The Last Conquistador: how Igor Sechin is fighting for the oil dominance

The president of Rosneft have made his way from a statesman to the country's highest paid top manager in a year and a half. How does the former offiial cope with his new job?
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Igor Sechin retrained from government officials in management all year and a half ago. During this time entrusted to him "Rosneft" has bought the assets of 2 trillion rubles, and has become the largest public oil and gas company in the world. And the first Sechin headed the rating of the most expensive Russian top managers, according to Forbes. As a former secretary of Vladimir Putin to cope with new responsibilities and what happened to his income?

Parade ambitions

"We see the government come and go", - said one former head of Exxon Mobil Lee Raymond. At this corporation glorious history: Exxon Mobil - a direct descendant founded more than 140 years ago by John Rockefeller Standard Oil. On its fuel in 1903, the Wright brothers first flew the machine with the engine is heavier than air, and after half a century made the first transatlantic flight Boeing 707 airline Pan American Airways. No one, even the protracted political cycle can not be compared with the history of the business empire. Perhaps this thought warmed Igor Sechin, when in May 2012 interrupted his 25-year career officer.

Since 1991, according to Sechindnimalsya the ladder after Vladimir Putin. And when he returned for the third time to the presidency, a logical destination for Sechin would head the administration. However, the post went to Sergei Ivanov. Go Sechin in "Rosneft" many perceived almost as a slide. But not very Sechin, who "strongly inspired by the example [Rex] Tillerson [acting CEO of Exxon Mobil]», shares his observations of one of the oldest slave Sechin.

In April 2012, "Rosneft" in the presence of Vladimir Putin, signed with Exxon Mobil agreed to work together in the waters of the Black and Kara seas. "Igor was the first time acquainted with Rex, they have developed good relations - says Forbes said. - People from Exxon Mobil held as if they spit on Obama and Congress - all are gone, they will remain. " In Washington, Exxon Mobil operates one of the largest lobbying organizations, whose staff - two dozen former senators and House members. "This corporation is so great and moguschestvenna that quite seriously guided by its own foreign policy <...>. Sometimes it coincides with US interests, sometimes not ", - writes The New York Times in a review of a book by Steve Coll" private empire "of Exxon Mobil.
As head of "Rosneft", Sechin joined the parade of ambitions.

March 22, 2013, the day after the closing of the purchase of TNK-BP, one of the newspapers came out with the headline "status: the number one." "From today, the Russian company officially became the largest public oil company in the world", - stated in the article. Then came figures from Putin and greetings. On oil "Rosneft" for the first time surpassed Exxon Mobil slightly more in 2010 - because of the "Arab Spring" of the Americans dropped production in North Africa and the Middle East. But after the purchase of TNK-BP, the Russian state-owned company became inaccessible to competitors - in the III quarter of its daily liquids production surpassed Exxon Mobil figure doubled.

In addition to the status of completion of the statesman's career gave Sechin opportunity "absolutely legally be very compyours elf man, "said one of his friends. Annual income Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, according to his declaration, made in 2011, 3.1 million rubles (his wife then declared the nearly 9 million rubles). In the new Forbes ranking the highest paid top managers of Russian companies Sechin - on top. His compensation for 2012 is estimated by experts at $ 50 million - about 17% of the total compensation of top managers of "Rosneft". Representative of these estimates is not commenting.

Sechin quickly found a use which grew revenue. In August, he reported on the purchase 0.0849% of the shares of "Rosneft". The exchange of such a package was worth then about 2 billion rubles. Options Program in the company do not have to deal the president had "partly" to attract credit, he explained "Rosneft". The loan is granted Gazprombank. Since the purchase Sechin package rose by 2%.

Along with Sechin large blocks of shares of "Rosneft" (about 800 million rubles) gained 15 top managers of the company, among them 10 members of the board. This is evidence of staff confidence in the successful development of the company,"Rosneft" reported. Previously, such purchases were instructed to spend bonuses, are now managers have, for example Sechin also borrow money. Demonstrating loyalty may cost them to do if quoted prices will go down. But to take profits by selling shares, it is considered bad form. The proposal to invest in the shares of "Rosneft" received some of Sechin personally: "Well, how are you, our results like? Then buy it. "

"Robbers" from TNK-BP

"Forget the word, this abbreviation!" Sechin clearly touched a reporter's question about how the corporate standards of TNK-BP took root in "Rosneft". "Forget! There is a "Rosneft" and its global best practices. All that corresponded to the highest international standards in TNC has long been incorporated and works for us, "- cut off the former Deputy Prime Minister.

Buying TNK-BP «Rosneft" has become the biggest deal in the history of Russian business. For her, the state company paid cash and shares 1.7 trillion rubles. Now "Rosneft" accounted for 40% of Russian oil production and 5% - of the world.

"Sechin very speyl with this transaction, - says one of its members. - It is said even that he summoned the Russian employees of a western investment banks working on the purchase of TNK-BP, and begged them to accelerate. The argument was this: each day of delay owners of TNK-BP, Russia continues to rob. " Sechin could mean interest rates, which "Rosneft" was forced to pay the shareholders of TNK-BP since the signing of agreements on the purchase of the company until the end of the calculations. In the five months of waiting, BP was to receive about $ 240 million, the consortium AAR ( "Alfa-Group», Access Industries and "Renova") - $ 440 million.

The deal was closed in March 2013. But to get rid of TNK-BP's shareholders Sechin failed so far. The main assets of TNK-BP is owned by the Russian "TNK-BP". A little more than 5% of its shares - in the hands of minority shareholders. These were mainly investors from among western banks and funds - Templeton, Blackrock, BNP Paribas, Prosperity and others. Before joining "Rosneft" Holding paid a dividend of 40-90% of the profits. But Sechin quickly made it clear that is not going to follow this Practke. "It's all our money", - he said in October 2012, referring to the funds on the balance sheet, "TNK-BP". Holding Quotes on the day collapsed by 17.5%. But Sechin did not matter. Legal obligations to the minority shareholders of the company being bought - to buy their shares, to convert them into shares of "Rosneft", or continue to pay dividends - it was not.

Nightmare Moebius

"Then it all happened like in a bad dream, - says fund manager, is in the top 10 largest shareholders," TNK-BP ". - Sechin spoke regularly on our subject and his every statement quotes drenched. "
"He seemed nailed the last nail in the coffin with the inscription" Russian investment climate, "- shares his feelings other shareholder," TNK-BP ".

With public criticism of actions of "Rosneft" and made financial guru - the head of Templeton Mark Mobius. But it was useless.
At the annual meeting in June minorities "TNK-BP" was asked to approve the renaming of the company to "H Holding "and the refusal of the payment of dividends for 2012. No Mobius or other status of shareholders in the hall of "President Hotel", where the meeting took place, it was not. But there were about 70 angry Russian citizens. "Where's the money? Why are all a thing of the "Rosneft ?!" - shouted from the audience. "We are in a nightmare could not have dreamed that the state in the face of" Rosneft "Igor Sechin, and this to us," - outraged one of the minority shareholders.