What Igor Sechin wants from Alexey Miller

The heads of Rosneft and Gazprom have met in the office of the gas monopoly.
Miller and Sechin met at the central office of "Gazprom", said on Wednesday the gas monopoly. They discussed issues of cooperation in oil and gas sphere. "Gazprom" representative declined to comment on the meeting agenda. It was an ordinary working meeting, assured his colleague of "Rosneft". According to him, Sechin and Miller meet regularly at various venues, including "Rosneft" office.

The venue said that she was especially needed Sechin, says the director of Small Letters Vitaly Kryukov. President of "Rosneft" is likely to come with some request or suggestion how to solve any problems between the companies.

The "Rosneft" and "Gazprom" a lot of unresolved issues. Under the leadership of Sechin "Rosneft" make a dent in the export monopoly "Gazprom", having achieved a liberalization of liquefied natural gas exports. After that, oil companies began to seek the right to export gas and the tube. And then prepare a plan to reform the gas sector, providing for the reorganization and of "Gazprom". But officials discussed-its seriously began.

There are between companies and local differences. "Rosneft" through the courts has made access to the tube "Gazprom" structure in Sakhalin - Sakhalin Energy (operator of "Sakhalin-2" project) for gas supplies from northern fields to the south of the island, which was going to build a plant "Far LNG." However, the victory was not complete. The court ordered the "Gazprom" to pump 2 billion cubic meters. m "Rosneft" of gas annually, while companies need 8 billion cubic meters. meters of gas.

And recently it became known that in 2016, "Rosneft" may not be enough gas to fulfill contracts. "Kommersant" wrote that "Rosneft" was trying to negotiate the purchase of the missing 8 billion cubic meters. meters of gas from "Gazprom", but as long as the parties were unable to agree. Itself "Rosneft" is refuted. All contracts of "Rosneft" fully supplied with gas resources, including a contract with Inter RAO, the company said.

"Rosneft" has actively promoted an initiative to redistribute part of the proceeds of "Gazprom" in favor of independent producers, but now she does not have enough gas even for dogsConsumer-governmental, says the deputy director of the National Energy Security Fund Alexei Grivach. In this situation, it becomes clear that the arguments of the company on the liberalization of gas exports and the restructuring of the domestic gas market, apparently, it was not all right. It is obvious that the situation when someone does not get their gas, will not allow Grivach said. The question is whether the transfer of contracts or "Rosneft" will keep the market and will just buy gas from "Gazprom". It is important that Sechin has to offer gas company in exchange for the preservation of market shares and the reputation of a reliable supplier, says the expert.

The scale of the problem is exaggerated, an analyst at Raiffeisenbank Andrey Polishchuk. "Rosneft" and so can buy gas from "Gazprom" on the domestic market by the FTS tariffs. If the amount of such purchases will be 8 billion cubic meters. m, the loss of "Rosneft" will be about $ 20 million. For us it is a small sum, said Polishchuk.

In the context of falling oil prices the company engaged in the optimization of the portfolio, recalls managing director Karen Dashyan Advance Capital. PoeCB is not excluded that Sechin and Miller could discuss the creation of joint ventures for the development of large gas fields and the construction of costly LNG plants. In terms of sources of financing the deficit larger projects require the joint efforts, the expert concludes.