Sergey Slastikhin escaped from the "Roskosmos" to the USA

The TFR has been put on the international wanted list on charges of fraud of Sergey Slastikhin, the owner of a construction company - a large contractor of Roskosmos with a permit for state secrets. The investigation alleges that the businessman fled to the United States.
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To the USA with the FSB license

The Investigative Committee announced the international search of the owner of the construction company, the contractor for the Roskosmos facilities, OOO Engineering Systems, Sergey Slastikhin, who is charged with a large amount of fraud (Article 159, part 4 of the Criminal Code). This was stated by the representative of the TFR at a meeting of the Moscow Basmanny Court, which on Thursday, September 20, arrested Slastikhin in absentia.

"It is established that the accused is hiding outside the Russian Federation, currently in the United States," the investigator said at the meeting.

The interlocutor of RBC, who was familiar with the investigation, told that Slastikhin appears in several criminal cases related to the construction of Roskosmos, the damage that could amount to "hundreds of millions of rubles."

Now "Engineering systems" are in a state of bankruptcy. The official website of the company specified in the SPARK database is accessible only through the web.archive service. In its saved version, more than a dozen objects of the operator of Russian cosmodromes are listed among the projects of FSUE "Center for the Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities" (CENSCI). In addition, a copy of the FSB license was retained for the admission of OOO "Engineering systems" to work with information containing state secrets and licenses of Roskosmos for work in the space industry.

Among the contracts of the "Engineering Systems" are the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the facilities of the Krainyi aerodrome (Baikonur Cosmodrome), the reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the mechanical shop of the TsENKI branch - the Design Bureau of Transport and Chemical Engineering (CB TKhM), which, inter alia, provides warranty supervision of the systems and units operated on the serial objects of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as the reconstruction of the administrative buildings of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Center" Zvezdny "" Roskosm wasp".

"Work with the companies Slastikhin was discontinued about three years ago. Before that, as a contractor, he participated in the work on the headquarters of Roskosmos on the Berezhkovskaya Embankment in Moscow and built administrative buildings on Baikonur, "said a source close to the state corporation RBC.

Missing accounts department

In the materials of the Arbitration Court of Moscow on the bankruptcy of the "Engineering Systems" with reference to the conclusions of the FTS audit, it is asserted that the businessman who was wanted was also in fact controlling the companies "GlobalStroy" and "Construction Strategy" who "performed the same type of construction work within the state contract on the facilities of FSUE TsENKI. They have the same legal address, the employees of OOO "Engineering systems" held executive positions in OOO GlobalStroy and OOO Strategy for Construction. The last two firms, as the court points out, "did not function as independent legal entities, but were controlled by the" Engineering Systems ". According to SPARK, all three companies have branches in the city of Baikonur at the address: Barmina Street, 8B.

Among the customers of GlobalStroy and the Construction Strategy are also the structures of Roskosmos, mainly CENKI, including the Center for the Elimination of Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which is part of it.

According to the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court of July 23, 2018 in the case of the bankruptcy of LLC "Engineering Systems", Slastikhin was brought to subsidiary liability for his company's obligations amounting to 908 million rubles. Among these requirements, more than 200 million rubles are included, which they tried to collect from the "Engineering Systems" of CENSCI.

In the ruling of the arbitration court of July 23, it is stressed that the management of the company did not transfer accounting documentation to the bankruptcy administrator, as required by the procedure, because of which it was not possible to identify the debtor's assets, to check and challenge the transactions.

From the materials that Judge Yuliya Safina read at the meeting as Delistikhin was punished, it follows that the absentee accusation against the businessman was filed on August 7. The very next day he was declared a federal wanted list, and on September 11 - on an international one.

The lawyer of the accused Nail Andronikov objected to Slastikhin's arrest in absentia, because, according to the defense, his guilt is not sufficiently confirmed by the case materials. At the same time, he added that he can not now contact Slastikhin to find out his position on the case.

The lawyer refused to discuss the matter with RBC. In the press service of the Center for Strategic Research, RBC, they stated that they do not comment on the investigative actions at the enterprise.

Cleaning in "Roskosmos"

In May 2018 Dmitry Rogozin was appointed head of Roskosmos. In late June, he asked the Accounting Chamber to check the enterprises of the rocket and space industry. Prior to that, the head of the chamber, Alexei Kudrin, reported that in 2017 the Accounting Chamber had identified in the space industry financial violations amounting to 1,865 trillion rubles. and 40% of these violations (760 billion rubles.) fell on Roskosmos.

After the order of Rogozin, the checks took place at the RSC Energia, which is engaged in the development and production of Soyuz rockets and Progress space vehicles. In early July, this division of the state corporation was replaced by the head: Vladimir Solntsev, who worked as the general director of Energia since 2014, wrote a statement of resignation at his own request. Personnel reshuffles after the arrival of Rogozin occurred in other structures of Roskosmos: JSC GLONASS (operator of the same name system) and NGO them. Lavochkin.

In May, RBC reported on the searches carried out by the CID in the apartments of the CENKI employees in the case of embezzlement of 7.6 million rubles. Two weeks after this, the post of the general director of the Center for Economic and Social Affairs left Rano Juraeva, who headed the center since May 2015.

At the end of July, law enforcement agencies conducted searches at the United Space Missile Corporation and the head scientific institute of Roskosmos TsNIIMash. Soon, within the framework of the case on state treason, a 74-year-old employee of the Central Research Institute of the Economy Viktor Kudryavtsev was arrested. As RBC wrote, he is charged with the transfer of secret information to the Von Karman Institute in Belgium, which, according to the FSB, is a "NATO structure".

Also in July on suspicion of fraud detained the head of the NGO them. Lavochkin Sergey Lemeshevsky and the company's lawyer Ekaterina Averyanova. According to investigators, they spent 330 million rubles. companies for legal services, although the company had full-time lawyers. Lemeshevsky explained his persecution by revenge on the part of Roskosmos.

In August, the court arrested deputy director of RSC Energia Alexei Beloborodov, who was accused of attempting to fraud for 31.6 million rubles. According to media reports, the case was opened after the general director of the counterparty company appealed to the FSB with a complaint that the employees of the RKK extorted from him the rollback. One of the two detained employees eventually gave testimony to Beloborodov.