Oil business of the Khotin family received benefits for 92 billion rubles

A small oil company Dulisma, which belongs to the Khotin family, manages to get export benefits faster than LUKOIL. The Ministry of Finance believes these benefits are justified and assesses budget losses from them at 92.5 billion rubles.
Origin source
Losses from "Dulisma"

The exemption on export duty for oil Dulisma licensed to since 2012 belongs to the company "Dulisma" businessmen Yuri and Alexei Hawtin, will cost 92.5 billion rubles. to 2033. Only in the years 2014-2017 will be on the losing 6.6 billion rubles. in year. This is stated in a letter to Finance Minister Anton Siluanov, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev (a copy is in the RBC), sent this spring.

About RBC letter knows the source, the Ministry of Finance involved in the consultations on the taxation of the oil industry. Finance Ministry spokesman declined to comment. Representatives of the "Dulisma" and "Rusoil" company (structure, owned by Hawtin), the request is not responded to RBC.

The Minister of Finance pointed out the prime minister that the company "Dulisma" received 12 May 2014 on the extension of the benefits of export duties on oil fields in the development of the same name to 2033 ", bypassing the established procedure for their approval." Under the order Siluanov meant conciliation meeting in the government, which, according to him, in the case ofulisminskim mine was not. In addition, the minister told Medvedev that, in his opinion, the company reduced production rate deposits (the ratio of the total volume of production to reserves), putting in the January 2014 initial recoverable oil reserves on the balance sheet, based on the data of exploration of the 1980s. Over the this way they have grown by 2.8 times, to 23.5 million tons of oil. The fact that the benefits of the export duty on oil issued by the company in the development of new deposits with development of less than 5% as of January 1, 2014. Therefore advantageous to inflate reserves.

In late October, the Ministry of Finance used the "case Dulisma" to show the inefficient method of distribution of benefits to the Presidential Commission on fuel and energy complex. The presentation of the report Siluanov (a copy is in the RBC) have a separate slide with a history of benefits for the company Hawtin.

rentier Hawtin

The money for the oil business, father and son Yuri and Alexei Khotin earned property. Forbes ranking in "Kings of the Russian Real Estate 2015" took them to 10th place, considering their last year's income from the lease of approximately 1.34 million square meters. m of retail and office space at $ 320 million.Company Hawtin called "Comprehensive Investments", the main points of "Gorbushkin yard" (35 000 sq m.), Shopping center "Filion" (58 000 sq m.), BC East Gate (110,000 sq. M). According to the calculations of "Vedomosti", in 2013 in Khotyn it was almost four decades of real estate of 2.1 million square meters in Moscow. m.

The idea to do Moscow real estate Hawtin could push the case, told "Vedomosti". They started the business in Belarus - first engaged in the import of cosmetics and perfumes, then launched its own production. We went to Moscow in 1997, engaged in the production of shampoos, creams, etc. in a building rented from the slaughterhouse "Mikoms". In 1998, "Mikoms" went bankrupt and its assets were sold at auction. Part of the property bought the former tenants and suppliers slaughterhouse. Hawtin not miss the opportunity to take ownership of the leased building.

Since then, real estate has become for Hawtin core business, and the bankruptcy of enterprises - the main method of purchase. "They were still trailed the trail always hostile takeovers - deI showered with "Vedomosti" employee of one of the creditor banks Hawtin. - Personally with them, few people know, and this situation is perfect secrecy and inaccessibility of the unpleasant impression produced. I came to the bank after the issuance of the loan, and there was a feeling of total despair after contact with these structures. "

Moscow Alexei Khotin friend said that they remained in the crisis at the expense of the competent model - rigidity, pyramidal business structure, dispersal of assets. He believes the business model Hawtin "very competent", "They are not kept in words like" Tverskaya "and" Novy Arbat "; wherever there is a building if it meets their standards in terms of profitability, they take it. The concept they have is simple: they do not build and do not sell - buy, renovate and rent out. "

Fast relief

"Dulisma" extends its benefit with surprising regularity and speed.

The first decision about the benefits of taking more Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin in November 2011: then it was agreed only 12 months - from January 1, 2012 until January 1 st of 2013. ita decision approved by all departments, including the Ministry of Finance.

