Senator Klintsevich paid for talkativeness

His comments to the media were dissatisfied with the Ministry of Defense.
The committee on defense and security of the upper house of parliament will be reshuffled: the first deputy chairman of the committee Franz Klintsevich will become an ordinary member of the committee, RIA Novosti reported on Monday referring to a source in the upper house of parliament. According to the interlocutor of the agency, Klintsevich already wrote a statement. The interlocutor of Vedomosti in the Federation Council confirmed that Klintsevich intends to leave the post of first deputy chairman of the committee, but it was difficult to name the reason. The press service of Klintsevich declined to comment. Another interlocutor in the upper house of parliament noted that the comments of Klintsevich were dissatisfied with the Ministry of Defense and the process of dismissing the post was launched from there. The first deputy chairman of the defense committee could become the senator from Karelia Alexander Rakitin, who until September last occupied the post of head of the Russian FSB (military counterintelligence) directorate for the Western Military District.

Klintsevich's comments did not always reflect the official line, and sometimes could bring harm, says a man close to the leadership of the Ministry of Defense. This happened on February 7, when the senator said that the Syrian special forces are making their way to the site of the fall of the Russian Su-25 attack aircraft in the province of Idlib: this was at a time when Russian and Turkish special services jointly conducted an operation to obtain the body of the deceased major Roman Filipov, the interlocutor said. "Vedomosti". The fact that Klintsevich was the deputy chairman of the committee gave the official weight in the eyes of foreigners to his words, which often did not correspond to reality, the opinion of the rank-and-file senator would not have such a resonance, he notes.

Prior to his appointment to the Federation Council from the Smolensk region in 2015, Klintsevich was a deputy of the State Duma of four convocations. In April 2017, the head of the Invalides of the War, Andrey Chepurnoy (removed later from this post and under investigation), criticized Klintsevich, chairman of the Russian Union of Afghanistan Veterans, at a meeting of the organizing committee for the Victory Day in the presence of Vladimir Putin. Chepurnoy said that Klintsevich threatens the Afghans with leaflets, in which it is said that State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin is the president's successor. This was entrusted to investigate the first deputy head of the administration Sergei Kiriyenko. Officials familiar with the situation, then noted that the conflict could not result in public space without the knowledge of the presidential administration.

Klintsevich became a bright speaker on military topics and some of his statements clearly went beyond the corridor of his capabilities, which he had to outline, says political analyst Konstantin Kalachev. It's no surprise that the Defense Ministry is showing an interest in coordinating statements with it, Kalachev said. "Apparently, it was needed when it was necessary to inject. Now it is not necessary to inject, and it is obvious that the injection will only get worse, so in its place there should be a person with a more restrained point of view, "the expert concludes.