Volgograd plant displeased the US State Department

The US banned its companies to deal with Volgogradneftemash.
The list published on December 22 Russian companies came under new US sanctions, there was one of the industrial leaders of the Volgograd region - JSC "Volgogradneftemash", officially owned by "Gazprom".

In the enterprise information does not comment on, experts agree that the risk that the US authorities' actions significantly affect the operation of the plant, the minimum.

US authorities announced the second revision (the first was held in July this year) applicable to the Russian sanctions, adding a number of provisions of the previous list and introducing restrictions on Russian companies and citizens, which, according to Washington's figures, involved in circumvention of the existing measures on the schemes. Under clarification hit and JSC "Volgogradneftemash". The plant produces technological equipment for gas, oil and petrochemical industry: reactors, columns, separators, tanks, shell and tube heat exchangers, oil pumps, pipe fittings. The company is among the industry leaders in regional taxes, the average product per employee and so on. N.

Side cutPFA "Volgogradneftemash" in 2014 amounted to 7.3 billion rubles (with subsidiaries around 8 billion), net profit - 33 million rubles. According kartoteka.ru, a company 100% owned by PJSC "Gazprom", but previously one of the major founders of "Volgogradneftemash" was the LLC "Stroygazmontazh" Arkady Rotenberg.

JSC "Volgogradneftemash" made in the so-called "black list» (SDN List). It's quite tough sanctions - US companies are prohibited in any form to do business with them. In addition, it is expected that the US assets of (those of "Volgogradneftemash" directly not) are subject to freezing. Note that most of the earlier US sanctions subsequently dubbed the EU countries, with whom the Volgograd plant have commercial ties - in Italy and Germany "Volgogradneftemash" acquired equipment. Plant, according to some reports, also participated in the execution of contracts in Europe - as a subcontractor.

As explained by "Kommersant" the chairman of the Committee on Industry and Trade of the Volgograd Region Roman Bekov « loss will be fully compensated in the domestic market. " "The company is included in the list of system, the necessary measures for the possible development of such events have already been held, including the governor, who appealed to the" Rosneft "," Gazprom "and other structures to enable companies in the priority projects", - the official added. Mr. Bekov also noted that the plant should not have and problems with components for equipment - analogues produced in countries that do not join the anti-Russian sanctions.

Get the comments of the company yesterday failed.

Experts point out that the sanctions are unlikely to have a significant impact on the economy of the enterprise, which operates mainly on the domestic market, as well as with Kazakhstan and Belarus. "According to my estimates, in the short and medium term, the sanctions will not affect its operations, incl against the backdrop of the recent modernization, -.. Says financial analyst (macroeconomics, IT & consumer) THEIR" Finam "Timur Nigmatullin - and But in the long term, the company WMSis run into problems when upgrading fixed assets, joint venture or entering new markets. Given the immaterial impact of sanctions, it is advisable to focus on the management of the current activity of the plant. "

The first vice-president "supports Russia" Paul Segal also believes that US sanctions will not affect the operation of the plant. "" Volgogradneftemash "has no funding from banks and companies subordinate to the jurisdiction of the United States. The main thing that you need to minimize losses, is the availability of sources of financing of the company in the country. The support of the authorities and business partners a "Volgogradneftemash" there, so there is virtually no risk ", - said Mr. Siegel.