Damage by the "Mutual Credit Society" pyramid reached half a billion rubles

The investigation has clarified that about 600 customers of the investment cooperative lost 500 million rubles.
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The investigation of the sensational multi-million dollar investment fraud a criminal case of the cooperative "Mutual Credit Society" (PIC HVAC) is gaining momentum. According to "Izvestia", the number of victims from the biggest recent Russian financial pyramid had already increased to 600 people, and the initial amount of damage has increased from 20 million to 500 million rubles. Involved in the case have 20 people have been fraud, and four former heads of groups, against whom a criminal case is also about the organization of a criminal community, the federal wanted list.

Sources of "News" in the Interior Ministry said that the victims in the criminal case of fraud appear already 600 people, but this figure is not final. According to the most conservative estimates, the gullible investors lost in the PIC HVAC about 500 million rubles.

pyramid scheme differed little from those of: speculators were given on the internet and the media a massive advertising on attracting additional funds for various construction projects at high interest rates.

- People call them, refined terms of the loan, and roguestold them a story that they build large objects, businesses and luxury housing, which quickly sold on the market, so it turns out, such a high rate of return, - told "Izvestia" a source in the Interior Ministry. - Managers promised yield of 3-15% per month.

Trusting people believed managers brought to the offices of HVAC their money and signed contracts for a year or two. The amounts of loans were also different - from 100 thousand rubles to 15 million rubles.. Usually, the first few months of the customers did get the promised interest, however, as it turned out, they are paid at the expense of the money received from new customers. When the payments stopped and disappointed investors come to understand the HVAC offices, managers are usually referred to a temporary problem with the sale of objects and urged them to be patient a little longer. Clients bribed what they promised to increase the interest rate on deposits in the future. On these promises HVAC managed to hold out for five years, from 2007 to 2012.

- In April 2013, CSO MIA in Moscow initiated on the fact of customers of fraud criminal case under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code ( "Fraud"), knowingemymi involving eight people, - told "Izvestia", the press service of the Interior Ministry. - Now the circle of suspects has grown to 20 people. This guide, managers, tellers and couriers. Develop group was quite difficult, because its members were hiding from the investigation, by 4-5 times changed names and other data.

It soon became clear that HVAC has several branches in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Chelyabinsk.

- In this connection against the employees and management of the company was further initiated a criminal case under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code ( "organization of a criminal association or participation in it"), - the "News" in the Interior Ministry. - Four people who controlled the group, but did not appear in the official founding documents, is concealed from the investigation and declared the federal wanted list.

Art. 210 of the Criminal Code is considered to be particularly serious, and the persons involved in it tend to become leaders and militants violent criminal gangs. If ordinary participants OPS faces up to 15 years in prison, the organizers can get and a life sentence.