In February 2013, a government commission on fuel and energy complex under the direction of Arkady Dvorkovich made a decision on the termination of this benefit on March 1, 2013. The Ministry of Finance considers the extension of benefits unreasonable. However, despite this, it has 1 April 2013 (for a period less than a month) as a result of treatment the Ministry of Energy in the government export duty exemption for "Dulisma" has been extended for one more quarter and has been continuously renewed on a quarterly basis.

A source in the Ministry of Energy confirmed RBC, that agency to coordinate such an extension along with Rosnedra, the Federal Customs Service and the Ministry of Economic Development. The press service of the Ministry of Energy of the situation around "Dulisma" does not comment. Ministry of Economic Development representative Elena Lashkina confirmed that her agency has agreed to permit the extension of benefits to Dulisma. In Rosnedra and the Federal Customs Service to request RBC did not respond.

A May 12, 2014 Prime Minister Medvedev signed a government decree on getting Dulisma benefits for exportoh duty on the extracted oil on it in the amount of 16.72 million tons (a copy of the order is at the RBC). If we compare this figure with the project documentation, it turns out that the exemption is valid until 2033.

So to quickly resolve the issue of obtaining concessions few can.

For example, the Irkutsk Oil Company (INC), which has several small fields in Eastern Siberia (in particular, Yarakta, Markov, Danilovskoe and West-Ayan), and has not received benefits depletion of deposits, since the Ministry of Finance also give to this request negative conclusion. This was told RBC INC manager, adding that the company still hopes to get the benefit, but in correspondence with the relevant ministries on this issue for almost two years.

Interlocutor RBC in LUKOIL claims that the procedure for obtaining benefits on export duty for the depleted fields takes 100 days or more from the letter by the Ministry of Energy with a full package of documents on the development of a specific field to the decision by the Government. In the interim, the Ministry of Energy orders its consultantsfrom PwC's financial and economic model of the field development, which is subsequently analyzed also the Ministry of Finance. The interviewer in LUKOIL could not explain how to manage Hawtin quickly extend privileges at a negative conclusion of the Ministry of Finance.

summed up the competition

If the "case Dulisma" will be mentioned in the minutes of the meeting of the presidential commission on the fuel and energy sector, exemption on export duty for depleted fields in Eastern Siberia may be under threat of cancellation for all companies - from "Rosneft" to "Gazprom oil" and LUKOIL. The Finance Ministry believes that the method of calculating the benefits leaves room for manipulation and wants to replace it with a tax on the added income, which may be less profitable oil companies. "While it is up to the government. In addition, the protocol on the results of the presidential commission is not ready yet ", - he told RBC source in the presidential administration.

What broke the "Dulisma"

Finance Minister in his letter to the Prime Minister says that the reason for the increase in inventories "Dulisma" was not: "During the test wells in 1980 receivedtributaries of drilling mud filtrate flow rates of less than 1 cubic meters per day from the oil film. Soviet geologists related stocks were not found. In this case, the subsoil user, based on the same data as the Soviet geologists 1980s, discovered the deposit 23.5 million tons of recoverable oil reserves. "

Minister caused concern and a violation of industrial safety in the field "in order to maximize profits." "In accordance with the project documentation in the field in 2014-2015 is expected to lose by 1 billion cubic meters. meters of natural gas per year, which corresponds to the volume of gas consumption of the Primorsky Territory. At the same time in order to save CAPEX it is planned to produce gas solely through oil wells, which is extremely risky from the point of view of industrial safety. This increases the risk of gas leaks and fires on the field ", - warned Siluanov.

Dean of the Geological Faculty of the RSU of Oil and Gas. Gubkin Alexander Lobusev RBC confirmed that the flow of oil of 1 cu. m per day (these figures are fixed to "Dulisma") tall appField can not be justified aces. "This well is almost dry," - says the geologist, adding that any audit firm could not take such reserves on the balance sheet without reservations. Lobusev not remembered in their practice to such reserves are put on the balance of the State Commission on reserves. "Oil wells are sealed less than gas, due to their different technology cementing, so gas from oil wells to produce really safe", - confirms the findings Lobusev Siluanov.

What is "Dulisma"

According to Rosnedra, the reserves of oil Dulisma C1 category amount to 14.086 million tons, C2 - 890 thousand tons. gas C1 - 63.55 billion cubic meters, C2 - 13.7 billion cubic meters; condensate C1 - 6.97 million tons, C2 -. 1.5 million tons in 2014, "Dulisma" produced 545 million cubic meters of gas, oil - 818 thousand tons of gas condensate -. 111 thousand tons..