of a new company - "Edelweiss". VTB tried to challenge the decision, but was unsuccessful. Courts continue.

Pharmaceutical mystery

Becoming the owner of more than 2 million square feet. meters of real estate in Moscow, Hawtin has not abandoned its cosmetics business. Production was moved to Moscow, headed by "Shanti beauty" Michael Labanok husband Yuri Khotina daughter Marguerite. Margarita herself is now CEO Labanok created in 2007 the National Agency for Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy (NACPP). It is situated in one of the buildings on the Yreshskoy street, in the "Technopark synthesis". Assistant General Director Nikolai NACPP Dubovitsky told "Vedomosti" that any information about the general director is personal and protected by law. Dubovitsky claims that are not familiar with Hawtin. The Belarusian representative office of "Vedomosti" cosmetic company confirmed that Margarita before marriage bore the name of Khotin. But also declined to comment further.