Pavel Durov decided not to return to Russia

The founder of "VKontakte" Pavel Durov, who was dismissed from the post of director general of the social network on Monday and is currently abroad, "has not plans" to Russia. He said that to portal
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"I'm not in Russia and do not plan to return. Unfortunately, this country is incompatible with Internet business at the present time ", - he told reporters Durov portal.

Durov said that maybe this year will start work on a mobile social network. According to him, the last steps "VKontakte" shareholders were the last nail in the coffin for him and the social network. "I am afraid that there is no turning back. Not after I publicly refused to cooperate with the authorities. They can not make me ", - said Durov. suggests that Durov has decided to develop a completely new product outside of Russia, using the experience of the messenger Telegram, but stresses that the founder of "VKontakte" specifically did not say that.

In March, Durov posted on his page "VKontakte" a list of seven reasons that should remain in Russia. The main reason for failure of emigration, in his opinion, it is lower taxes. The second and third place in the list - "talented people", which, according to Durov, are "the main asset of Russia" and "the god of natureCTBA. " "Russia is in the lead in terms of volume and variety of natural resources that are available on its territory. These resources - a bottomless source of wealth for dozens of future generations of Russians ", - wrote the creator of" VC ".

Pavel Durov said April 1 that leaves the post of general director of "VKontakte". Sources close to the management of social networks, said of Forbes, that the resignation Durov wrote on March 21. On the night before the meeting of the Board of Directors, which was planned to consider the application, Durov sent to members of the Board by e-mail a letter of withdrawal of the declaration. Later, he explained that a public statement of resignation was necessary "to collect information."

On Monday, April 21 the executive director of "VKontakte" Dmitry Sergeev said the dismissal Durov. According to Sergeyev, the founder of the social network "legally" and not withdrawn his resignation in the prescribed 30-day period the legislation, and the satisfaction of the application it is "the only possible legitimate decision." Durov himself said that he learned of his dismissal "from the press & raquo ;, and Shareholders social network "does not have the courage" to tell him about it directly. He also said of Forbes, which recall resignations could be regarded as incorrectly issued because "it's an email, rather than a scan with the signature" and said that "will understand." He also said that now "VKontakte" "goes under the full control of Igor Sechin and Alisher Usmanov."

On Tuesday, April 22, Yuri Kachuro - partner UCP Fund, which owns 48% "VKontakte", said the fund does not consider Durov resigned from the post of general director of the social network "fait accompli." According to him, the Fund believe that Sergeev, taking a decision without discussion with the Board of Directors, "manifestly exceeded its powers." Sergeev has denied these accusations.
In late January, Durov said it sold its stake (12%) in "VKontakte" CEO "MegaFon" and co-owner of the holding YUTV Ivan Tavrin 170, and thus ceased to be a shareholder of the network. At the same time, he said he was not going to leave the social network and remains on the General Director's position.

Tavrin, in turn, in March, has sold its share of interNo company Group, controlled by his business partner Alisher Usmanov. Thus, Group has selected the fund UCP status of "VKontakte" the largest shareholder and became the owner of 51.99% of social network. Ivan Tavrin explained the sale of its share of "VKontakte" "profound conflict" between Paul Durov and UCP.

In April, Durov issued a statement in which he confessed that he had to sell his stake in the "VC" due to a conflict with the FSB, that in December 2013 she asked to provide personal data organizers euromaidan groups. The creator of "VC" said he refused to do so, and added that the issue of personal data Ukrainians Russian authorities would be in violation of the law, as well as a "betrayal of all those millions of people in Ukraine who have trusted us."

The decision to make the information about the queries in a public plane maker "VKontakte" explained that recent pressure on staff "VKontakte" in connection with the neglect of these requests has increased significantly. He believes that it is connected with the events in Ukraine.