American users don't want Kaspersky even for free

The developers of the antivirus say that they stole someone else's secrets accidentally and they will not do it any more.
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"Kaspersky Lab" is feverishly trying to suppress the scandal associated with the theft of secret files of the US National Security Agency through its antivirus programs. Further, it is no longer possible to deny the obvious, now the developers of the anti-virus product already recognize the cybercrimination, but they explain the accident by accident. According to the new version, voiced by Eugene Kaspersky himself, when the company's analysts were convinced (not specified how) that the secret designs were in front of them, the corresponding files were destroyed.

This version does not coincide with the American one, announced through The New York Times and The Washington Post, according to which the Russian company actively uses stolen US programs for digital surveillance. According to the US media, in October, Israeli government hackers discovered in Kaspersky Lab's computer tools for hacking, which before could have been only with the NSA. Israel warned the American special services about this. The NSA conducted an investigation and confirmed that these means of hacking are available to the Russian government.

The NSA funds were accidentally downloaded by Kaspersky when the company investigated the target attack by the hacking group Equation Group, which was then linked to the NSA, the Russian side assures. Specific computer in the US, which the media associated with an employee of the NSA, "Laboratory" began to check in search of traces Equation Group. From the "Lab" message it follows that the owner of the machine launched the Kaspersky antivirus after he infected himself by downloading the pirated version of Microsoft Office. The anti-virus cured the computer, but noticed on it the files of the Equation Group in the user's archive, and as a result, the archive was compressed to Moscow for analysis.

As reported by the agency "Ruspres", the US has long suspected "Kaspersky Lab" in its relations with Russian special services. On July 12, the White House excluded the company from the list of software vendors whose products are approved for use by US government agencies, within three months the state authorities of the country should stop using the products and services of Kaspersky Lab.

"Laboratory" does not disclose how much it currently earns on the US public sector, but Vedomosti suggest that in 2016, North America accounted for up to 24.3% of the company's total revenue (for the year they amounted to $ 644 million). Active attempts of "Laboratory" to explain the evidence that the company is trying to do everything possible to stay here. One of the last desperate attempts of "Laboratory" to keep its niche in the market - the release of the free Kaspersky Free anti-virus for US users has not yet led to the expected results.