The Obama administration shares the view of corruption in the Russian government

Moscow calls the charges fiction and slander.
The opinion of the Ministry of Finance of the United States of corruption Russian President Vladimir Putin corresponds to the position of the Obama administration. This was stated by the press secretary of the White House Josh Ernest. With such an accusation one of the officials of the American Ministry of Finance made on January 25 in the plot of "hidden treasures," Mr. Putin, who has been featured on the BBC BBC. In the State Duma and the Federation Council we saw in the statement of the representative of the White House trying to "split the Russian election year" to put pressure on its leadership and at the same time "in the sunset of his political career of Barack Obama" to justify his policy failures.

"This is an estimate of the Ministry of Finance - that, I think, who best reflects the views of the administration (Barack Obamy.-" b ")," - said a spokesman for the White House Josh Ernest, commenting on the accusations the US Treasury to Vladimir Putin.

Asked about possible sanctions or criminal charges in relation to Russia in connection with the calls we heard on the BBC BBC accusations, Josh Ernest said he did not have information about this. And at the same time he recalled:Ashington never informed in advance about their plans to introduce restrictive measures.

The scandal erupted after January 25, the air Bi-bi-si left the story about the president of Russia, which sounded a comment US Treasury representative Adam Shubin: official said that Vladimir Putin is corrupt and the US government knows about it, "many years." "We have seen how he (Vladimir Putin.-" b ") contributes to the enrichment of their friends and allies, and isolation of those to whom the trust does not feed through the use of government contracts distribution. In my opinion, there is corruption component, "- said Mr. Shubin.

In response, a spokesman for the Russian president, Dmitry Peskov called Adam Shubin word "official prosecution", which is "first of all, a clear indication of who is standing at the conductor's desk, and secondly, to be proved." "If they leave such an official statement without proof, it casts a shadow on the reputation of the agency," - said Mr. Sands. The head of the Russian presidential administration Sergei Ivanov called the statement a"Rigmarole" erikanskogo the Ministry of Finance.

Moscow has already commented on and the position of the White House. "The statements of the official representative of the White House that the prosecution officer of the US Treasury in Vladimir Putin's address reflect the position of the US administration, is nothing but an attempt of the Obama administration to erase the memory of their fellow citizens everything that was promised during his election campaign, but has not been implemented ", - he assured the Secretary of the General Council of" United Russia ", State Duma Deputy speaker Sergei Neverov. He recalled that at the introduction of Barack Obama as president for the first term, "there were so many promises," but they (according to Mr Neverov) have not been fulfilled. Therefore, according to the deputy, "to somehow justify his tenure as president, in the twilight of his political career, he (Barack Obama.-" b ") has decided to seize the last opportunity to try and make their care bright." But he does it, said Sergei Neverov, "by a man who raised Russia from its knees, by which time began to pay pensions and Pozotions, by which Russian society was consolidated, Crimea reunited with Russia, and the country's national interests are put at the forefront. "

Their point of view was expressed by the head of the Federation Council's International Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev. "I think that it is a coherent and offensive position of the current administration of US President, an effort to divide the country into an election year, to put pressure on Russia to limit the possibilities of Russia in its actions in the international arena so that all available and unavailable methods to preserve this world's sole leadership States, "- he said.

On Friday morning, Vladimir Putin's address to the White House responded to the charges in the Kremlin. "The statements of my colleagues in the White House, we consider unacceptable, both from the point of view of the general practice of international relations, as well as in terms of the bilateral Russian-American relations - said the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov.- We believe this statement shocking and insulting ".