Vladimir Putin as a tsar

The Economist magazine again placed on the cover of a fresh issue a photo of Russian President Vladimir Putin. This time, journalists decided to reflect on the similarity of the president's policy with the rule of Russian monarchs. For clarity, Putin dressed in a stylized costume of a tsar.
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The Economist edition placed on the cover of the next issue a photo collage, in which Vladimir Putin is depicted in the king's suit. The picture is supplied with a sarcastic signature: "The tsar was born 100 years after the revolution". The article, which is illustrated by a scandalous cover, reports that liberal reformers and conservative traditionalists in Russia call the president the king of the 21st century. The Twitter edition notes that the Russian Federation is under the rule of the "monarch", while the world celebrates the centennial anniversary of the revolution.

As the authors of the material note, the Russian leader gained this status, relieving the state of the chaos of the 90s and forcing other countries to take into account Moscow's opinion. Journalists believe that the main danger threatening Putin's "rule" lies in the "revival of the Bolsheviks", rather than mass appearances on the type of color revolutions. Under the current conditions, the president will have to solve the problem that has puzzled the Russian monarchs - to modernize the country, following the western way in terms of civil rights, or to oppose changes, thereby preserving stability. According to journalists, the Russian leader decided to entrust economic issues to technocrat liberals, and power to ex-KGB employees. The publication also notes that Putin strengthens power by repression and entry into military conflicts.

The publication is used to demonizing the Russian leader

The authors of the article are concerned that in the absence of a real democracy in the country, the power that the Russian leader will eventually have to hand over will become a matter of conflict. According to journalists, the struggle for power will tear the country apart. The edition repeatedly placed on its cover the image of Putin. For example, in October of last year, the editorial board made the topic "Putinism" and put on the cover the image of the president of the Russian Federation with two fighters instead of pupils. A month later, the Russian leader was again on the cover of the magazine. This time the "company" was made up by the leader of the "National Front" Marin Le Pen, the future President of the United States Donald Trump, as well as the head of the Independence Party of Great Britain Nigel Farage.