The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation recognized Valery Pshenichny as a suicide

Earlier, Novaya Gazeta reported that on the body of the businessman who died in the pre-trial detention center there were signs of torture. The investigation did not refute this and allowed that Pshenichny "could bring to suicide."
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The cause of death of businessman Valery Pshenichny, found dead in the pre-trial detention center of St. Petersburg, was suicide. This, according to TASS, said the head of the Main Investigation Department of the UK in St. Petersburg, Alexander Klaus.

Klaus noted that, despite the establishment of the cause of death, the investigation continues to study the circumstances of the death of Pshenichny. Among the tested versions there is also the bringing to suicide. "It has been reliably established that there has been a suicide. In the motives, we understand whether there was a lead to suicide, if so, on whose part - on the part of the investigating authorities, the enforcement service of punishment, cellmates? All this is worked out, "- said the head of the department.

Businessman Valery Pshenichny, ex-general director of Novit Pro, was found dead in a detention cell in St. Petersburg on February 5. In January 2018, he was arrested in the case of the theft of 100 million rubles. when executing state contracts for the Ministry of Defense. Charges were brought against him under part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud in a particularly large amount).

As stated immediately after the death of a businessman in the FSIN, Pshenichny tried to commit suicide. However, on April 17, Novaya Gazeta reported with reference to the examination data that traces of torture were found on Pshenichny's body, and his death could have been violent. After this, the FSIN renewed the verification of the circumstances of the businessman's death.