A preventive measure for 60 thousand per month

Nationalist Alexander Potkin was placed under house arrest in a rented apartment.
Tver Court of Moscow yesterday sent under house arrest of the former leader of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration, a known nationalist Alexander Potkina (Belova). He was charged with complicity in the legalization of BTA Bank assets stolen from investors in the interests of the former owner of Bank Mukhtar Ablyazov. Nationalist with the family will stay in a rented apartment on the street Marshal Zakharov, where at the moment and for which pay 60 thousand. Rub. per month. The request of the accused and the protection of the pledge in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. Court dismissed.

Consideration of the request of the investigation of the measure of restraint for the former leader of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration Alexander Potkina (Belova) Tver court began with ninety-minute delay - long suspected traditionally delivered due to traffic jams. Support ally came to court nationalist Dmitry Demushkin, Konstantin Krylov Ivan Mironov.

Imputes to Alexander Potkin Art. 174 of the Criminal Code (the legalization of proceeds from crime) does not imply the content of the jail during the investigation, so even before the Interior Ministry told the media that the agency will apply for house arrest. However, at the last moment the situation is mSFA change: the prosecutor unexpectedly asked the judge to postpone the meeting for 72 hours. According to him, shortly before the meeting of the police investigation documents received from Kazakhstan, where in relation to the matter being investigated Potkina nationalist extremism (in this regard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that preparing to hand over materials on the jurisdiction - in SKR). The prosecutor said that it takes time to study the documents received, after which they can be attached to the materials already investigated the case. In this case, Alexander Potkin can be brought a new charge.

However, the court rejected the prosecutor. Presiding supported himself a nationalist. "I'm under house arrest, where shall I go?" - he asked.

Motivating the request for the conclusion of Potkina under house arrest, the investigation a representative (case is Department of Investigation Ministry of Internal Affairs) noted that he does not live at the place of residence, is constantly changing rented apartments and mobile phone numbers and does not have a permanent job, so it may not be available for the investigation. In addition, according to the investigation, Aleksandr Potkin able to put pressure on the witnesses in his case. Investigator Nicholas Budilo also reminded the court that several defendants in the investigation of theft of funds of BTA Bank already sentenced to long terms, while several people are still being sought (in particular, in France there is a trial on the question of extradition to Russia of Mukhtar Ablyazov). Mr. Budilo said that during a search of Alexander Potkina were found documents relating to illegal bred in Russian assets of BTA Bank, which the accused drove. One of the documents, according to investigators, during his detention at the hotel "Intourist Kolomenskoye" nationalist, has managed "to the eyes of the witnesses" to eat.

"Please put him under house arrest at the place of residence of his wife and two young children will let the education of children." - Concluded Mr. Budilo. The prosecutor was fully in agreement with the investigator.

Against the house arrest made himself a nationalist, and his lawyer. Both insisted that there was no real reason for this measure and consequently not represented. in particularand Igor Popovski lawyer argued that his client had "changed his place of residence within the same village," so do not intend to hide. With regard to witnesses, on which, as the result, a nationalist could put pressure, then their names, according to the defense, in the materials of the case is encrypted, so Potkin can not identify them. Sam Alexander Potkin said that the blame does not recognize and does not understand the essence of the charges in his address. He also noted that the purpose of their detention said the intention of the law enforcement agencies to prevent its occurrence on November 4 "Russian March", a member of the organizing committee of which he is. "I do not represent any threat to anyone," - said Alexander Potkin, noting also that he has a number of chronic diseases - prostatitis, arthritis, as well as a broken spine. According to the suspect, he is ready to make for themselves a deposit of 1.5 million rubles., "Deferred to repair."

Recall, the former leader of the Movement Against Illegal Immigration was arrested on October 15 in the framework of investigation of theft of funds of depositors of BTA Bank totaling $ 5 billion. According to investigationAcquainted with the then owner of the Bank Mukhtar Ablyazov, Alexander Potkin first on his behalf established relations with the Kazakh nationalists who intended to use the banker in the confrontation with the authorities of their country, and then began to manage the most liquid bank in stolen assets - land area of ​​2.49 thousand . ha in the Domodedovo district of Moscow region.

As a result, after hearing the parties, the court placed Alexander Potkina under house arrest until November 30. At the end of the session was unexpectedly found out that the apartment in which the registered Potkin, is being sold. Therefore, it will be kept in a rented apartment on the street Marshal Zakharov, where he now lives and for which pay 60 thousand. Rub. per month.